
As soon as Zhao Lu came to the thing on the ground, she saw blood stains on it.


You still come to me when you're injured?

It seems that the pork liver I gave you last time made you feel that I'm a good person, right?"The little thing in front of him was the rusty-spotted cat that came here last night.

Cats are very smart animals. They can sense the malice or kindness of other creatures.

Since Zhao Lu showed kindness to it last time, it remembered him.

After being injured this time, it ran directly to his door to"bump into porcelain"


After taking a closer look at the kitten, Zhao Lu found that the kitten had fainted.

So Zhao Lu took out some herbs from his pocket and sprinkled them directly on the kitten.

This was the anthelmintic he always carried with him.

As soon as the anthelmintic was on the kitten, countless small insects of all kinds fled from the kitten as if they were running for their lives.

"Haha~ There are so many bugs~"

Zhao Lu then carried it to the yard, placed it on a wooden block and carefully examined its body.

"The external and internal injuries are very serious...

Who did you fight with?"

After a quick look, Zhao Lu made a diagnosis of the kitten.

It was injured by other animals. The injuries were very serious. If Zhao Lu hadn't been here and he had obtained a lot of herbs not long ago, the kitten would really be beyond saving.


Isn't this the cat?"

Zhao Lu was about to turn around to get the herbs and cotton cloth, but suddenly he heard Chen Chen exclaim behind him.


It is~"

"How pitiful...

Is it injured?

Did it fight with someone?!"

Chen Chen really liked this kitten.

However, ever since Zhao Lu told her how fierce this kitten was last time, she had kept her distance from it.

This time, although the kitten was dizzy, she was still a little nervous and didn't dare to put her hands directly on the kitten.

"It's already fainted, so feel free to pet it if you want, but don't use too much force, as it's injured after all."


After hearing what Zhao Lu said, Chen Chen was obviously a little surprised.

So she stretched out her little finger and gently stroked the kitten's head.

"Wow! It's so soft and cute!


Can you save it?"

"Of course~

But a friendly reminder, wild cats are very dirty. They usually have fleas~

This is a tropical rainforest, and there are many kinds of insects.

So, it may not only have fleas on it~"


"Gou Kun, I hate you!!"

Chen Chen yelled angrily, and then ran towards the pool.

"Ahhhh! I am dying!


And other bugs!

It’s over!"

"By the way~"

Zhao Lu looked at Chen Chen who was washing his hands vigorously below,"I had already helped it get rid of the insects before rescuing it.~"


Chen Chen paused, then slowly turned his head and looked at Zhao Lu viciously.


He glared at Zhao Lu, rolled his eyes, snorted again, and then turned around to work.


Mole Su~

Your white eyes are quite white~"

Seeing that Chen Chen ignored her, Zhao Lu didn't care. She smiled and came to the kitten with something.

She first prepared internal injury medicine for the kitten and fed it, then applied external injury medicine to it and wrapped it with cotton cloth.

This was considered to have completely stabilized the kitten's injuries.

""Huh? It's done so quickly?"

Chen Chen had just finished his work at the farm. Seeing Zhao Lu had already started packing up, he immediately asked in confusion.


Don't forget, I'm a serious veterinarian~"

"I know, I know. Are you good at postpartum care for sows?~"

"Wow~ Have you all learned how to answer quickly?"


""Gou Kun! I'm not done with you!"

Chen Chen immediately got angry, waving her fists, wanting to hit Zhao Lu.

However, she was destined to fail.

Because Zhao Lu had already put the"amulet""——Various ingredients were taken out

"Come on, I'm going to start washing vegetables and cooking.

The naughty kids won't have any food to eat later!"


Are your shoulders tired~"

Upon hearing this, Chen Chen immediately revealed a lovely smile, with two small canine teeth playfully showing their heads, coupled with her big eyes, she was really as cute as she could be.

"Let me give you a massage~"

As she said this, she came behind Zhao Lu and began to massage her shoulders.

"Hmm~ Not bad~"

Zhao Lu nodded slightly, and was quite satisfied with Technician Su's service.


How is that cat now?"

"It's fine.

After a month of care, it will be a healthy animal again."

"So, can we keep it?"

"Can't support~"


"Have you ever heard of this saying?

No matter you are poor or rich, it will look down on you? This is what is said about this little wild cat!


"That’s not necessarily true.

There are thousands of kinds of cats. Maybe it’s a good cat."

"Then you can try to raise it.

Anyway, we can't finish the meat, otherwise it will go bad."

"That's true~"

Chen Chen nodded in agreement.

If the other contestants who ate bugs saw this, they would be furious.

It's true that comparison kills people.

While Chen Chen was massaging, Zhao Lu prepared breakfast.

Relatively speaking, breakfast was relatively light, just stir-fried dragon beans, a pot of pork and rice porridge, and a few toasted breadfruits.

It was nutritious and delicious.

After the two finished eating, they were ready to continue working.

However, just as they were about to clean up the dishes, they suddenly heard a very faint"meow" beside them.

Turning around, they found that the kitten was looking at Zhao Lu pitifully.

"What a greedy little cat!

He was so badly injured, but he was���I have been awakened by the food, so I will call you Little Greedy from now on!

Greedy Greedy!"


Xiao Chan naturally doesn’t know how"careless" his name is. He only knows that the meat in front of him smells so good!


Xiaochan cried out happily again while chewing the boiled bacon Zhao Lu gave him.

"It seems that there is one more member in our family?"

Zhao Lu raised her eyebrows and started to work.

"Today's task is very heavy!

We need to deal with the soaked bark first~

Mole Su~

Come with me, I will teach you how to make paper~"


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