Snake... No, it should be countless weird Teng Pan superimposed on each other, wriggling and swimming.

The seven hunters were now entangled by those Teng Mang, their expressions were hideous and painful, and their eyes were scattered.

Jiang Yuan saw several vines crawl out of their mouths, noses, and ears, and the blood they brought out was quickly absorbed by the vines.

As far as the eye can see, there are terrifying vines that make people's scalps tingle.


Jiang Yuan opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

The ninth-order king level could be tortured like this, and it was hard to imagine how strong these vines were.

"It's late, it's already occupied by these plants. The doctor said with some pity.

Jiang Yuan was puzzled: "But what do those monsters above have to do with these vines?"

"You take a closer look at that hunter.

Looking in the direction pointed by the doctor, Jiang Yuan's heart was shocked.

The hunter the doctor was referring to had a strange pale skin at this time, his face had undergone some abnormal changes, and his eyes seemed to be disappearing.

Jiang Yuan also saw the bodies of some sea creatures, and a fish actually gave birth to limbs at this moment, obviously mutating.

These vines are actually transforming creatures!

" You go up first, I'm going to blow this place up."


"Well, try the strength of these vines and see if you can blow up a gap to get some benefits, and also slow down their development." "

The doctor's idea is too terrifying, Jiang Yuan doesn't want to play with him at all.

"Ontology, turn on indestructible, accompany the doctor to make a scene. The second consciousness suddenly spoke.

Jiang Yuan retorted again and again: "Impossible, this is against my principles

!" "Gou Jiu must be strong, just Jiu must be Gou, it is time for us to make a change! The following things are very attractive to us, and it is worth trying!" "

You are my second consciousness, why is it not different from my personality at all?"

I'm just from the perspective of the best interests, after calculation, the probability of success is more than seventy percent, and we can still be resurrected from the urn, not afraid of death, it's completely worth a try!"

If it weren't for the dual consciousness skill introduction indicating that the second consciousness was completely controlled by him, and all actions were in his own hands, Jiang Yuan would have been a little suspicious that the second consciousness wanted to kill him and occupy the magpie's nest.

But the second consciousness was right, although this vine was extremely terrifying, Jiang Yuan could indeed feel an extremely tempting aura coming from below, stimulating every cell in his body.

If you can go down, you can definitely get great benefits!

Indestructible for 5 minutes of physical invincibility, full level absolute immunity for 30 seconds of spiritual invincibility, plus spatial ability and flash skills, there is indeed a chance to find the things below.

But the resurrection is carried out in the urn, and if you are still here when you come out, won't you have to die again?

] [Hint, after the host is resurrected through the urn, the Black Mountain Arrival Location can be selected anywhere within ten kilometers of the host's death site. Jiang

Yuan: "?!" Jiang Yuan immediately spoke: "Doctor, up a way

, I want to go down!" The

doctor was stunned and asked strangely: "Are you stupid to be poisoned?"

Jiang Yuan said in a deep voice: "I'm normal! Don't worry about me, bombard with your most powerful thing, I can't die, even if I die, there is a way to resurrect!"

"Can I be resurrected?

". The doctor paused obviously, and Jiang Yuan's gaze changed slightly.

Jiang Yuan also deliberately revealed this, the more curious the doctor was about him, the more benefits he could get.

Anyway, he is not afraid of death now, even if the doctor has any bad intentions, he is not afraid!

After a long silence, the doctor slowly spoke: "Since you said so, then I have to take something a little more powerful!" "

The bigger the better!" "Okay, go back to the Black Mountain space first, I have to find the No. 1 machine to get something!"

Jiang Yuan and the doctor immediately flew back to the entrance and summoned

the Black Mountain to enter it.

When the doctor went to pick up things, Jiang Yuan also conveniently placed the urn in the Black Mountain space, so that he would not directly face any danger when he was resurrected.

Once the Doctor was ready, the two went back to the bottom again.

Looking at the three missiles floating beside the doctor, although they looked unremarkable, Jiang Yuan was keenly aware of the strong crisis.

This thing, if he doesn't activate the skill, it can definitely kill him in an instant!"

"Come in, my shield can resist the power of the explosion and won't blow you away."

Jiang Yuan immediately flew to the doctor's side, and the next moment, the three missiles fell quickly under the doctor's control.

Maybe it's because there's too much movement, or maybe it's because Fujimon will only attack items that get close to a certain level.

When the missile flew fifty meters away from the vines, countless vines instantly burst into flames and whistled out.

At that speed, Jiang Yuan couldn't see it clearly, let alone keep up.

But before the vine was drawn, three missiles had already exploded.


! After the explosion of these three missiles, there are both terrifying decomposition rays and the purest thermal weapon power, which is even more terrifying than a nuclear bomb

! But the strange thing is that such a huge power has not been able to make this place collapse, and it seems that some power has blessed this space! But

the vines let out a scream of pain, as if they could feel the pain.

A large number of vines were directly blown into flying ashes, and although a small number of vines were not destroyed, they also frantically retreated.

The sharp decrease in the number of vines finally revealed a gap where they could move forward, and Jiang Yuan's eyes flashed with instantaneous light.

He had been waiting for a long time, and now the skills that needed to be activated were still indestructible.

At this time, the passage appeared, and Jiang Yuan no longer hesitated.

The moment the skill was activated, Jiang Yuan actually felt a sense of invincibility, as if there was nothing in the world to be afraid of.

Without waiting for the aftermath of the explosion to dissipate, Jiang Yuan rushed out directly.

The doctor stared at Jiang Yuan deadly, seeing that Jiang Yuan was unharmed in the explosion, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

He lunged down, throwing another missile halfway through, blowing up the vines that had gathered in rage again.

Jiang Yuan boosted his speed to the limit and cast his spatial ability.

His target was the mud that had been revealed after the explosion.

Plunging headlong into the mud, Jiang Yuan used his perception skills to dodge the rhizomes of the vines.

Only then did he know that these vines actually had the emperor level!

With the help of the earth-based ability, Jiang Yuan nimbly shuttled through the mud, quickly walking towards the place that attracted him.

Maybe it was the explosion that attracted the attention of the vines, and they didn't attack Jiang Yuan.

The further down he went, the stronger Jiang Yuan's feeling became, and he could even feel that the thing was about 10,000 meters below!

Behind the silt were rocks, but they couldn't stop Jiang Yuan's footsteps.

Accelerating again, there is still a kilometer left!

At this time, the system's prompt suddenly sounded.

[Ding, the host is suffering from a deadly psychic attack, and the absolute immunity and absolute counterattack skills have been automatically activated.] The

next moment, Jiang Yuan felt a terrifying force attacking, and everything around him was completely annihilated and disappeared!

The space in front of him opened up in an instant.

The stealth function of the nano suit was forcibly broken by the terrifying shock wave, and the nanobots attached to the body could not resist it, and all of them were destroyed!

Jiang Yuan's figure was forced to appear, and at this time, his pupils shrank wildly, and a monstrous wave was set off in his heart.

In front of him, a strange human figure composed entirely of green light and shadow was staring at him in a rage!


The author has something to say:

Young people don't know the fragrance of soft rice, and mistakenly plant rice seedlings in youth.

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