All this happened in his second flash, and the most terrifying thing was that Jiang Yuan still didn't know what was attacking him.

That underground cave was really terrifying!

The limbs regenerated rapidly, but Jiang Yuan's gaze did not slacken.

His body twisted strangely, and the next moment a terrifying attack exploded the entire pool of blood.

The movement that came up was too big, and it was discovered by the two ninth-order king-level awakened people who were guarding the town!

The methods used by humans to interfere with the spatial abilities could not be effective against the instantaneous skills, and Jiang Yuan and Xiao Zi left the underground base in an instant.

Appearing in the sky with Xiao Zi, Jiang Yuan immediately cast a spatial ability to transfer again, while Xiao Zi stayed behind to observe the movements of the human dawn base.

Although he didn't have the feeling of being spied on as soon as he returned to the ground, Jiang Yuan still stayed away from the human base and summoned the Black Mountain to hide in the Black Mountain space.

The bloodthirsty killing was lifted, and a sense of weakness hit instantly.

But Jiang Yuan did not rest directly, but immediately communicated with the system.

"The system, the limbs that I just disappeared inexplicably, will it have any effect on me?"

[There will be no adverse effects, please rest assured host.] Jiang

Yuan breathed a sigh of relief instantly, as long as there would be no adverse effects...


You mean there will still be some effects?" [Please rest assured that there will be

no adverse effects.] The

system started the repetition mode, and Jiang Yuan gritted his teeth in anger.

He can only comfort himself, it is good that there will be no adverse effects, but he always can't help but wonder what other effects will be.


calming down, Jiang Yuan sat directly on the ground.

Time passed slowly, and an hour passed quickly, and Jiang Yuan, who had regained his peak state again, stood up.

"Let's go out and check the situation. With a

whisper, Jiang Yuan walked out of the Black Mountain space and recalled Xiao Zi.

Through the memories shared, it was learned that the Dawn Camp was on full alert, and the three ninth-order kings even left the base to search the surroundings.

But the terrifying unknown presence that underneath didn't attack the Dawn base.

Jiang Yuan didn't know the reason, if you want to guess, there are too many possibilities, so it is more reliable to wait for the fourth doctor to come back and ask him.

But... Can he come back?

] [Ding, congratulations to the host, the evolution point has reached 5000 again, the third clearance is completed, and all attributes +100G.] Level

: Ninth Order Commander Zombie [3/3] (0/5000

) Attributes: Strength 1180G Agility 1201G Spirit 970G (not counting bonuses such as Xiao Zi)

Although the blood in the blood pool is an increase of 0.01 per bite, there are too many of them, which has brought unprecedented benefits to Jiang Yuan.

"It's still too slow!"

But even so, Jiang Yuan is still not satisfied, the human race has already appeared a ninth-order king-level awakener, God knows if someone will have broken through the king-level and become a king-level life!

Now that human technology is exploding, there are more and more equipment that can threaten Jiang Yuan, and fighting wits and courage with humans may reduce Jiang Yuan's evolution speed.

He needed to find spirit beasts and zombies that weren't equipped with blessings.

But the pool of blood at the Dawning base....

Jiang Yuan pondered for a moment and looked at the split body beside him.

He wanted Xiao Zi to return to the Dawning Base and continue to steal blood from the blood pool for him.

But in doing so, his combat power will inevitably be weakened, and although the splitting body only has 80% of his attributes, the increase brought by the cooperation of each other is extremely huge.

But with that inexhaustible blood, Jiang Yuan didn't want to give up no matter what.

"Take a risk, let the doctor find a way to make up for the loss of combat power!" "

If he can go in once, he can go in a second time, and when he goes back, he will talk to the doctor about cooperation and find a way to make up for the lack of combat power."

"Hey, Jiang Yuan, are you dead?" The

communication of the fourth doctor suddenly came, Jiang Yuan suddenly raised his eyebrows, and said angrily: "I won't

die if you die!" The doctor said lightly: "It seems that you are lucky, you take out the glasses I gave you, and I will join you now."

Jiang Yuan took out his glasses from the storage space, and it didn't take long for the doctor to rush over.

"What did you find?"

is something to look out for, but it's not entirely certain. "

So what exactly are you going to be sure of?"

"I'll tell you when the time comes."

After the doctor finished speaking, he asked Jiang Yuan to open the Black Mountain space.

After arriving at the Doctor's underground experimental base, the No. 4 machine handed over a piece of data to the Dr. 1 machine and entered the repair module.

The underground war was also very detrimental to him.

The No. 1 machine also turned into a human form at this time, and slowly walked in front of Jiang Yuan.

"How did you think about what you said before?"

Jiang Yuan looked at the doctor calmly and said slowly: "Show your sincerity." "

Good!" the Doctor's eyes lit up and he snapped his fingers slightly.

Immediately, a metal pod slowly rose next to the two of them.

The hatch opened, and a cold, white mist poured out, revealing the contents of the chamber.

"The latest nano suit, one of my proudest works, has no growth limit, it can evolve infinitely! In comparison, the set you wear is a spicy chicken

!" "The basic form can increase the force sensitivity attribute by 50%, and it breaks through the limitation that the nano suit cannot increase the spiritual attribute, and can increase the spiritual attribute by 10%! As the suit evolves, the blessings of each attribute will increase!"

It can also integrate all the collected armor into it, automatically record and integrate the functions of all mechas, and improve them into its own functions

!" "With it, it is equivalent to owning all the mechas!" Jiang

Yuan's face remained unchanged and said: "That's it?"

The doctor said lightly: "Of course, there is more than this nano suit, even if you don't agree to cooperate with me, this nano suit will be given to you."

Jiang Yuan raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

The Doctor continued, "I said that as long as you are willing to let me study you, I will definitely assist you in my best!" "

Help you arm the zombie army, build you the most advanced equipment, develop various evolution potions for you, and so on.

"Whether you can think of it or what you can't think of, as long as I can do it, I will spare no effort to help you, we have been working together for so long, I hope you can trust me a little."

"I know you want to ask a lot of secrets, but now is really not the time, and I will tell you when the time comes, after all, there are some things that I can't do on my own.

Jiang Yuan pondered for a moment, activated the Ultimate Transformation Skill, and his left arm fell off in an instant.

He handed the fallen left arm to the doctor, and said slowly, "Happy cooperation!" The doctor's

eyes flashed with an unprecedented light, and he took Jiang Yuan's left arm and held it in his hand like a treasure.

"Happy cooperation! You know how to use the nano suit, I'll study it first!" Jiang

Yuan walked over to the metal cabin and slowly stretched his arm into it.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the nano suit lv .max. 【

Ding, Montenegro upgrade is complete, please check the latest features of Montenegro through the system panel. -


The author has something to say:

Ollie give it

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