Chen Chen gradually fell asleep while hesitating and struggling.

Inside the shelter, only the sound of even breathing could be heard.

From time to time, there were also a few sounds of talking in sleep.

Without listening to the sounds, you could tell that it was Chen Chen's.

Outside the shelter, the sounds of various insects and frogs continued to be heard.

The tropical rainforest was full of vitality at night.

Time passed slowly.

Before long, it was 4 a.m.

This is the time when normal humans who are not night owls sleep the deepest.

However, at this time when normal humans sleep the most soundly, some people get up early.

Among these people, there are those who make breakfast, cleaners, early-rising mothers, and... two contestants of the"Desert Island Survival"



Zhao Lu opened his eyes and turned over to sit up.

He had a special ability since he was a child, that is, if he had something on his mind, he would get up early the next day!

And today, he had something on his mind!

"It’s almost time~"

Zhao Lu went outside to look at the sky, estimated the time in his mind, and found that his"special ability" was still very powerful.

Then, he put the wooden barrel and bamboo tube into the bamboo basket, and went out with the bamboo basket on his back.

He was going to tap rubber today!


At the same time, in a shelter, a young man quickly got up.

He looked at his companion who was sleeping in the same room with him very cautiously, then took out charcoal and wrote a line of words on the wooden board, then went out with a bamboo basket and a hatchet.

This person was Meng Wei who discovered the breadfruit tree yesterday!

He had to get up early today to find the early occupant of the breadfruit tree resource point!


"It is best to tap rubber in the morning.

Because the temperature and humidity are the best at this time, you can get the most rubber by tapping at this time~"

Zhao Lu said as she walked.

"There is a lot of rain in the tropical rainforest. There will be a lot of rainy days recently, so I have to seize this opportunity to cut some rubber!

With this thing, I can make a lot of good things!"

While talking, Zhao Lu came to the rubber tree.

He tied the bamboo tube and took out a rubber tree that he had cut earlier."V"The shaped wood piece was nailed diagonally in the middle of the tree, and then the bamboo tube was tied to it, and finally the bark was separated diagonally.

After all this was done, the milky white glue immediately dripped down the bark quickly.

""Really good~"

Zhao Lu sighed slightly, and then quickly cut all ten trees in this way.

Because Zhao Lu's movements were very skillful, it didn't take him long in the end.

In less than half an hour, he had finished all ten trees.

Because the glue would continue to flow for a while, he had nothing to do for the time being.

Then, in the slightly bright sky, after harvesting the ripe mangoes, he carried the bamboo basket and walked away.

Although there are no resource points around, in the vast tropical rainforest, as long as you are willing, you will have some special gains.

Zhao Lu plans to be a willing person now and try his luck.


"Is there any place nearby that is more suitable for human habitation?"

Meng Wei carefully analyzed as he walked.

"Forget it, let's find a water source first. Once we find a water source, it will be easier to find someone!

He must be nearby!

Damn it, if only I could climb up the tallest tree!"

Every time this happened, Meng Wei would blame himself for his incompetence.

He also knew that if he could climb up a tall tree, he could quickly find the place he wanted to find.

But he couldn't climb up!

But after searching for a while, he was disappointed. There was no water source near this breadfruit tree resource point.

"It seems that this method is a failure.……"

Meng Wei sighed slightly, but he was not frustrated, because there were other ways!

There were many plants in the tropical rainforest, and these foods grew very irregularly.

When normal people traveled through the rainforest, they would often cut down some plants to make it easier for them to move forward.

And this was the breakthrough point that Meng Wei found!

"I don't believe you won't even open the way!"

Meng Wei gritted his teeth and began to circle around the breadfruit tree.

He circled around and around, searching carefully bit by bit.

If someone could watch from above the rainforest, they would definitely sing out loud.——"The magic of love is spinning around~

I miss you so much that my heart is blooming day and night~"


Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was already dawn.

At this moment, Zhao Lu had already sat in the shelter, boiling water and cooking.


Chen Chen rubbed his big eyes that had become"triple eyelids" due to sleep, and looked at Zhao Lu curiously.

"Aren’t you going to tap rubber or something?"


Originally, I was planning to go there to tap rubber.

But I suddenly thought that there was no use for all the rubber I tapped, so I gave up~

You say, I don’t need that thing, why tap rubber?

I don’t need bra~"

Chen Chen:"……"

"Okay, stop being so poor this morning!

I found that we are missing a wooden barrel. What do you think we are using it for?~"

"You are so smart~

Little Mole~

But guess what I found this morning?"

Zhao Lu saw that Chen Chen had guessed the truth, so she changed the subject directly.

"It’s a very, very good thing!"

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