This was the first time Jiang Yuan had stabbed at the hunter, before he had just slashed and handed it to the doctor, but this time he wanted to try the usefulness of the gluttonous skill.

Sure enough, in addition to the improvement that comes with each meal, Jiang Yuan has gained more evolution points and attribute points.

Because the skill introduction said that he could devour everything, Jiang Yuan tried to put a hunter's black knife in his mouth.

This black knife, which could break through the king-level defense, was easily chewed and swallowed like a sugar cube in Jiang Yuan's mouth.

The strange thing is that this black knife is obviously metal, but it still improves Jiang Yuan's evolution point, and even gives Jiang Yuan an extra skill.

Metal Destruction (Upgradeable): A passive skill that increases the host's damage to all metals by 10%.

Jiang Yuan: "!!

the gluttony skill is so powerful?"

He directly chewed up all the black knives he had collected and swallowed them, and the metal destruction was upgraded to another level, and the destructive power increased to 20%.

Jiang Yuan immediately rummaged in the storage space and ate everything he could eat, even swallowing a few milky white crystals obtained in the underground cave.

But this time he didn't get any additional skills.

But Jiang Yuan has already determined that everything can provide him with evolution points, even the meal replacement strips produced by the system!

However, there are still too few evolution points for things other than flesh and blood, such as sea water, a sip is only one millionth of an evolution point, and drinking too much seems to be like having resistance, giving less and less.

Jiang Yuan suddenly raised his head and looked at the moon and sun in the sky.

You can swallow anything, but what about the sunlight and the moonlight?

Jiang Yuan thought in his heart that he wanted to devour the light of the sun and the moon, so he opened his mouth wide and bit down in one gulp.

[Ding, evolution point +0.00000000...1]

Jiang Yuan: "..."

Useful is useful, but this is too little, isn't it!Hundreds of billions of points? Even if you bite off the cheeks, you won't be able to get a few evolution points

!System!Are you playing ghosts

!【The host wants to go with the system again?】

"It's just to liven up the atmosphere, don't be serious!".

The corners of Jiang Yuan's mouth twitched, and he directly confessed.

However, this gluttonous skill is indeed perverted, and Jiang Yuan is already very satisfied.

"Jiang Yuan, come down. The

Doctor spoke suddenly, and now he was carrying the last monster in his hand, but he didn't kill it.

Jiang Yuan went over with some curiosity and asked, "What are you going to do with this?"

The doctor spoke: "These monsters are quite special, there is no Origin Pill in the body, and this one is just for you to confirm for yourself." "

No Origin Pill?" Jiang

Yuan was stunned, looking at the struggling monster suspiciously.

The claws stretched out, the nano suit covered it, and Jiang Yuan cut the monster in half with a single sword.

"System, this monster really doesn't have the Origin Pill?"


was the first time Jiang Yuan had encountered a life without the Origin Pill.

The doctor said lightly: "If you confirm it, quickly dispose of these corpses, although there is no Origin Pill, but the benefits to you will not be less than those given by the same level of life."


Jiang Yuan first put half of the monster's corpses into the storage space, and then opened the ultimate transformation, and directly swallowed all the monsters with a huge mouth, and the evolution points began to skyrocket in an instant.

These are all king-level monsters, and many of them are ninth-order king-level existences.

Even though Jiang Yuan needed a lot of evolution points as an all-round zombie, it still made him jump three levels in a row and directly evolve to a third-order king

! But the strange thing is that this devouring only has evolution points, and there is no increase in attribute points at all! This makes Jiang Yuan even more curious about the origin of these monsters.

However, every evolution has a 100G full attribute bonus, and the freely allocated 100G attributes have been pointed to agility by Jiang Yuan, and the attributes have still been greatly improved.

As for the lottery to give... Don't mention it, it's all tears

! Today, Jiang Yuan learned that this lottery can also draw what he already has, and once it is repeated, unless it is a real thing, it will all be exchanged for pistachios for you!

Level: Tier 3 King Zombie (21/900)

[Each evolution point is converted to a king-level unit, due to the existence of the Gluttony skill, the limitation that life below the king level cannot provide evolution points is broken, and a very small amount of evolution points can be provided to the host.]

Attributes: Strength 1611G Agility 2212G Spirit 1501G (not counting Xiao Zi and other bonuses)

The corners of Jiang Yuan's mouth curled, and the gluttony skill was awesome! This feeling of being able to enjoy the benefits without having to contribute by himself was awesome!

Looking greedily at the deep pit under the sea, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but lick his lips.

"Don't think about it, if you kill it again, something may happen. Seeing Jiang Yuan's expression, the doctor said mercilessly.

Jiang Yuan chuckled: "Don't worry, I know, I won't mess around." "

The reason why the monster below is still sleeping is entirely because the light curtain created by the doctor has blocked everything that happens inside and has not been transmitted.

And there are too many monsters in the pit, the number is more than a million, and it is extremely close to the entrance, even if the doctor wants to do it, Jiang Yuan will find a way to stop it.

A curtain of light covered the mouth of the deep pit, and the sea returned to calm after a surge, but no movement entered the pit.

Jiang Yuan and the doctor walked through the light curtain and slowly headed downstream.

The pit became wider and wider as it went down, and by the time I saw the monster, it was already thousands of meters in diameter.

The entrance that had been carried out by the hunters was still there, and they had slipped into it.

In the perception skills, the monsters below this are much stronger, and the ones stacked in the bottom three meters are all king-level, considering the terrifying number of monsters, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but slow down.

Finally arriving at the suspected entrance, the doctor began to probe with his instruments.

Jiang Yuan picked up a puddle of liquid and put it in his mouth.

[Ding, evolution point +0.001.] Jiang

Yuan: "???"

took another sip, and sure enough, it was the same evolution point again.

After being promoted to the king level, the bonus given to him by the blood in the blood pool also became 0.001, so this white unknown liquid was the same kind of thing as the blood?

!" The doctor found that Jiang Yuan had a rare trace of annoyance in his tone after drinking bitterly.

Jiang Yuan said lightly: "It's okay, this thing has no effect on me, but the zombie army under my command is not necessarily, so I still ask you to help me purify it when the time comes."

"It doesn't affect you?" The doctor was slightly stunned, and muttered: "You are now at the king level, you will not die if you chop off your head, and when you return to Montenegro, give me a head to study."

Jiang Yuan: "..."

The doctor probed for a while and determined that this was the entrance, and this time he took the initiative to pull Jiang Yuan and enter it with Jiang Yuan.

After about five minutes, Jiang Yuan and the doctor finally swam out.

There was no seawater, and it wasn't all white liquid, but an eerie space illuminated by a green glow.

The whole space looks tens of thousands of meters wide, and the green light shines from below, and it is impossible to see what the light source is for the time being.

Large and small white liquid masses float slowly, converging upwards little by little.

What's even weirder is that this is a weightless space!

It's eerily quiet, and there are items left by hunters to locate the hole.

Jiang Yuan glanced at the doctor, and after leaving his mark, he moved the hunter's mark to a place in the distance, and then slowly flew down...


The author has something to say:

There was no one who collapsed in the early stage, and I was really too vegetable. I have to get an outline for the next book, and I can't write what I want to write like this one. Not too prisoner is already my last stubbornness, miserable.

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