Looking at the sea water below him, Jiang Yuan frowned slightly.

This sea area is a little weird, since he got close to here, he has felt less and less life breath, and now he doesn't feel any life breath.

This is too abnormal, so Jiang Yuan has to be cautious.

"Let's go.

But the doctor was still undaunted, and swooped straight down.

The corners of Jiang Yuan's mouth twitched and followed.

The two began to descend, and the surroundings gradually darkened.

The Doctor unleashed a number of small lighting machines to swim around, while also using sound waves to probe the ocean floor.

The sea here is only less than four thousand meters deep, and Jiang Yuan and Dr. Jiang Yuan have already reached the bottom of the sea, and there is still dead silence around them.

Jiang Yuan kept staring around, and the nematodes and strange hands in the cave told him that the perception skill was not omnipotent, and he was afraid that there was also that kind of strange existence that had no breath of life here.

"Follow me. The

doctor suddenly spoke, changed directions and moved forward quickly, and Jiang Yuan hurriedly followed.

Not long after, a terrifying pit suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Yuan's eyes, and it was extremely dark below, and he didn't know what was inside.

And Jiang Yuan's perception skills were even more affected here, and they were reduced to a range of tens of meters.

"Sonic detection is interfered with down here, there must be something wrong here!" the doctor muttered, "Wait a minute, I've sent the machine down to check on the situation."

Jiang Yuan was stunned for a moment, the doctor was actually not reckless? Common sense should not directly say, 'Do you feel free when I go down?' I

saw that the doctor took out a device, and there were many pictures on it, all of which were transmitted back by the machine sent by the doctor.

Suddenly, a surveillance screen went black, but neither Jiang Yuan nor the doctor saw anything in the picture.

Then, one image after another disappeared, and they still didn't see anything suspicious.

Finally, before the last picture disappeared, Jiang Yuan's eyes flashed.

"Just that... Is it a person?"


the doctor zoomed in on the last teleported image, a strangely white humanoid creature appeared.

There was only a back, the front was completely invisible, it was quietly suspended in the sea, even if it was illuminated by the light, there was no reaction, and the machine did not seem to be destroyed by it.

"Only a kilometer deep has been detected, and it is impossible to estimate how deep the crater is. The

doctor pondered for a moment and then said, "You put on your glasses, I'll go down first, the glasses can share the picture I see with you, you wait here first." With that

, the doctor's body changed rapidly, and he directly entered this terrifying pit.

Jiang Yuan immediately put on the glasses made by the doctor, and a 360-degree all-round picture without dead ends immediately appeared in front of him.

It wasn't long before the strange creature reappeared in the frame.

The Doctor swam slowly towards the guy, and the rest of the angle didn't show anything unusual for a while.

Finally going around to the front of this humanoid creature, Jiang Yuan instantly felt a shock in his heart.

This guy is indeed similar to the appearance of a human, but there is a flesh film between his fingers, and the most terrifying thing is this guy's face.

There was only a huge mouth full of fangs on this face, and the sharp fangs were terrifying.

There are some small holes around the mouth, I don't know if it's the nose or something.

It floated silently, motionless, as if it hadn't noticed the Doctor at all.

The Doctor distanced himself from the monster, and some newly released small machines surrounded the monster.

The Doctor was going to attack this monster!

The light from those machines began to condense and decompose rays, and they burst out in an instant.

In the next moment, the monster seemed to be awakened, and the image from its eyes shook significantly.

None of the disintegration rays hit, and all the machines were destroyed almost instantaneously.

"So fast!"

Jiang Yuan's pupils shrank, because the glasses brought visual sharing, not low-level things like monitoring, Jiang Yuan saw the monster's way of action clearly this time.

This speed is even faster than the robots in the cave that are not inferior at all, and

the monster is directly in a state of rage after destroying the small machine released by the doctor.

The fanged jaw roared violently, and strange red lines lit up on its body.

The next moment, the entire crater lit up, not illuminated by the Doctor, but by the countless red lights that lit up one after the other below the crater.

"Jiang Yuan, run!" Jiang Yuan

immediately cast his spatial ability, and the next moment he appeared above the sea surface, and flew rapidly towards the sky.

This time, the doctor was not tough, and also used his spatial ability to disappear in place, flying quickly towards the sky.

In the pit, countless of the same giant mouth monsters appeared, swimming rapidly upwards together, and the sea instantly boiled.

Jiang Yuan looked at the sea

below that was dyed red by red light, there were too many of these monsters! Looking at it, in just a dozen seconds, a radius of tens of thousands of meters was already full of this kind of monster!

No wonder there was no life breath around, I am afraid that they were eaten up by these monsters.

If they were allowed to go ashore, would the creatures on land really be able to carry it?

Using the positioning function of the glasses, the doctor quickly rendezvoused with Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan saw that the doctor seemed to be holding something in his hand, but visually he couldn't see anything.

"This thing destroyed the machine I released earlier. Black

dye erupted from the Doctor's fingers, and a ten-centimeter-long, refill-sized strip appeared in the Doctor's hand, writhing desperately to break free.

This time, Jiang Yuan sensed that this thing had a breath of life, but it was very weak.

However, this little thing did not feel weak to him at all, because some cracks had appeared in the doctor's hands, all of which were made by this thing.

The doctor's hand suddenly lit up with a silver light, and he directly destroyed the object, and sighed: "It seems that we are a step too late, and this place has been occupied by those monsters."

Jiang Yuan frowned and said, "What are you going to do now?"

"Hunting!" The doctor said indifferently, "Those monsters have great research value, and they are also a great supplement to you, so they can't be wasted!"

Jiang Yuan said directly: "One or two is no problem, but this is too many!" The

doctor said in a flat tone: "You don't need to do it, don't you have some weak zombie subordinates, use them as bait, and leave the rest to me to deal with."

Jiang Yuan said angrily: "Those cute zombies that I personally infected, with my virus in their bodies, you actually want to use them as bait!" "I

only need ten monsters for research, and the rest will be for you to eat."


Jiang Yuan and the doctor reached a consensus in an instant, and just as they were about to act, they suddenly raised their eyebrows and looked in the southeast direction.

"Doctor, it seems that I don't need my zombies as bait, someone has sent them to the door by themselves!"

"Who's coming?"

"A bunch of cute hunters!".

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