"This bastard Zhao Lu really does everything he can!

He actually uses such a despicable method to eliminate people!

Strongly resist such people!"

"Strongly resist Zhao Lu, a scoundrel!

She actually eliminated people by bleeding them!"

"People like this should be eliminated directly!"


In Zhao Lu's live broadcast room, I don't know when it started, but suddenly there were a lot of discordant comments.

Although many people started to criticize as soon as these comments appeared, it was of no use at all.

Not only did these comments not disappear, but they became even more rampant.

"This is definitely a water army created by Wu Long and Qian Lin!"

Sun Wei looked at the barrage on the phone screen and angrily shouted.

He is a salesman and is very busy, but every time he takes a car, he is still relatively free.

And he likes to watch this show in his free time.

Zhao Lu is his favorite contestant.

Because Zhao Lu is not only strong, but also can learn some unpopular knowledge here!

"What a garbage!

The person is garbage, and the brain is even more garbage!

What's the point of posting this kind of stuff?

People can't see it, and the fans don't care at all.

What a waste of money for the water army!"

Sun Wei couldn't help but sneer and shook his head, then changed the live broadcast room.

Although he likes Zhao Lu very much, he often changes a few live broadcast rooms to see how other players are doing.

Now, Sun Wei is watching Li Dong, who is second on the popularity list.

Originally, Li Dong was third.

However, after he killed a bear, his popularity exploded.

Moreover, because he killed a bear, he became a hot topic.

The popularity soared, and sometimes even surpassed Zhao Lu.

Now, Li Dong and his companion Wang Yuan are dealing with the bear in the shelter.

"This bear is estimated to be 60 kilograms!"

Wang Yuan said with a smile while cutting the meat.

"Even though we removed the bones and skin, it was only about 20 to 30 kilograms, but it was enough for us to eat for a long time ~ and we also had bear paws to eat!"

"Hehe~Brother, I’m awesome, right~"

Li Dong waved his fist at the camera,"Since I was young, I have possessed strength that no one else can match. Let alone this little bear, even if a blind bear came over, I would dare to fight it head-on!"

"Dongdong~How much food do we have now?"

"In addition to this bear, there are more than 20 kilograms of goat meat, more than 40 kilograms of venison, more than 60 kilograms of wild boar meat, and a pheasant.

I say, Brother Yuan, let's go find some wild vegetables and mushrooms to eat?

I'm almost sick of eating meat and drinking bone soup all day!"



Sun Wei looked at the performance of Li Dong and Wang Yuan in the live broadcast room and couldn't help but feel disdainful.

"You're showing off with just this little bit of meat?"

Sun Wei curled her lips,"If the ranking is based on the weight of food, then what are you?

Zhao Lu doesn't even need to release the breadfruit tree, she can kill you in seconds with the weight of rice alone!

Don't you just have a little more meat?

Besides, your shelter is nothing~

It's just one, and it's a bit shabby."

After complaining, Sun Wei directly switched to the live broadcast room and came to Xiang Mo, who was ranked third.

Xiang Mo and Mo Xi were gathered around the fire, roasting rabbits and talking together.


I really want to have a good meal!"

Xiang Mo looked at the hare on the fire pitifully and swallowed hard.

They hadn't had a good meal for a long time.

Occasionally they could catch prey and eat meat, but most of the time they would just stew the bones with wild vegetables.

"Don't worry, I've seen the rules of this show.

As long as we can hold on, we'll have a chance to steal other people's prey, and then we can live a good life."

"Sister Xixi!

You actually thought of stealing!"

Xiang Mo heard this, his face full of exaggerated surprise,"Is this still my sister Xixi?

You are really... so good!

When do we start stealing?

I can't wait!"

Mo Xi turned the roasted rabbit rack expressionlessly, without looking at Xiang Mo, still looking at the roasted rabbit and said:"I haven't found other contestants yet.

When we find them, we will have a chance."

"what chance?"

"You go and seduce them, lead them out, and I'll steal them."

Xiang Mo:"……"



Sun Wei looked at Xiang Mo's bitter face and couldn't help laughing.

Then he followed with a few comments and switched to the live broadcast room.

The fourth place was Shi Zhigang.

As a"big V", although he was washing the pot at the moment, he did not stop explaining.

"In the wilderness, water is a very important resource.

If you come to the wilderness to play, be sure to bring a filter stick!

Filter sticks are sold in my online store. You can search for Gangge's Wilderness Survival Store to buy them.

Such a filter stick can help you filter out a lot of bacteria and parasite eggs. It is a special emergency filter stick!"


Sun Wei frowned. He actually hated this kind of hard commercials.

So he switched to the live broadcast room and came to the fifth place on the popularity list.

The fifth place was Chen Chen.

Chen Chen now has the title of"cute mole" and his popularity has skyrocketed.

However, Chen Chen himself didn't know this. At this moment, Chen Chen was spinning with a silly look on his face.

From time to time, he would break a section and act stupidly from time to time.

Zhao Lu was spinning with another newly made spinning wheel while taking the time to instruct Chen Chen.


Seeing this scene, Sun Wei couldn't help but sigh softly.

"It's the same live broadcast room, why is there such a big difference!

The others are either showing off or being cocky, but this is so warm.

It's worthy of being the first~

Chen Chen's live broadcast room alone has received more than 300,000 rewards~


Sighing silently, Sun Wei gave some money and continued to look back.


Chen Chen didn't know what was going on.

She felt dizzy at the moment.

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