"Ugh... my head feels dizzy.……"

Chen Chen covered his head, pouted, and frowned.

Before Zhao Lu could speak, she started to explain herself.

"I really am not saying this because I am honestly making a mistake, I am really dizzy!"

"Of course I know~"

Zhao Lu looked at the silly girl in front of her and couldn't help but want to laugh,"That's because the medicine I gave you took effect.

You should go to sleep quickly, and when you wake up, the fever will be gone."


Chen Chen nodded dazedly. To be honest, she was very sleepy now. She didn't say much and fell on the bed to sleep.

Zhao Lu covered her with two jackets and continued spinning.

With his full spinning skill, he spun the yarn as fast and smoothly as a humanoid machine.

The spinning wheel was spinning rapidly in his hand, and the cotton strips in his hand were also decreasing rapidly.


"Is Zhao Lu really only in his 20s!?

Is he really just a college graduate!?"

"Oh my god!

Just looking at this speed, I know that this is definitely not the first time Zhao Lu has done this.

I want to know, what exactly did he study?

Isn't it veterinary medicine, but textiles?"

"My grandma is a craftsman who inherited the spinning skills of the older generation, but I have never seen my grandma spin so fast! It takes her eight hours to spin four taels of yarn!

His speed...

I really can't calculate it!"

"Too fast!

This is really too fast!"

"I want to know what he can't do.……"


The audience in the live broadcast room were immediately blown away after seeing Zhao Lu's full-throated speed.

Even people who don't know much about spinning, after seeing Zhao Lu's smooth movements, know that Zhao Lu has a lot of attainments in spinning.

But Zhao Lu is more than just a master in spinning?

It only took him 1 hour to use up all the cotton strips that Chen Chen had worked so hard to make.

Then Zhao Lu did not continue to cut the cotton strips, but began to load the cotton yarn that had just been spun onto the simple loom and began to weave.

His movements were very fast, without any unnecessary movements, and every movement was just right.

Installing the thread, fixing the thread, and starting to weave, everything was as smooth as flowing water.

But it's a pleasure to watch

""Click, click, click~"

The pedal of the loom kept making sounds. After just half an hour, he had used up all the yarn he had just spun.

Suddenly, a 50*50 cotton cloth prototype was made.

The reason why it was a prototype was that there was not enough cotton thread.

Zhao Lu continued to cut cotton strips and started spinning and weaving.

So, when Chen Chen woke up, she was shocked to find that there was an extra piece of cloth in front of her!


How long have I slept?"

Chen Chen was a little confused.

After her attempts, she found that spinning and weaving was indeed a laborious task.

It took at least a day to make so many pieces of cloth.

So, in her mind, it must have been a long time.

"About... more than three hours?"

Chen Chen was shocked when he heard this.

"You made so much fabric in just over three hours?!

How did you do it!?"

"Because I am good at handicrafts.~"

"A handyman?"

Chen Chen reached out and poked Zhao Lu's arm, and found that it was all muscle.

"I don't think you're alone."

"Believe it or not, I am no longer a person now?"


When Chen Chen saw Zhao Lu's"vicious" expression, he immediately retracted his hand and showed an embarrassed expression on his face.

"Isn't this surprising?~"

"Don't move~"

Zhao Lu raised her hand and touched Chen Chen's forehead. Seeing that Chen Chen wanted to hide, she called him and put her hand on Chen Chen's forehead.

"Hmm~ Not bad, it's healed~"

After touching his forehead and taking his pulse, Zhao Lu nodded with satisfaction.

"It seems that I have learned postpartum care for sows very well.~"


You just tease me~"

Chen Chen was not angry this time, but rolled his eyes at Zhao Lu, and then continued to cut the cotton balls.

Zhao Lu did not speak, but walked out of the shelter quickly.

At this moment, the rain outside had stopped.

The air was very fresh, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

"It has been raining for quite a long time, and it has finally rained thoroughly."

Zhao Lu sighed silently.

The tropical rainforest is very humid and hot, and is the favorite place for various fungi.

So if you want to live here, you need to take a bath frequently, otherwise it will be very easy to get skin diseases.

But at the same time, there are a lot of mushrooms here.

Raising his hand and looking at the number on the bracelet, Zhao Lu silently calculated in his mind, then turned his head and looked into the distance.

"There are still 468 people. It seems that the program team has invested a lot of resources in the early stage.

However, although there are a lot of resources, the amount is too small, and there is not enough for so many people to snatch.

Then the competition and killing will begin, right?


I don’t know how long the resources invested by the program team can last, and whether anyone will come to trouble me?"

Zhao Lu has a hunch that as the resources invested by the program team are exhausted, then killing each other will become inevitable.

Moreover, this matter will definitely not come too late.

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