Suddenly, the burned nematodes all rolled up like springs, and shot out with a terrifying hissing sound before being burned out by the flames.

Jiang Yuan was shocked, and the spatial ability hurriedly erected a transfer barrier around his body, and at the same time, the fire and earth abilities set up a complete defense.

He hadn't cast his abilities before because his strong sixth sense told him that something would happen if he cast them in the cave.

But at this moment, he couldn't care so much, the sense of crisis brought to him by these lifeless nematodes had surpassed all, even the five ninth-order king-level awakened people in the human base above couldn't compare with it

! Let's just say why I feel that this five-star hell-level difficulty task is not very difficult, and the real crisis is here for a long time!

In addition to Jiang Yuan, the nematode's attack targets are not only Jiang Yuan, but the robots and doctors in the cave are all within the attack range of the nematode.

At this time, Jiang Yuan understood why those machines were fused, it turned out to be to deal with these nematodes.

They disguise themselves as a giant ball of metal, motionless for the nematodes to catapult and attack.

At first, the nematodes still have a desire to attack them, and these fused machines do suffer a lot, but slowly, they lose interest in the machines.

This thing, after all, is not life, just like them.

But the doctor is different from Jiang Yuan, since Jiang Yuan used his ability, these insects have launched a rainstorm attack on him as if they have gone crazy.

The doctor's situation is slightly stronger than Jiang Yuan's, after all, in the eyes of others, the doctor is just a machine, and Jiang Yuan also relies on perceptual skills to perceive the life consciousness inside the doctor.

And the doctor seems to be well aware of the weaknesses of these nematodes, and it is relatively easy to deal with.

Although the spatial transfer barrier used by Jiang Yuan was stronger than that of the human awakened, it was also unable to completely seal off the surroundings.

The only loophole was sealed by Jiang Yuan with briefs, and he used his telekinesis ability to control the useless stick and bricks to eliminate nematodes around.

"Doctor, what are these nematodes? They seem to be conscious, but they can't feel any breath of life!" Jiang Yuan shouted loudly.

"Because these are corpses, and the things that control them are not here at all.

After the doctor burned a large group of nematodes gathered together, he turned around and said, "Go back, this is no longer a place where you can exist, if you stay here all the time, it will only seduce more terrifying existences

!" "And

?" Jiang Yuan was shocked, what the hell is this underground cave!

"Let's go, I'll help you clear a way!"

"What about you?"

I'm not afraid of death, what do you care about me?"


I'm not afraid of death, it's really a cowhide!" The momentum of my speech is different.

All the machines around were fused together, and Jiang Yuan didn't know if there were more robots, nor did he know where they were.

There are still four robots left to complete the task, and now he will definitely not leave!

The triangle red pants and the space transfer barrier have become Jiang Yuan's reliance for a while.

Under the perception of weakness, Jiang Yuan knew where the core of those machines was hidden, and he manipulated useless sticks and bricks to frantically attack the fusion of those machines.

The doctor was stunned for a moment, does Jiang Yuan have a grudge against these robots? What do you care about those guys at this time

? He has been observing Jiang Yuan for so long, and he knows that Jiang Yuan's character will never do anything useless, what is the special benefit of destroying these machines?

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the entire cave shook.

Jiang Yuan's hand froze, and he felt that he was being watched by an even more terrifying existence!

"Jiang Yuan, if you don't leave, you really can't leave!" the doctor shouted.

Jiang Yuan frowned, his eyes were cold and abnormal.

This feeling of being targeted by an unknown existence is very unpleasant, especially since the other party also has the ability to kill himself.

The telekinesis ability has been used to the limit, and Jiang Yuan will be able to complete the task completely in a dozen seconds.

But does he really have these ten seconds?

【Ding, Mission Completion Progress (9/10)]

After completely destroying all the cores of a robot, Jiang Yuan suddenly saw a large number of black shadows appear in the cave in front of him.

The speed of these black shadows was extremely fast, surging towards the position of Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan's pupils shrank, and those black shadows were actually composed of jet-black arms clinging together.

Wherever they passed, any nematode that touched these arms would instantly turn black, then turn into a cloud of black ash and dissipate.

"What the hell is this place!"

Jiang Yuan gritted his teeth, and while retreating, he used his telekinesis ability to pull the iron ball formed by the robot, and continued to attack with a useless stick.

The earth-based ability was wildly cast, and Jiang Yuan wanted to block the hole in front of him, but he condensed the stone wall and was destroyed by those arms almost instantly.

The doctor suddenly spoke, "You want to destroy those machines so much, I'll help you." "

No!" Jiang Yuan instantly shouted.

What kind of joke did the doctor kill him, how did he complete the task?The doctor

was stunned for a moment, and then directly put down his half-raised arm.

Gou things, I can't help you again if you beg me for a while!

" Ask for more blessings!"

With the next sentence, the doctor's figure disappeared in an instant, and Jiang Yuan didn't bother to care where the doctor went.

At this time, he extinguished nearly ten weak red lights, but these machines were rapidly changing the position of the internal core in order to protect themselves, and it was obvious that they had also discovered Jiang Yuan's weirdness.

But for some reason, since the cave mutation occurred, these machines only knew how to protect themselves, and did not use any means of attack.

This also gave Jiang Yuan a chance, all he needed was time!

More and more black arms appeared in the passages, and Jiang Yuan had fewer and fewer directions to go.

At this time, Jiang Yuan was a little lucky, if it weren't for the system's map function, he might even get lost in this intricate underground cave.

Now his position was less than five hundred meters away from where he had first appeared, and it was only a matter of a split second to rush through.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, mission accomplished.] [The

reward has been distributed, and the system is transforming the host's control of Montenegro, and the transformation progress is 1%...]

After smashing another weak red light, Jiang Yuan's mind finally sounded the system's prompt sound, and he was instantly ecstatic.

But at the moment when Jiang Yuan was surprised, he suddenly felt that his right arm had disappeared.

Turning his head incredibly, there was an extremely flat gap in his shoulder, although the right arm of the newborn man grew quickly, Jiang Yuan's heart still set off a huge wave.

When was it attacked? What was it? How did the other party break through this spatial defense barrier?

Jiang Yuan had no clue!

"Continuous flash!"

No longer hesitating at all, Jiang Yuan instantly cast a continuous flash to appear in the place where it first appeared, and the second flash was cast directly upward.

The next moment, Jiang Yuan appeared in the pool of blood again, but he knew that his limbs were gone at this time!

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