
Zhao Lu hurried over and grabbed Liu Deli's shoulder."What's going on?

No need to say anything, take me there, and talk while running!""

After Zhao Lu finished speaking, she pushed Liu Deli hard and asked him to lead the way.

Then he ran to the shelter and found some cotton cloth and herbs.

With the things, Zhao Lu quickly caught up with Liu Deli, and the two ran outside together.

On the way, Zhao Lu finally knew what happened.

It turned out that Chen Chen accidentally found a honey badger when he was collecting loess.

However, the honey badger was covered in blood and had large wounds on its body. Chen Chen did not dare to move the honey badger, so he asked Liu Deli to come back to find Zhao Lu.

Because Chen Chen's expression was quite nervous, and his tone showed the importance of the honey badger, Liu Deli naturally did not dare to neglect it. He ran all the way back to find Zhao Lu to save the badger.

Because he ran too fast, Liu Deli was so out of breath that he didn't even say a complete sentence in the end. This caused Zhao Lu to misunderstand.

However, after learning the truth, Zhao Lu's speed did not slow down.

On the contrary, after knowing the location and getting rid of Liu Deli, Zhao Lu's speed became faster.

"Could it be that honey badger?"

Zhao Lu's mind flashed back to the honey badger she had seen not long ago, the day she first met Chen Chen.

"It's really fate~"

Zhao Lu was very fast, and soon arrived at the place where they usually collected loess.

As soon as he arrived here, he saw Chen Chen squatting on the ground, pressing hard on the wound of the honey badger.


Hurry up!"

Chen Chen shouted anxiously when she saw Zhao Lu coming over.

Her eyes were red, and she was obviously very anxious.

"I feel like it's going to die soon!"

Zhao Lu didn't say anything and rushed to Chen Chen.

"It's okay~

I'm here~"

Zhao Lu patted Chen Chen's head and comforted him softly. Then Zhao Lu looked down at the honey badger.

There was a very long cut on the honey badger.

At this moment, the cut was bleeding.

There were also many fractures on the honey badger.

"Apparently, he was injured accidentally.……"

Zhao Lu looked up at the cliff not far away and the blood spilled on the ground, and immediately understood how the honey badger was injured.

"It fell off the cliff by accident.

It was scratched and had several broken bones.

It's no big deal."

After saying that, Zhao Lu sprinkled some anthelmintic on the honey badger and began to treat its wounds.

""Hmm!" Chen

Chen felt much more at ease when she heard Zhao Lu's words.

Then she turned around and looked at Zhao Lu's expression as she concentrated on treating her wounds.

She couldn't help but look at her several times.

Until Liu Deli came running over breathlessly, breaking this wonderful atmosphere.


Not long after Liu Deli arrived, Zhao Lu had already treated all the injuries on the honey badger.

Clapping his hands, Zhao Lu slowly stood up while holding the honey badger.

"Let's go back and eat.~"

"Brother, you are amazing! You really are a miracle worker!

Are you a medical student?

How can you be so amazing!"

When Liu Deli saw Zhao Lu finished the treatment, he immediately started to"lick" him.

"It's just a routine operation, you'll get used to it later~"

Zhao Lu waved her hand casually and started to walk back.

"The more I am with you, the more insignificant I feel.

Alas, I used to be a person who only sees the world from a narrow perspective! Before I met you, I doubted whether there were any real saints in the world.

But now, I finally believe it!

I used to be obsessed with the poems of the Han Dynasty, I used to be amazed by the poetic talent of Li Bai and Du Fu, and I used to linger on the lyrics and songs of the Song and Yuan Dynasties.

But now, I realize how shallow I am!"

"calm down~"

"Boss, my admiration for you is like the endless flow of the river, and like the flood of the Yellow River, which is out of control!

Whenever I think of meeting someone like you, I can't calm down for a long time.

Now I finally understand what I lack, which is the sense of heaviness produced by your persistent pursuit of truth and the hard practice of your ideals.

Only in this way can I learn so many skills and be so powerful, right?

Since ancient times, heroes have emerged from youth. Boss, at a young age, has a talent for the world. You must help me a lot when the time comes!"

"If you have something to say, just say it. Stop talking so much nonsense."


Boss, you are wise!

I just want to ask...

I have a colleague who also wants to work with you, boss. Just provide him with food and food every day.

I don't know……"

"Let's report together tomorrow morning.~"


Thank you, boss!

We will definitely work hard!"


The three returned to the shelter with Liu Deli's flattery.

Then they began to divide the work. Chen Chen went to take care of the honey badger, Liu Deli continued to build the house, and Zhao Lu started to wash vegetables and cook.

Not long after, the three sat at the table and began to enjoy today's dinner.

Dinner was very simple.

Fried pork with leeks, fried pork with dragon beans, and a portion of roast pork.

The staple food was still breadfruit.

There was no way, breadfruit and bacon could not be kept for too long, they had to eat them as soon as possible.

As for other things, such as sesame paste, rice and the like.

Zhao Lu was reluctant to give them to Liu Deli.

The few people chatted while eating, and soon ended the pleasant dinner.

After Liu Deli washed the dishes, he ran excitedly to the place where he and his companions had agreed.

Zhao Lu smiled at the honey badger who had woken up and was looking at the little cat Xiaochan not far away.

He said in a nonsensical way:"It appeared!

The second Pokémon!

Honey Badger Beast!"


Chen Chen laughed softly when he heard this.

"It's true!

We have two new members in our family!"

Zhao Lu looked at Chen Chen, whose eyes were smiling like crescent moons, and nodded slightly.

"Yes, there is a new member in our family."


After eating, Liu Deli walked through the forest very quickly.

Soon he arrived at the place where he and his companions had agreed to meet.

After seeing his companions making a fire, he couldn't help but speak loudly.

Unexpectedly, his companions also spoke loudly at the same time.

"Hu Xin (Lao Liu)!

I have good news for you!"


I'll say it first!"

"Okay, you go first."

After saying the same thing three times in a row, the two looked at each other and laughed.

Then Hu Xin spoke first:"I found a new resource point today, it's awesome!"

"Hmm? Not bad!

I found a new boss today, and he’s awesome too!"

Hu Xin:"???"

Boss! ?

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