
Chen Chen's mouth curled up slightly when he heard that, and he trotted towards Zhao Lu.

He said excitedly:"Okay, okay~

When the time comes, I will learn the papermaking technique, and this kind of work can be left to me~

But, is this thing easy to learn?"

"It's not difficult~

It's very simple.

Only paper-making requires a lot of practice, but everything else is not difficult."

Zhao Lu said, and took Chen Chen to the ditch.

He used a hoe to pick up all the bark that had been soaked here earlier, and washed it at the water outlet on the side.

Then he used an axe to cut the bark into small pieces and piled them together.

"The first step in making paper is pulping.

It's very simple. Soak the bark and lime together. In our weather, soaking for two days is enough.

Of course, soaking for two more days doesn't matter.

Then chop it up.

This is not necessary for papermaking, but it is necessary for us.

Because we don't have a big pot, we only have this ordinary cooking pot."

Zhao Lu said, and threw the chopped bark into the pot.

"From now on, this pot will be used to make paper.

Throw the barks in and start boiling.

Keep boiling until the barks become mushy.

Then pour out the boiled pulp and grind it!

At that time, you can just use a wooden stick to grind it on the stone.

Originally, the pulp needed to be filtered again, but we lack the tools here and there is no need to filter it, so at this point, the pulp is considered to be made.

Generally, paper mills will add something to the pulp at this time, such as glue or something, or bleach it or something.

But we don't need it.

Just put the pulp directly into the pool that I built first.

The last step is papermaking. I will teach you step by step. You can't learn that just by talking.~"

"No problem~"

Chen Chen looked at the bark being cooked in the pot and nodded vigorously,"This thing sounds simple!"

"Of course~

Okay, I'll leave it to you. I'm going to build a house."



The construction of the house is progressing very quickly.

At this moment, Zhao Lu is using relatively high bamboo to reinforce the house.

A large house is made up of countless small combination points.

Each small point is composed of two large tree trunks, several horizontal thick wooden sticks, and countless long bamboo poles.

The two large tree trunks stand on the left and right sides respectively, and the thick wooden sticks are inserted between the large tree trunks one by one.

As for the bamboo poles, they are inserted along with the thick wooden sticks and tied together firmly.

Afterwards, the gaps between the wood and bamboo will be blocked with yellow mud.

Finally, all the walls will be painted with lime mortar.

In this way, the construction work is basically completed.

Zhao Lu and Chen Chen spent the whole morning very busy.

In order to speed up, Chen Chen also began to help Zhao Lu transport bamboo.

The two worked together and the work progress was very fast.

In just one morning, the"palace" was improved a lot.

"Wow~ Now it feels more like a palace~"

Chen Chen was shocked when he saw the huge building in front of him.

"I originally thought that you would build a big house like a castle.

I didn't expect that it really looks like a palace.

There is so much empty space in the middle."

"After all, we don't have electric lights, so it's better to make it like this."

Zhao Lu smiled very proudly.

With the system, his architectural design skills are also full.

Therefore, the house he designed is naturally the best.

"Is the pottery for the sewer pipe ready?"

"Of course~"

"Well, we can lay out the sewer pipes in the afternoon."

Zhao Lu started washing vegetables and cooking.

At noon, they still had all kinds of fried pork.

There was no other way. There were more than 100 kilograms of pork in total. It would not last long in such a place, so they had to finish it as soon as possible.

After dinner, the two of them continued to work.

The"sewer" pottery that Zhao Lu asked Chen Chen to make was the kind of pipes that could be rotated and spliced together.

It was very simple to assemble.

So Zhao Lu asked Chen Chen to assemble it on one side, while he started digging a ditch to prepare to bury the pipes.

Finally, a large pit needed to be dug so that the things discharged from the sewer pipes could go into that place.

Zhao Lu was very fast. After Chen Chen spliced all the pipes, he also dug out the ditch for the buried pipes.

The ditch was not dug deep. After all, the soil of the foundation had not been buried yet. After the soil of the foundation was buried, the depth was enough.

The two worked together to put the long pipe into the ditch, and then filled it with soil. In this way, the sewer pipe was basically completed.

After that, Zhao Lu started digging a pit, while Chen Chen continued to transport bamboo.

Not long after, the sewer system was completely built.

After testing, the performance was perfect

""I can finally use the toilet indoors!"

Chen Chen looked at the drainage system and shouted excitedly.

She was used to having toilets, but suddenly she had to use the toilet in the wilderness. She was really not used to it.


Let's continue to work~

I guess the typhoon is not far away."

Zhao Lu looked at the sky and then continued to work.

It has been raining for the past few days, and the wind is not small, so the temperature in the rain forest has dropped significantly.

There is no longer that steaming feeling.

This temperature also makes the work faster.


While Zhao Lu and the others were working, the Sunday afternoon show"Desert Island Survival" started again.

"Hello everyone~

I am the host Cao Bin, welcome to watch our show~"

Cao Bin still had a professional expression, and after introducing the old guests and a new guest with the old-fashioned opening remarks, the show officially entered the main topic

"Today is August 11, the 11th day of survival on the deserted island.

During these 11 days, everyone has experienced many tests, and 109 contestants were not adapted to the environment of the deserted island and withdrew from the competition. The remaining 391 contestants are very strong!

They each have their own advantages and strengths, and they have a great time on the deserted island.

But this good time will not last long!

We received an early warning from the meteorological department that the tropical cyclone Big Pineapple has officially formed and will pass by our Youmeng Island in 7 days!

By then, there will be a possibility of strong winds exceeding level 10 on the island!

This is undoubtedly the cruelest test for our contestants!

I don’t know if they have noticed the arrival of the typhoon and made adequate preparations.

But whether they are prepared or not, the typhoon is coming!

Countdown 7 days, what will the island look like by then?"

Have fun reading on May Day! Recharge 100 to get 500 VIP points!

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