
Chen Chen stared with wide eyes, his train of thought was diverted by Zhao Lu's words.

"Very close~

Keep guessing~

We are on a deserted island, and the most important thing is of course food.

You can't say that, you need to be very accurate, what kind of food is it?~"


Chen Chen pouted when he heard that,"There are so many things to eat, how can I answer you when you ask this! ?"

"If you guess correctly, I can make your bra for free!"


Are you still going to charge me?

Besides, we are on a deserted island now, how are you going to charge me?"

"Okay then, no charge. How about I do it for you for free whether you guess or not?"

"That's how it should be!"

Chen Chen raised her lips smugly, but the next moment, she realized something was wrong.


I didn't ask you to do that for me!"


Zhao Lu couldn't help laughing at Chen Chen's cute look.

"You! Humph!" Seeing this

, Chen Chen stomped his feet and took���Tender branches, walking towards the river.

Breakfast of toasted breadfruit and bamboo rat stewed with mushrooms and bamboo shoots

"What are you doing today?"

Chen Chen patted her belly and looked at Zhao Lu lazily.

Unconsciously, she had already"obeyed" Zhao Lu.

"It's sunny today, so make the most of it.

You can put the peppers and mushrooms I got outside to dry in the sun, and I'll be back soon."


""Okay, I'm leaving."

Zhao Lu waved her hand, turned around and walked out with the bamboo basket on her back.

The glue was almost done now, it was time to take it back.


Zhao Lu ran out of the door.

However, before he reached the rubber tree, he suddenly found something unusual.

"Hmm? Is there anyone passing by here?"

Zhao Lu happened to see a mark on the tree.

That mark was definitely a mark he had never seen before.

"It seems that some contestants have started to explore here."

Zhao Lu frowned.

He had deliberately chosen a more remote place in order to occupy more resources.

Although it was normal to be invaded by other contestants, he still felt uncomfortable.

After all, these were all his resources!

""When I finish collecting the latex, I will find you."

Zhao Lu glanced at the mark again, and then continued to run towards the rubber tree.

The wound of the rubber tree had scabbed and solidified at this moment. Zhao Lu poured all the latex that had been connected into the wooden barrel.

"Not bad~

The amount of latex is about the same.

Although I can't make a standard latex pillow, it's still good to make a slightly smaller latex pillow~"

Zhao Lu shook the wooden barrel and nodded with satisfaction.

"The only pity is that there is no anticoagulant. So much glue must be used up today, otherwise, it is also possible to make a super thick latex mattress.

Now, we can only make a pile of thin latex mattresses."

Sighing silently, Zhao Lu picked some mangoes and put them in the bamboo basket. The mark he saw today made him feel a sense of crisis.

So, he began to collect all the resources that could be collected!

Carrying the bamboo basket and the wooden barrel, Zhao Lu hurried back to the shelter.

""Huh? So soon?"

Chen Chen saw Zhao Lu coming back and immediately came over curiously.

Of course, what she was most curious about was the bucket of glue in Zhao Lu's hand.

"Is this latex?"


Zhao Lu nodded, looked at Chen Chen with a half-smile and said,"What a pity~

There are too few rubber trees, and without anticoagulants, many things can't be made.

I have to use this thing now, otherwise it will dry up in a while!

Is there anything you want me to make?"


Chen Chen snorted coldly, then turned and left.

Zhao Lu shrugged and didn't care.

She turned around and took out four very short thin bamboo sticks.

One end of these four thin bamboo sticks was full of strange small holes, and in the small holes, there were strands of animal hair, and the other end was nothing, just bare bamboo sticks - this was all done by Zhao Lu before coming out.

Put these four"brush"-like bamboo sticks in the grooves, then scoop some latex and pour it on them.

Suddenly, the four toothbrushes were basically completed!

"Huh? You actually used latex to fix this!"

Chen Chen was stunned when she saw Zhao Lu's operation. She really didn't expect that Zhao Lu would use latex to do this.

"What's so surprising about this?

Shouldn't you have thought of this when you saw me making a toothbrush?"


Chen Chen laughed dryly twice, and then placed a clay mold in his hand on the table.

The mold had a strange shape, with two bowls holding objects.

"Mainly, I didn't notice it.

Can you lend me your latex?"

""Oh? So, your attention is all on these two bowls?"

Zhao Lu looked at Chen Chen with a half-smile.

He could tell at a glance what these two bowls were used for.

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