Liu Deli said, and turned the camera around to face Zhao Lu.

"Ding ding ding~

It's Mr. Zhao Lu!

He is the real wilderness expert. He can come and go freely in such a dangerous place as a playground.

Only a real expert can find so much food in such a place where food is hard to find! Only such a morally noble expert is willing to give some food to the gentle, cute and pitiful Liu Laoshi in such a place.

Dear audience friends, my dear fans~

You say, shouldn't such an expert be rewarded! ?

Oil sprayers!

Go to Mr. Zhao Lu's live broadcast room and give him a wave of rewards!

Especially my fans, I helped the gentle and lovely Liu Laoshi to pay for a meal at that time!

In addition, you can also give Liu Laoshi some rewards~

After all, Liu Laoshi is so weak that I am afraid he has no chance to get the final bonus.

So I can only rely on you to eat!

My true fans, can you bear to watch the gentle and pitiful Liu Laoshi beg for a living after being eliminated?"



Lao Liu, do you have any fans?"

"Mr. Liu, who gave you the courage to speak like that?

You, Fish Leong or your bald head?"

"I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"I have never seen such a shameless person!"



Chen Chen looked at the completely shameless Liu Deli and felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

It was a little funny, but also a little contemptuous.

But more of it was empathy.

"Alas, money is hard to earn.

Liu Laoshi also tried his best to make money.

If I were as shameless as him, I would have received a lot of rewards, right?"

After thinking for a while, Chen Chen still couldn't be as shameless as Liu Deli.

"Brother, your food is so delicious!

Oh, if I could only have one tenth of your cooking skills, I could open a restaurant and live a comfortable life."

Liu Deli picked up a piece of meat, put it in his mouth and chewed it, while turning into a licking dog and flattering Zhao Lu.

""Well, of course, brother, your best skill is not your cooking, but you as a person!

I found that you can do everything! It

's amazing!

In my opinion, the first place this time should be you, brother~

Absolutely, no doubt~

Well~ This breadfruit is also delicious~

Hahahaha~ I'm so lucky to meet you~"

Liu Deli licked and ate with big mouthfuls.

Zhao Lu just watched silently and didn't say much.

In such a hot and humid environment, bacon can't be preserved for too long.

Instead of throwing away the bacon, it is better to use the meat to do other things, such as hiring a long-term worker to work.

In Zhao Lu's eyes, Liu Deli is a pretty good long-term worker.

This is also the reason why Zhao Lu watched Liu Deli eat meat with a smile.

As for the good temper... that's just a joke.

If he didn't have too much meat to eat and it would go bad if he kept it for a while, he wouldn't watch Liu Deli eat like this!

"Okay, finish eating quickly, and then we will go to work.

The recent tasks are very heavy."

Zhao Lu's eating speed is still very fast.

It didn't take long for her to finish eating.

Then she said this and left to build a house.

Seeing this, Liu Deli also stood up.

"Brother, I'm done eating!"

"You should eat some more."

"But I really ate it well.……"

"No, you don't"


Liu Deli was stunned.

He had seen people persuading others to drink, but he had never seen people persuading others to eat!

Moreover, this was a deserted island with scarce resources.

Someone actually persuaded an outsider on a deserted island to eat more of his own food! If he told others about this kind of thing, no one would believe it.

Liu Deli's first reaction after encountering such a bizarre thing was - moved!

This new boss was better than all the bosses he had met in the past!


Liu Deli was very moved.

At such an old age, it is rare to have such a feeling again.


I will eat more!


I will work hard later!"

"Take it slow, after all, you are quite old."


Boss, I'm actually only 30...

I just look older.……"

"Oh~ OK, very good~"

Zhao Lu patted Liu Deli on the shoulder, then turned around and walked towards the construction site.

There were more dishes cooked today, and if Liu Deli couldn't finish them, it would be a waste again.

"This feeling is much better than raising a pig.

Not only does it have a place to throw away leftovers, but it also helps with the work.

It's great!"

Zhao Lu sighed and started to work.

Liu Deli looked at Zhao Lu's back and sighed silently.

"What a good boss!

I must work hard.

If I get the boss's appreciation, I can stay on the deserted island for a while longer and make more money!

When I get out of the deserted island, I can use this money to start a company, become the general manager, become the CEO, marry a beautiful and rich woman, and reach the pinnacle of life!


Liu Deli touched his almost bald head and ate happily.


On a deserted island, the most important thing is physical strength.

When a person's physical strength is insufficient, no matter what he does, it will not go smoothly.

Hunting or building a house will become a very difficult thing.

And once a person's physical strength is insufficient and there is no good thing to replenish it, he will fall into a vicious circle. The most effective way to replenish physical strength is food.

But on a deserted island, getting food is a very difficult thing.

This is why it is difficult to survive on a deserted island.

Once physical strength is not replenished in time, it may lead to a person's failure!

However, if an accident occurs and a person who is physically exhausted gets a lot of food.

Then that person's body will be full of strength again!

And Liu Deli is such a person.

He feels that he is full of strength.

In addition, the enthusiasm for work is originally high, so Zhao Lu built the"palace" very quickly today.

In just one afternoon, the workload that can be completed in a normal day was completed!

"There really is strength in numbers!"

Zhao Lu sighed silently as she watched the sky gradually darken.

"It seems that the basic work can be completed tomorrow, and it can be completely built the day after tomorrow~"

Zhao Lu felt happy when she thought that she was going to live in a big house.

However, at this moment, Liu Deli suddenly ran over.

His face was full of panic.

"Brother! Brother!

Something happened!

Something happened!

Quick... quick...

Chen Chen!……"

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