Neither Jiang Yuan nor the Doctor used spatial abilities, and used the most violent methods.

Although the surrounding rocks were harder than ordinary rocks, the doctor and Jiang Yuan were still able to break through them easily.

Shuttling all the way, Jiang Yuan and Dr. soon came to an unusually wide place.

The robot that had been thrown away by the Doctor quickly caught up, followed by two identical companions.

"Target locked, start clearing. The

three robots opened their mouths at the same time, and terror beams burst out.

The doctor hurriedly dodged away, while Jiang Yuan blocked it with triangular red panties and bricks.

"Doctor! I'm not as fast as them, you have to figure out a way!" "It's

troublesome! Catch it!"

Suddenly, a piece of metal on the doctor's body detached and flew towards Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan hurriedly stretched out his hand to pick it up, and the moment his fingers touched the metal block, Jiang Yuan felt that he urgently needed a BGM.

The metal

and iron pieces began to transform in an instant, and in an instant, Jiang Yuan's whole body was enveloped in it.

This... Is this the Doomsday Mecha?

Praise the Doctor!

d (゚∀゚d)

A robot suddenly bypassed the doctor and rushed towards Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan was just about to react, but the mecha on his body was one step faster than him.


sound of metal clashes sounded, and sparks flew in an instant.

The attack that could break Jiang Yuan's arm with a hammer before was now blocked by Jiang Yuan, and even smashed the robot back a few meters with a punch.

"The mecha rematch is complete, and the driver attributes are being detected. "

Error 1, detection failed, try again to detect start... Error 1, detection failed..."

"Discovered the nano suit, began to fuse... Error 4, fusion failed, try to fuse again..."

'Error 4, fusion failed...'

A series of mechanical sounds sounded, and Jiang Yuan was momentarily stunned.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yuan felt a wonderful wave coming out of his body, directly covering the entire mecha.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, obtained the SL-06 light mech.] Is

this the same as the nano suit, and the system directly erases all the control of the doctor over

the mecha? Jiang Yuan was overjoyed, and instantly controlled all the ways to use the mecha.

This light mecha only needs to be controlled by the mind, and it can also automatically carry out defensive attacks when the pilot is unable to react!

With a movement in his heart, Jiang Yuan's attributes were instantly recorded by the mecha, and the nano suit also began to merge with the mecha.

In an instant, Jiang Yuan felt that his combat power had soared!

The robot rushed over again, and this time Jiang Yuan chose to take the initiative to control the mecha.

With a loud bang, Jiang Yuan and the robot fought together again.

The nanobot is protected by the mecha inside, but the cutting ray can be released, and with one blow, a gap instantly appears on the opposite robot.

But the gap was quickly restored and did not achieve fatal effect.

The mecha was analyzing the weaknesses of the opposing machine, but Jiang Yuan's weakness perception skills were faster and more accurate than the SL-06 light mecha!

There were three weaknesses, one in the head, one in the chest, and one in the abdomen.

But this machine's defense is extremely strong, and Jiang Yuan will not be able to think of any way to break through the opponent's defense for a while.

A cold glint flashed in his eyes, and the passive effect of the special skill, Shock, was turned on.

Since he can't penetrate the attack, then shatter this machine in one fell swoop!

The blessing of the extraordinary reaction allowed Jiang Yuan to adapt instantly even if his speed increased dramatically, and he began to attack the cave robot in all directions.

Jiang Yuan knew that he had to fight quickly, and once he waited for the support of other robots, unless the doctor had other means, the two of them would really have to choose to escape.

The doctor pinned down the two and still had a slight upper hand, and Jiang Yuan quickly completely suppressed the remaining robots.

But this robot is so strong that Jiang Yuan attacked with all his strength for a minute, and he didn't know how many times he smashed it before he destroyed one of the robot's weaknesses.

Moreover, Jiang Yuan found that the weakened weakness that had been destroyed showed signs of regeneration once he stopped attacking, which really made his head big.

"Doctor, what the hell is the origin

of these machines!" "Do you remember the clone that blew myself up at the base of the Evolution House before, and the enemy at that time was one of the makers of these machines!"

Jiang Yuan frowned, this kind of enemy who can force the doctor to self-destruct is actually more than one?

Just as he

was thinking, he suddenly noticed that the electronic eyes of the robot under him suddenly lit up.

The doctor said in a deep voice, "Oh no! These machines are calling the rest of their companions

!" "Won't you interfere with their signals

!" "You can do it!" Jiang

Yuan was anxious, he and the doctor could still have an advantage against the three, but it was only an advantage, and not even a single robot could be destroyed at present.

If the number of robots becomes ten or more, how can they be beaten?"


Yuan couldn't help but burst into foul language, and the useless stick in his hand smashed down again.

Jiang Yuan's mecha-covered head suddenly flashed, the hair loss skill took effect, and the heavy attack skill was triggered!

Twenty times the damage increased, directly attached to the useless stick.


! There was a loud bang, and the entire cave shook a few times, and the machine under Jiang Yuan was completely smashed by this sudden blow!

[Ding, Mission Completion Progress (1/10)]

The doctor was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said angrily: "Lao Tzu knows that your kid has always hidden his strength

!" Jiang Yuan also said angrily: "What the hell, this kind of attack Lao Tzu has never hit a few times in his life!"

The heavy attack skill is too metaphysical, and Jiang Yuan is in conflict with the metaphysical things, from the time he has the heavy attack skill to the present, the number of triggers can be counted with both hands!

Not to mention this kind of heavy attack blessed by the hair loss skill.

And Jiang Yuan suddenly destroyed a mechanical body, causing the other two robots' evaluation of Jiang Yuan's combat power to skyrocket instantly.

Boom, boom, boom!

The surrounding walls burst open continuously, and new robots continue to appear.

Moreover, the target of these robots directly locked on Jiang Yuan, and only the first two robots were still fighting against the doctor.

Jiang Yuan scolded directly, and in just a few seconds, five robots had already appeared to surround him.

Although his speed is a little faster than them, the opponent's speed is not slow, and he is directly pressed and beaten in the face of five at the same time.

He's injured! He can't break through the encirclement of the five robots at all!

"Bloodthirsty kill!" Jiang

Yuan waited for a long time and didn't wait for the doctor's support, and it was useless to take the initiative to call the doctor for help.

Because the blow he just hit was concluded by the doctor to be playing pig and eating tiger, he didn't bother to pay attention to him at all.

Jiang Da Corpse King was furious, isn't it just five robots? He didn't believe that he couldn't deal with it!

"Bloodthirsty Killing is on!" With

a roar in his heart, Jiang Yuan instantly turned on the Bloodthirsty Killing Skill.

The speed and power increased again, and under this huge pressure, the attribute increase of Bloodthirsty Killing soon reached 50%

! But as the pressure decreased, the speed of attribute increase also decreased, but it was enough

! The encirclement of the five robots could no longer restrain Jiang Yuan!

"All to Lao Tzu!".

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