The space here was large enough, and Jiang Yuan instantly returned to his humanoid state.

The perceptual skills were still shielded to only one meter, and the doctor couldn't be contacted.

Jiang Yuan didn't know if the voice was made by the doctor, he first looked at the glowing hedron inlaid on the walls around him, and cut off a piece.

Milky white, with a faint shimmer, it is this hedron that illuminates the cave.

I put it in my mouth and took a bite, it was crunchy, tasteless, and I didn't get any system prompts.

But Jiang Yuan still got some of them and put them in the storage space, this kind of thing might be able to be used one day.

This underground cave was intricate, but Jiang Yuan still recognized the location where the voice came from and quietly walked over.

Entering a cave, Jiang Yuan had just taken two steps when he suddenly heard movement behind him and turned back sharply.

There was no one behind him, but Jiang Yuan was sure that he had heard correctly, there must have been something behind him peeping at him just now!

The limited perception skill made Jiang Yuan have to act cautiously, and the killing state changed directly, and he slowly walked towards the location of the cave entrance.

Sticking to the wall, after making sure that there was no breath of life around the corner, Jiang Yuan leaned out.

The entire cave remained unusually quiet, and no moving objects were found.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yuan took out a milky white spar and threw it into the distance.

Dangdang Dang....

Still nothing happens.

Jiang Yuan's brows furrowed, was he too cautious and had the illusion?

As soon as this thought arose, it was immediately denied by Jiang Yuan, the cold peeping feeling just now was too real, this underground cave was under the blood pool, revealing weirdness everywhere, it was always right to be careful.

Continuing to maintain his killing form, Jiang Yuan turned around and continued to look for the source of the tinkling sound.

After turning dozens of corners in a row, Jiang Yuan leaned against the wall and quietly poked his head out.

| ᴥ•́ )✧

Not far away, there is a humanoid machine, holding a hammer in one hand and an iron cone in the other.

The clinking sound is the sound of the hammer striking the iron cone.

Jiang Yuan's eyes narrowed, staring at the place where the iron cone was pierced.

It was a film that emitted a faint red glow, and there were dense lines on it, as if... Vascular general.

Is it a doctor?

Jiang Yuan walked out of the cave slowly, silently approaching the humanoid machine.

Five meters... Four meters....

Finally, this humanoid machine reached Jiang Yuan's perceptual range.

Without the breath of life, this is just a mere machine.

[Ding, special task trigger, destroy the mechanical body.] 【

Mission Requirements: Destroy ten unconscious mechs in the cave Difficulty: 5-star hell Time limit: None】

【Mission Reward: The Black Mountain controlled by the host will be specially transformed by the system. [

Failure Punishment: Forced headstand for three days.

Jiang Yuan: "?!"

5-star hell difficulty? What the hell!

Just as he was about to ask, Jiang Yuan's pupils suddenly shrank wildly, and an unprecedented sense of crisis struck in an instant.

"Flash!" roared

in his heart, Jiang Yuan didn't think about it at all, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

After the flash ended, Jiang Yuan looked at his broken arm in horror, unable to calm down for a long time.

Just now, the humanoid machine without any breath of life suddenly launched an attack on him, and the speed and power completely surpassed

Jiang Yuan! The nano suit on the arm was completely smashed by that hammer and was being quickly repaired, and Jiang Yuan's arm was also being quickly repaired.

"Jiang Yuan, you really came down!" A

voice suddenly sounded, Jiang Yuan turned his head to look, and the doctor's figure was slowly revealed not far away.

Because the powerful hammer just now disrupted the stealth function of the nano suit, Jiang Yuan briefly appeared, and only then was discovered by the doctor.

"Are you injured?"

the doctor looked at Jiang Yuan's recovering arm, and just wanted to ask, a loud collision suddenly sounded in the passage.

The next moment, the cold light in the doctor's eyes flickered, and the palms of his hands suddenly lit up with white light, and he shouted softly: "Squat!"

Jiang Yuan immediately squatted, and at the same time quickly rushed in the direction of the doctor.


A scorching white ray burst out from the doctor's palm, grazing the top of Jiang Yuan's head.

After doing all this, the doctor didn't look at the results at all, and immediately caught up with Jiang Yuan.

"Damn, what the hell did you provoke!" "

A humanoid machine, I thought it was you at first, but now it doesn't seem to be.


Jiang Yuan clearly sensed the change in the doctor's tone, and seemed to react greatly to the four words humanoid machinery.


, the front of the passage was suddenly knocked open, and a humanoid machine appeared in front of Jiang Yuan and Dr. He.

Jiang Yuan's face changed, this new guy was not the one he had just met!

" The target found and began to clear it. The

humanoid machine made an emotionless sound, and a pair of electronic eyes quickly turned red, and the next moment it rushed towards Jiang Yuan and Dr. He.

Jiang Yuan was shocked, he and the doctor were obviously incognito when they escaped, how did this machine find them?

There was still a loud sound coming from behind, and it was obvious that there was another machine chasing after them.

Gritting his teeth, Jiang Yuan's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

We have to fight

!"Bloodthirsty Maniacs..."


Just as Jiang Yuan was about to start the bloodthirsty killing, the Doctor suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes, colliding with the machine violently.

The huge shock wave generated by the collision between the two actually shook the passage to collapse!

Jiang Yuan stared at this scene, and his body turned into an afterimage to dodge the various ray weapons launched by the doctor and the machine.

Bang bang bang!

The fight between the two machines was actually the doctor who had a slight upper hand

! Jiang Yuan: "..."Is the doctor so biting?

!" What are you doing in a daze! Help!"

Seeing that Jiang Yuan

only knew how to dodge, the doctor shouted in obvious annoyance.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Yuan's form changed slightly.

This is the best form of combat simulated by Combat Mastery after observing the Doctor's battle with the humanoid machine.

A stick appeared in his hand, and a red briefs and a brick floated around him.

The opponent's attack was too terrifying, and the nano suit couldn't stop it, so Jiang Yuan could only rely on these three drawn items.

A few more rays struck, and Jiang Yuan immediately used his telekinesis to control the triangle red underwear and the bricks to block it, and at the same time, the useless stick was also waved.

The result did not disappoint Jiang Yuan, whether it was the doctor's attack or the attack of the unknown humanoid machine, these three things were blocked.

After knowing the bottom in his heart, Jiang Yuan swallowed a rapid pill, but did not activate the bloodthirsty killing skill.

The task of the system is to destroy ten machines, but there are not necessarily only ten machines in this underground cavern.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if the doctor is dead, let the doctor drag it first

!" "Doctor, there are at least ten of these things, it won't be good if they are surrounded, let's fight in an open place!"

"Ten? Forget it, listen to you, change places!" The

next moment, the metal of the doctor's arm suddenly turned into a huge metal claw, directly clamped the brains of the humanoid machine, and threw it out violently.

"Follow me!"


the author has something to say:

eat melons

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