
Xiang Mo shivered all over when she was blown by the cold wind. She was also panicked and scared.

She was afraid of ghosts, and some similar ghost-like things happened just now, so she was in a sensitive stage.

Now the cold wind blew again, coupled with the strange sounds that kept coming to her ears, made her reason completely collapse.

She screamed, then jumped and threw herself on Zhao Lu.

Because Zhao Lu was sitting on the wooden block at the moment, Xiang Mo's pounce was like a goalkeeper holding the ball, holding Zhao Lu's head tightly in his arms as if it were a football.

Zhao Lu:"……"

Zhao Lu felt his body sink, and a"U-shaped pillow" was put around his neck. He dared not move his head.

Otherwise, countless crabs would come out of the river and kill him.


Xiang Mo's teeth kept hitting up and down, and his body was shaking. It was obvious that he was scared.



Don't be so scared, there are no ghosts in this world."

Zhao Lu patted Xiang Mo and comforted him softly.

"Come���It should be a bat. You are lying on me, are you helping me to block the bat?"

Xiang Mo:"……"


Xiang Mo screamed, jumped up suddenly, and hid behind Zhao Lu, trembling and looking at the sky.

Sure enough, not long after, a group of bats flew over from a distance.

They flapped their wings continuously, making very strange sounds.


Feeling the"threat" not far away, Xiao Hui also cried out in panic.

After crying, it felt something was wrong, so it quickly changed its voice.

At the same time, it spread its wings and pretended to be very fierce.


The little gray's wings stiffened slightly, and then he quickly changed his voice.


Zhao Lu:"……"

Is this parrot really a stupid bird?


The group of bats circled around Zhao Lu and the others for a while, then flew away.

Because there was a fire here, they didn't get too close, just stayed for a moment, and then disappeared.


So scary!

So scary!"

Xiang Mo came out from behind Zhao Lu at this time.

He looked at the direction where the bats left and took a long breath.

"But don't all these bats eat insects?

We don't have any insects here, so what are they doing here?"

"Those are vampire bats"


Xiang Mo's eyes widened, and he was completely dumbfounded.

When it comes to the creatures that girls are most afraid of, vampire bats are definitely at the top.

At this moment, knowing that it was a vampire bat that just passed by, Xiang Mo suddenly felt a little scared.

"Sure enough, because of my cleverness, I escaped a disaster!

It seems that I have to be more clever in the future!


I am really a clever little ghost!"

A picture suddenly appeared in Xiang Mo's mind...

She was walking in the dark forest, and suddenly felt a gust of cold wind coming, and quickly lit the few remaining torches.

Suddenly, there was a bright light in front of her.

And she also saw the source of this cold wind-a very huge vampire bat!

The vampire bat was flashed by the fire, and immediately looked for cover in panic.

She took advantage of the victory and approached the bat with a torch.

The dazzling fire hurt the bat's eyes, so the bat bared its teeth and roared silently at her fiercely.

But she was not afraid at all, waving the torch in her hand and glaring back fiercely.



The bat flapped its wings a few times, slowly fell some distance, and then transformed into a young man.

Although his face was pale, he was still quite handsome.

Looking closely, it was Zhao Lu!


I didn't expect that you, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, are actually a vampire!

But if you meet this fairy, you will die!"

As she said this, she waved the torch and rushed forward.

The small torch seemed to become a clever stick in her hand. Although Zhao Lu dodged everywhere, she still couldn't avoid her attack.

In just a moment, Zhao Lu was already covered in fire, screaming and turning back to her original form, and ran away in a panic.

"Humph! You little brat! Are you teasing me?"

Xiang Mo smiled smugly.


Real world.

Xiang Mo looked at Zhao Lu with contempt, then raised his chin, turned his head slightly, and snorted faintly.

Then the corners of his mouth cracked and he smiled foolishly.

"Hey Hey……"


Zhao Lu looked at Xiang Mo in bewilderment.

How could a good person become so stupid? ?

As expected, a stupid bird and a fool are a perfect match!


At this moment, the"PINH value girl" screamed and began to look for cover.

Finally, she found a suitable cover - Zhao Lu!

So, Xiang Mo's flying action just now appeared again!

Zhao Lu was shocked when she saw this, and quickly moved Xiang Mo away, and then slightly adjusted her body so that Xiang Mo could pounce on her normally without falling to the ground.

"There’s a ghost! There’s a ghost!"

Xiang Fang hugged Zhao Lu and screamed, making Zhao Lu feel the warmth of the"U-shaped pillow" and the"river crab" looking down on her again.

Zhao Lu:"……"

What kind of teammates are these! It's so hard for me!


"It's so hard for me!"

At the same time, in the valley, Madcao also let out a desperate cry.


Then, a terrifying roar came from behind him.

Hearing this, Madcao quickly turned around and nodded to the tiger Da Meng who was not far away.

"Uncle Tiger~

It will be fine soon!"

After saying that, he quickly turned the wooden stick in his hand, turned the fish on the fire over and continued to roast it.

Madcao felt that his experience tonight was very magical.

He originally thought that he was going to be eaten by the tiger, but he didn't expect what happened in the middle. He was enslaved by the tiger in the end!

What a wonderful development.

But it must be said that it was much better than being eaten.

This made him have to thank the"Goddess of Destiny" again."

"Great goddess of fate!

Your darling, Madcao, wants to escape from the sea of suffering...

Please take this beast away!"


"I'll be fine soon!"

Ma Decao shuddered and apologized quickly with a smile.


Da Meng bared his teeth, and his white beard trembled.

He leaned on the"bedding" of the madder grass, lazily watching the"monster" roasting fish by the fire."

"This feels so good~

I don't have to work so hard to hunt by myself anymore!"

Da Meng was very proud. He admired his own wisdom. He actually thought of"taming" a"monster" and letting the"monster" help him do the work.

"If you behave well, I won't eat you.

I hope you won't be too touched~"

It felt that it was very kind, but it didn't know if the"monster" was touched.


The night passed uneventfully.

The next morning, Zhao Lu and the others got up early. They were going to go up the mountain.

"It's really amazing!"

Zhao Lu suddenly exclaimed.

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