"You really didn't lie to me. Jiang Yuan muttered, but put the old level 5 nano suit into the storage space alone, without directly fusing it.

The equipment crafting function will evolve at the king level, and it is common sense that the cost of enchanting top-level equipment is different from that of low-level equipment.

Since the full-level nano suit can integrate the functions of other equipment and transform it into itself, Jiang Yuan has to be a little careful.

In addition, the upgrade of Montenegro has finally been completed, and Jiang Yuan is looking forward to what kind of benefits the 5-star hell difficulty task will give him.

Opening the system panel, Jiang Yuan began to check out the new functions of Montenegro.

Grant: The host can temporarily grant a skill that he has to his zombies (except for the special evolution and symbiosis skill), and the number of zombies that can be given is related to the zombie level, attributes, host mental power and other factors selected by the host, and the system will automatically help the host calculate the results.

Owner Privileges: The host can temporarily copy the skills owned by the zombies under him, and optimize the skills according to the host's own level, while the number of copied skills and the duration of plunder are related to the skill level and the host's mental power.

(Duplication has no effect on the host's zombies.) Sacrifice

: By sacrificing a certain number of zombies, the attributes of the designated zombies under the host are permanently improved, and there is a chance to evolve the skills of the designated zombies, obtain new skills, improve intelligence and other benefits, and the host can also get a small part of the permanent benefits from the process.

Subordinate zombie evolution directional control: The host can control the evolution direction of the zombies under him, and determine the type of zombies (strength, agility, spirit, and omnipotence) when they are promoted to the king level.

[Note: This skill costs a certain price, and all items that are beneficial to the evolution of zombies, such as Sombra Origin, Origin Pill, Life, Flesh and Blood, etc., can be used as a price, and the cost of consumption is different depending on the direction of evolution chosen.] Black

Mountain Aura Evolution - The area of influence is linked to the host's mental power, and the attributes of the host itself and the zombies under it within the range are increased to 30%.

In addition, there are a series of enhancements such as the acceleration of the summoning speed of Montenegro, the enhancement of the host's control over Montenegro, the enhancement of Montenegro's ontology defense, and the enhancement of regeneration.

After reading all the introductions, Jiang Yuan was ecstatic in his heart, it was worthy of being a reward for a five-star hell-level mission, and it was really awesome

! Especially the ability of the master's privilege, which could use the skills of the zombies under his hands? There were a large number of zombies under his hands, and there were simply too many for Jiang Yuan to choose from! And it could be optimized according to his own level, even if it seemed that the skills of the spicy chicken could play a huge role after being optimized in Jiang Yuan's hands!

A sacrificial skill specially used to create elite soldiers, and a skill that short-term strengthens the abilities of subordinates.

There is also a controllable evolution direction of the zombies under his subordinates! If the resources are sufficient, Jiang Yuan can even make all the zombies under his subordinates into all-round zombies with no shortcomings!

In the new function, the detailed panel of all the zombies under Jiang Yuan is counted, and it can be filtered and viewed with just a thought.

Jiang Yuan found Bai Mao and chose the Black Crystal Origin as the cost to convert, and checked the number of Black Crystal Origin needed to make Bai Mao into an all-powerful zombie.

"It's just one Sombra Origin, is it so cheap?"

he quickly chose Caesar to try it again, but it turned out that he needed three hundred Sombra Origins.

Five hundred flowers, four hundred and five nightingales....

"It's so expensive!Why is Bai Mao so cheap?Could it be that even if I don't care about Bai Mao, she will evolve into an all-round zombie?"

He tried to select Bai Mao's evolution direction to the power type, but the system prompt "This option is not recommended" directly appeared.

After continuing to make various attempts with other zombies, Jiang Yuan found that the function of oriental control of the evolution of the zombies under his subordinates could predict the original evolution path of the zombies under him in advance.

When the contemporary value is a black crystal origin, then this zombie will definitely be this evolutionary direction.

The cost is calculated according to the attributes of the zombie itself, and the more difficult it is to evolve into the type, the more cost it will take.

In this way, in addition to the evolution of the all-round zombie, the rest of the evolution direction of this skill is only to allow Jiang Yuan to develop the strength of the zombie army in a controllable way.

Then he tried to copy his zombie skills, he chose Caesar's death ray, and two red lights burst out from his eyes, which were powerful enough to threaten the life of the king.

I tried to sacrifice a hundred zombies with low IQ to give the white hair bonus, but it may be that the number of sacrifices is too small, plus the difference with the white hair level is too big, and the bonus is not much, and a zombie only gives an average of a few tenths of a G bonus.

For the time being, it seems that this skill is just to create more elite soldiers, and sacrificing elite soldiers to improve the attributes of white hair and so on Jiang Yuan feels that it is not worth it for the time being, after all, the numerical advantage is still useful at present, so he did not try.

The splitting skill has been used, and the splitter now has the latest nano suit, and the certainty of lurking back to the Dawn base has also increased a lot.

As for his lack of combat power after the Splinter is gone, let the Doctor make up for it.

The battle in the underground cave made Jiang Yuan know more about the doctor, and this thing is the real pig and tiger!

After letting Xiao Zi leave the Black Mountain space, Jiang Yuan discussed with the doctor and determined the next landmark to go to.


the map of the royal family, there is a landmark point on a small island, although the distance is a little far, but in order to speed up the evolution, this time the doctor and Jiang Yuan have very different opinions.

They all agree that the sea is the most dangerous, but it is also the place where you can get the fastest evolution points.

The human race has a ninth-order king level, and Jiang Yuan's time is very urgent, so he has to take some risks.

Along the way, he met some hunters on the way, all of whom were killed by Jiang Yuan.

The hunter's nano suit was completely unable to block Jiang Yuan's attack, and even the king-level would be cut off by Jiang Yuan.

Finally, Jiang Yuan came to the seaside, looking at the endless sea and the dense biological breath in his perception, Jiang Yuan's gaze became more cautious than ever.

The entire sea seemed to have a magical power, which directly limited Jiang Yuan's perception distance to one thousand meters.

But even so, Jiang Yuan still discovered the breath of king-level life!

And the hunter detection function of the 30-kilometer map also found traces of king-level hunters.

"Let's go to the island first, if you take a slow step, you may be preempted by others. The doctor spoke.

"Good. Jiang

Yuan and the doctor hid the base in the clouds, and flew in the direction of the island with the doctor's No. 4 plane.

With all his strength flying, Jiang Yuan and Dr. Jiang Yuan arrived at the coordinate point of the island in less than an hour.

But after looking around, there are no islands near here at all, only the endless sea.

"Doctor, are you sure that the direction in which we are flying is fine?" Jiang Yuan said with a frown.

After the doctor probed back and forth, he nodded: "The coordinates are no problem, it seems that we have to go down and have a look." "

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