"Huh? It's a breadfruit tree!"

Meng Wei looked at the breadfruit tree in front of him with ecstasy.

He knew very well what this breadfruit tree meant.

"It seems that I have no worries about survival this time!"

Meng Wei was ecstatic. He wanted to try his best today and walk a little further to see the situation.

But he didn't expect to find such a good resource!

After encountering such a resource, Meng Wei would not stand there stupidly.

So, he quickly put the bamboo basket on the ground and started to climb the tree.

However, when he came to the tree, he unexpectedly found some strange phenomena.

"Has anyone been here?"

Meng Wei frowned.

There were many cut marks on the breadfruit tree.

This showed that someone had indeed been here.

At first, he didn't see any ripe breadfruits and thought that the ripe ones had been eaten by small animals.

But after seeing the cut marks, he immediately knew that this was man-made!

"It seems that this is the resource point of a certain contestant."

Meng Wei narrowed his eyes, and there was a constant flash of cold light in his small eyes.

He jumped directly, jumped down from the tree, and began to search for marks nearby.

There are too many trees and plants in the tropical rainforest. If a person does not have a mark, there is a high probability that he will get lost.

Therefore, in his opinion, the person who occupied the breadfruit tree in advance must have left a mark.

And he can use those marks to find the other party's shelter first, and then take the initiative to kill the other party.

In this way, he can not only occupy this resource point alone, but also swallow up the resources of the person he killed!

""No poison, no hero!"

Although Meng Wei had never eliminated anyone, he was not opposed to this at all.

However, after he searched carefully, he found it very embarrassing that he did not find any trace of the mark at all!

This made him feel very terrified.

"Eliminate all the impossible options, and the remaining one, no matter how incredible it is, is the correct answer."

Meng Wei muttered silently, and then suddenly widened his eyes.


This person can actually find this place without any marks! ?

Is this person too powerful, or is this person too close to the breadfruit tree?"

Meng Wei was a little confused.

However, he still had to do what he should do.

The first thing to do was not to pick any breadfruit.

The second thing to do was to erase all his marks!

Since he couldn't find the other party, he had to block all the paths the other party took to find him.

Not picking breadfruits was to prevent the other party from finding this place and being seen by others, so that they would go looking for marks specifically.

Although there were many breadfruits on the tree, he didn't think that he wouldn't be discovered if he picked one!

Now, all the contestants' resources were almost exhausted.

Meng Wei could imagine that if he accidentally got such a breadfruit tree resource, he would definitely treat these breadfruit trees as treasures. He would remember every breadfruit on it.

He would not forget the total number.

Judging from himself, he felt that he could not touch these breadfruits.

"Sure enough, the person who can leave the mark is still strong!

How great it would be if I had such strength!

Then I can take the initiative to attack today!

Once I leave, I will be doomed to be somewhat passive!"

Meng Wei sighed silently, then turned and left.

He would not act rashly.

Because he is a smart man, he knows that he has many ways to eliminate the opponent, but at the same time, the opponent also has many ways to eliminate himself.

"Be cautious, there is no harm!

Wait for me to come out early tomorrow, I will find your shelter!

I will strike first and eliminate you first, then this resource will be mine!"


Zhao Lu naturally didn't know that there was an uninvited guest under his breadfruit tree.

Moreover, it was such a cautious uninvited guest.

However, even if he knew, it would be nothing. He could just kill him!

At this moment, he had just finished taking a bath and was warming himself by the fire while cutting wood.

"This new pair of underwear is so comfortable to wear~"

Zhao Lu glanced at Chen Chen who was clumsily making underwear. Chen

Chen rolled his eyes at Zhao Lu and continued to work.

After a while, Zhao Lu finished carving a piece of wood.

"Mole, you haven't finished it yet?

Do you need help?"

"No need, Er Gouzi~"

"Then I'm going to sleep.~"

"So early?"

Chen Chen looked at Zhao Lu in surprise.

"Are you tired?"

"No, but I have to get up early tomorrow morning."

"Getting up early? What for?"

"Rubber tapping~"


"There will be continuous heavy rains recently, and rubber trees cannot be tapped when they are wet.

So, we have to hurry up and tap some rubber quickly ~ otherwise, there will be no chance in the future!"

"So that's it……"

"Yes~ Go to sleep! Go to bed early~"

Zhao Lu said, then washed his hands and face, and lay down on the bed to sleep.

Soon, his breathing began to even out.


Chen Chen called out softly, but Zhao Lu didn't respond.

Seeing this, Chen Chen couldn't help but throw the cloth in his hand away angrily.

""Stingy guy!"

He cursed in a low voice, then Chen Chen held his chin with his hand and fell into a dilemma.

"Should I ask him to do it for me?

If I miss it, I'm afraid I'll have to wait a long time.……"

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