Perhaps it was the reason for his promotion to the king level, this time Jiang Yuan's perception range was 10 meters even if he was suppressed, allowing him to better grasp the surrounding environment.

But with the lesson of the last underground cave, he is still very careful, afraid that there are also such lifeless monsters here.

Glancing at the map, even in this weightless space, the location of the hunter was still marked, which made Jiang Yuan a little surprised.


, the second consciousness that had been silent for a long time spoke: "I'm here to monitor the surroundings, you just take care of yours, but I need you to give me the authority to manipulate my body."

Jiang Yuan was slightly stunned, glanced at the introduction of the dual consciousness skills, and said in his heart: "Yes." The

next moment, he felt that his body had automatically started the ultimate transformation, and suddenly many eyes had grown, and he could observe the surroundings in all directions without dead ends.

"I'll react if there's danger, you just have to keep your mind busy. After the second consciousness finished speaking, it fell silent again.

Jiang Yuan touched his chin, this dual consciousness skill...

After descending for a while, Jiang Yuan finally saw the light source of the green light.

At first glance, it appears to be a glowing mist, but if you look closely, you can see that each point of light is a particle the size of a millet grain, illuminating the entire space.

The doctor took some samples for on-site research, and Jiang Yuan unceremoniously grabbed a handful and swallowed them.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, get the skill-poison resistance lv.1 (

this skill cannot be upgraded with an upgrade volume)] Jiang Yuan: "???"

poison resistance? This thing is poisonous

? And this skill can't be upgraded with an upgrade volume?

I grabbed it and ate it again.

[Ding, poison resistance skill proficiency increased.] Although

the bonus given by the Gluttony skill is random, this is the first thing Jiang Yuan encountered that does not give evolution points.

At this time, the doctor's analysis report came out.

He watched Jiang Yuan swallow one bite at a time, and then looked at the toxicity report data written on the report, and was a little speechless.

Jiang Yuan didn't dare to eat any more after eating some, his face was a little green now, and as a zombie, he actually felt pain, which was a bit scary.

Opening the storage space, Jiang Yuan began to use his mental power to collect a large number of these green unknown substances, and keep them for later as snacks, after all, poison resistance may be useful one day.

The space here is much more open, but the view is obscured by these green points of light, and it is impossible to know the specific environment around you.

The doctor unleashed some machines to try to draw, and Jiang Yuan silently stared at the hunter's cursor on the map.

Three of the hunters had stopped abruptly, while the other seven were still moving forward.

Did they find anything?

After the half-ring, most of the machines released by the Doctor were lost, and only a few made it back with a rough map.

It seems to be a vertical downward passage, only getting wider and wider, and there are no intricate intersections to be found at the moment.

"Let's go. The

doctor was about to leave, but was pulled by Jiang Yuan.

"This way!" The

doctor was slightly stunned, did not resist, and let Jiang Yuan pull him away.

He also picked a random position just now, since Jiang Yuan has a fixed direction, it is the same wherever he goes.

After a while, the light in front of them increased significantly, and Jiang Yuan and the doctor's speed slowed down.

There was a clanging sound ahead, and it seemed that someone was mining.

This familiar voice reminded Jiang Yuan of those robots in the underground cave, but this time the sound was made by hunters.

According to the markings given on the map, the hunter is fifty meters ahead.

"The three hunters, all of whom are ninth-order kings, are handed over to you!Remember to leave the corpse!" Jiang

Yuan patted the doctor on the shoulder, pointing him in the direction, without the slightest intention of making a move.

The doctor glanced at Jiang Yuan and silently turned on the stealth function.

Jiang Yuan grinned, it was really a wise choice to cooperate with the doctor, and he could sit back and reap the benefits without using his hands at all!

Suddenly, a blue light flashed, and Jiang Yuan, who was smiling, hurriedly bent back and dodged, almost being hit.

"Damn, on purpose!" Jiang Yuan glared and muttered unhappily.

The next moment, the hunter's roar sounded, followed by all kinds of light cannons pouring out, and a terrifying shock wave spread, directly blowing away all the surrounding green light spots.

Jiang Yuan had already turned on his stealth and observed silently.

One hunter had been killed by the Doctor, and the remaining two were each facing a humanoid machine, looking extremely struggling.

It was not unusual for the Doctor to be able to distinguish an identical robot, Jiang Yuan looked twice and made sure that the two hunters would not last long, and then shifted his gaze.

He saw a large, eerie vine with many huge black flowers on it.

The vines stretched downward, and in one place 1/3 had been cut off, presumably by the hunters.

The shockwaves of the battle will cause the vines to sway back and forth, and green fluorescence will continue to be shaken out of the black flowers.

It turns out that the glowing particles around it are the pollen of this black flower.

The battle didn't last long, only about half a minute, and the remaining two hunters were all killed by the Doctor.

Not surprisingly, these hunters recognized the doctor as a mechanical species, if it weren't for the aura of the doctor in the perception skill who was still an ordinary human until now, Jiang Yuan might have been led astray.

The three ninth-order kings provided Jiang Yuan with a lot of evolution points, and the doctor turned around and cut down the vines, allowing Jiang Yuan to collect them in the storage space.

Jiang Yuan looked at some of the juice that slowly ooped out of the fracture, and licked it curiously, and his face turned green on the spot.

[Ding, poison resistance increased to lv.2.] Jiang

Yuan licked his lips, this move was a little weird in the doctor's eyes.

"I didn't expect you to have this kind of habit..."

"I'm improving my poison resistance, you know a fart

!" "Oh, where are you going next?" "

This way!" There

is already a large vine, and Jiang Yuan doesn't plan to continue wasting time here.

As the Doctor continued, the vines grew in number, and the green pollen particles and white liquid masses became denser.

The white liquid is spewed out of another vine and has its own repulsive effect on the surrounding green pollen.

The seven king-level hunters had been stopped in front for a long time, and Jiang Yuan patted the doctor on the shoulder, signaling that it was time for the doctor to work.

The doctor seemed to give a 'tsk', but still walked stealthily in the direction Jiang Yuan pointed.

But Jiang Yuan never heard the sound of fighting, and two minutes later, the doctor actually returned.

"Why are you back? You can't beat them?"

"Those seven hunters are basically the same as dead, let's go down and have a look."

Jiang Yuan's brows furrowed, what is the difference between death and death?

With curiosity, Jiang Yuan followed the doctor cautiously, the green light around him suddenly disappeared, and an infiltrating picture appeared in front of Jiang Yuan's eyes...

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