"What's so amazing?"

Xiang Mo turned around and looked over.


Zhao Lu raised her wrist and pointed at the bracelet,"No one was eliminated yesterday.

It seems that everyone is currently developing themselves instead of looking for other contestants to eliminate~

However, this also indirectly shows that the remaining contestants are all relatively capable."


Xiang Mo nodded expressionlessly, showing no interest in this.

Then, she looked up at the mountain not far away, with an indescribable look on her face.

"Do you think there is any danger on the mountain?"

"There should be some, right?"

Zhao Lu looked into the mountain intently, but found no danger.

"Last time, those three bastards said that this mountain is dangerous.

However, it is dangerous for them, but not for me. Don't worry, where I am, it is safe."


Xiang Mo nodded absentmindedly.

"What's wrong with you? Why do I feel like there's something wrong with you?"

"I am stupid! I am stupid! I am stupid!"

""Dead bird!!!"

Xiang Mo, who was originally in a bad mood, was directly angered by Xiao Hui. She waved her fist and wanted to teach Xiao Hui a lesson.

However, how could she hit Xiao Hui who could fly?

So she could only be angry while being ridiculed by Xiao Hui.

"Zhao Lu! I can't stand this stupid bird!

I must eat it today!

Come and help me!"

Xiang Mo gritted his teeth and looked at Xiao Hui on the branch not far away.

However, Xiao Hui didn't care at all. He scratched in the air with his claws, then plucked a feather from his wing with his beak and threw it to the ground casually.

It felt like challenging Xiang Mo, and at the same time saying that you can't touch me at all, so I'll give you a hair!

"Haha! Haha!



"I must eat this bird!"

""Okay, okay~"

Zhao Lu rushed over and pointed at Xiao Hui,"Behave yourself, or you'll be in trouble!

Quick, apologize!""


Xiao Hui jumped on the branch, then flew to Xiang Mo's shoulder reluctantly, and rubbed Xiang Mo's face with his beak.

Xiang Mo's face suddenly showed a fierce light, and he raised his hand to catch Xiao Hui.

However, she just stretched out her hand, and was grabbed by Zhao Lu.

"Okay, you guys can make a fuss, but don't hurt the harmony."


Xiang Mo's body froze, and her face immediately turned red.

Then she shook Zhao Lu's hand away, and walked away with her head down.

""Menstrual syndrome?"

Zhao Lu scratched her head and looked at Xiang Mo's back in some confusion.

Xiang Mo's period came two days ago. According to the time calculation, she should still be there at this moment.

Girls are generally emotionally unstable when they have their periods.

So Zhao Lu thinks that this should be"menstrual syndrome."

As for blushing... this is normal!

Under normal circumstances, when the human body temperature rises, the body will show some manifestations.

In men, it is sweating.

In women, it is blushing.

And there are many situations that can cause the body temperature to rise instantly.

Anger is one of them.

So, in Zhao Lu's opinion, this is because of"menstrual syndrome", plus the anger caused by bickering with Xiao Hui, which finally led to blushing.

"Cooking and eating~"

Zhao Lu shook her head and started to work.



On the other side, Xiang Mo blushed and snorted coldly.

She felt that she was acting very strange recently.

First, when she was fantasizing, Zhao Lu's figure would always appear inexplicably in the picture.

Originally, she didn't care much.

After all, it was normal to see him often.

She didn't feel anything wrong.

But since she"pouncing" on Zhao Lu last night, everything has changed.

When she"pouncing", she didn't feel anything, but when she was sleeping last night, she felt something was wrong.

She felt that her"pouncing" was so shameful!

The more she thought about it, the more ashamed she felt.

She didn't sleep well.

Originally, she thought that after getting up today, she should pay special attention to keeping a distance from Zhao Lu to reduce the sense of shame in her heart.

However, the more she deliberately kept a distance, the more she couldn't help wanting to see Zhao Lu.

In the end, she couldn't help but talk to him.

Such a strange behavior finally made her realize that something was wrong with her.

This also made her a little absent-minded when talking to Zhao Lu.

"I don't like him, do I?"

Xiang Mo suddenly had this thought in her mind, and she was shocked as soon as it came out.

"No, no!

Not at all!"

Xiang Mo forcefully denied her own thoughts, and then began to hypnotize herself,"Nothing happened!

I didn't think about anything, I didn't know anything.

Everything is the same as before!


Everything goes back to the past, let it go, don't think too much!"

After some psychological suggestion, she felt much more comfortable.

""Okay, let's go eat~"

After feeling comfortable, Xiang Erha clapped his hands and went to eat happily.

"Only food and drinks are not to be missed!"

After a big meal of venison, the task of washing the pot was handed over to Xiang Fang, and Zhao Lu slowly came to the place where he placed the venison yesterday.

Yesterday, he specially left some raw meat.

He didn't plan to take this meat away.

So he left it here for"danger test".

When he came here today, it was indeed quite dangerous.

""What are you doing?


Isn't this the meat you kept yesterday?"

Xiang Mo was completely fine after the meal.

Seeing Zhao Lu going out mysteriously, she followed directly.

Seeing the meat on the ground, she asked curiously:"It seems that this meat can't be eaten!

It's full of bugs, so disgusting!

So, why do you keep this meat?"

"Do a test, a danger test.

Let's see what is the most dangerous thing on this mountain.

So, I did a small test with raw meat.

No wild animals came here yesterday, which means that wild animals are not the most dangerous thing in this place.

Although I encountered a tiger yesterday, that doesn't count.

And this meat is crawling with bugs, which means the main danger here is bugs."

Zhao Lu pointed to the two pieces of meat on the ground," One was not treated in any way, and the other was coated with anthelmintic.

Now look, what is the difference between the two"

"It seems... there is no difference! ?"

Xiang Mo was a little panicked,"So, the anthelmintic has lost its effect! ?"

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