Hu Xin was a little confused at the moment.

He couldn't understand how there could be a boss on a deserted island?

Was Lao Liu working himself into a trance? Was he still thinking about his boss on this deserted island?

And then he advertised for his boss in the live broadcast room and made some money for him?

It was crazy!

"Lao Liu, what do you mean?"

"It means literally~

I found a boss and plan to take you to work~"

Hu Xin:"???"


Hu Xin was stunned, completely stunned


"Hahahaha~ I'm dying of laughter!

Liu Laoshi seems to be a pimp at this moment!"

"Hu Xin was absolutely stunned.

Not to mention Hu Xin, even if I were there, I would be stunned."

"Hahahaha~ I don’t know whether Hu Xin will agree to Liu Laoshi’s invitation?"

"Hey! I want to reveal a secret!

Hu Xin has found a very good resource point. With this resource point, they may not go to work anymore."

"Huh? What resource point?"


In the live broadcast room of Liu Deli and Hu Xin, the barrage instantly filled the screen.

However, Hu Xin was still in a daze.

"No, what do you mean, Lao Liu?"

"I found a very strong man on a deserted island. We can help him with work, and he will provide us with food.

Liu Deli could only explain in very simple and popular language.

"Now, do you understand?"


Working for others and then having food to eat?"

Hu Xin was a little surprised.

This feeling was a bit like the farmhands working for the landlords during the famine!

The kind of people who would work until they died just to have enough food to eat.……


I feel like we could do this when we didn't have much to eat in the past, but now I've found a very good resource point~

With this resource point, I feel like we don't have to work like this anymore"

"Oh? What resource point?"

"A small orchard!

There are mangosteens and bananas! There are mangosteens hanging all over the trees!

There are also several pheasants near the mangosteen forest.

But they are quite cunning, so I didn't catch them.

With these fruits, we don't have to go hungry anymore!

Eating these fruits is better than working for this family?"

Hu Xin said, and took out today's harvest - mangosteens and bananas.



Liu Deli raised his eyebrows, took a few fruits with some joy, and looked at them in his hands.


This is really great!"


Hu Xin smiled proudly when he heard this.


We can donate this resource point to the boss!

This way we will definitely get more rewards!"

Hu Xin:"???"


Have you been bewitched?


The night in the rainforest is very restless.

It is filled with the chirping of insects and frogs.

Occasionally, there are the cries of wild animals, which adds a bit of danger to the rainforest.

If you spend the night in the wild without a fire, no matter who you are, you will probably not sleep well.

Moreover, even if you have a fire, people will often be afraid.


A roar sounded in the rain forest, causing Xiang Mo to tremble all over when he heard it.

"Xiao... Xiao Xixi...

Is this really okay...

Why do I feel so dangerous?……"

Xiang Mo leaned towards Mo Xi, as if this could give him a sense of security.

"What if a wild animal comes?……"

"It's okay."

Mo Xi looked into the distance expressionlessly.

Her mental state had improved a lot at this moment.

But she still had a slight smell of blood on her body.

Those beasts might have been attracted by the smell of blood on her body.

"We will keep watch separately.

When do you want to go to bed?"

"Then I'll go to bed in the second half of the night. Xiao Xixi, you go to bed first.~"


Mo Xi didn't hesitate and lay down in her sleeping bag and fell asleep.

They had walked a long way today and built a new temporary shelter. They hadn't eaten much yet.

They were already very tired.

So, she lay down in her sleeping bag and fell asleep quickly.


Xiang Mo looked at Mo Xi who had fallen asleep and sighed slightly.

"This is a really dangerous night...

I don't know if we can hold on to the end.……"




In Zhao Lu's shelter, the new family member, the honey badger, was calling weakly, as if chatting with Xiao Chan.

The old family member, the leopard cat Xiao Chan, called out disdainfully, then slapped the honey badger's head with one paw.

Then, it lazily walked to the fire and began to close its eyes to rest.


They don’t seem to be in very harmonious relationship~

Brother~ Do you think they will fight in the future?"

"How dare they!"

Zhao Lu snorted disdainfully,"With me here, do they still want to rebel?"


It’s great to have you around, brother~"

Chen Chen glanced at Zhao Lu and sighed sincerely,"Brother~

What are your plans after you get out of the deserted island?"

"With the 50 million bonus, I started a business"

"Hehe~ Brother, you are so confident!"

Chen Chen leaned towards Zhao Lu,"Although life on the deserted island is very hard, but when I am with you, I suddenly don't feel the hardship anymore~

I can't imagine what life will be like after leaving the deserted island and separating from you."

Chen Chen sighed and suddenly became a little sentimental

"Thinking of this, I suddenly felt reluctant to leave this deserted island.

How nice it would be if I could live on this deserted island forever...

Brother, don't you think so?"

"Life here is really good.

I have come to like this kind of life.

If I leave the island, I think I will not be able to adapt.

However, if it were you, you might not have so many worries."

"Eh? Why?"

"Because then you will only have one worry.~"

"What is it?"

Chen Chen's big eyes reflected the firelight, flashing beautifully.

There was a little smile and expectation on her lips, as if she already had an answer in her heart, and wanted to hear the answer in her heart again from Zhao Lu's mouth.

"Of course, it’s to lose weight!

Don’t forget, I’m a veterinarian, and I’m very good at pre-partum fattening, postpartum care, etc. for sows!"


"Dog Kun!!

I'll beat you!"

"Hahahaha~ Come on!

Am I afraid of you, brother?"


The night passed in such a warm and cozy way.

In the blink of an eye, it was the next day.

Zhao Lu woke up early as usual and went out to wash and cook.

However, he was stunned just as he went out.

"What the hell! ?"

…… ps The sixth update is over, please support!

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