In the face of everyone's admiration, Yang Xian's heart was full of helplessness, now that the girl is so exaggerated and active, it is better to be vigilant.

Bai Bing saw Yang Xian's indifferent expression, and looked at him fiercely, "If you dare to leave me, I will curse you for not being able to harden at a critical time." "

Several people felt their legs tighten and gasped.

This is too vicious, isn't it, and there is still a curse, isn't it clear that this is the first time we have met?

It is necessary to play so big!

Wang Xiaocong turned on the co-pilot of the Rolls-Royce Phantom at the right time, patted Yang Xian on the shoulder, and nodded solemnly, "Yang Xian, I organized a private party, or you can take it with you, otherwise you ......." "

Then he looked at Bai Bing, "This beauty, are you willing to join our private party with Yang Xian?"

Since the two are so intimate in words, they still have to ask a question or two.

"Of course I do, or I ....... Then Bai Bing made a scissor clicking motion.

Then several people glanced at Yang Xian's crotch and expressed sympathy.

Yang Xian couldn't help but shudder, this is too ruthless!

Su Huai and Mu Liangzhe immediately agreed expectantly, and then said truthfully to Yang Xian, "We also want to go with you." "

Although he was invited by Wang Xiaocong because of his friendship with Yang Xian before, he also wanted to experience the private party of the top rich second generation, but if Yang Xian was not interested, there was no need to go.

Anyway, Yang Xian is also aimless, and a private party is a good choice, but there is an inexplicable beautiful woman next to him.

"Uh...... Okay!" Yang Xian stared at Bai Bing, and then suddenly asked, "Beauty, what's your name?"

Wang Xiaocong: "???"

Su Huai: "???"

Mu Liangzhe: "???"

It turned out that she really didn't even know her name, but she had already made the beautiful goddess fall in love at first sight and behave intimately.

I always thought it was acting!

A master, definitely a master! I must ask for advice in the future.

The same thought came to the minds of several people.

"My name is Bai Bing. Hearing Yang Xian's words of agreement, he excitedly stepped forward and hugged Yang Xian's neck, and said in a small voice like a mosquito: "Thank you, husband!"

Then kiss it hard.

Bai Bing's intimate actions caught Yang Xian off guard, and in the end he could only accept it with a sigh, but it deeply hit Wang Xiaocong and the others.


"I hate the sour smell of love the most. "


Then he sat directly in the back seat of the Rolls-Royce Phantom, and hung Bai Bing directly behind him, as for the law of ladies first, he had long been forgotten.

It's better, it's less troublesome.

No one can understand that the impression of Bai Bing, who has a hot body and looks against the sky, in Yang Xian's heart is just a trouble.

If Su Huai and the others knew, they were afraid that their eyes would fall off.

And Bai Bing didn't seem to care at all, and when he opened the car door alone and was about to go in, there was an exclamation from behind.

"White ice?"

"Miss Bai?"

Bai Bing looked back in a daze, and immediately met a look of surprise again.


The two bodyguards rushed to the parking lot, and couldn't help but be anxious when they saw the sports car that had not moved.

"Why did you chase it and lose it? It's just a dozen meters ahead. "

"What should I do about this? If I lose it again, I won't be fired when I go back." "

"Miss Bai's personality doesn't always know, Miss Bai came out in a hurry and didn't even bring her bag, she shouldn't be able to go far, so she hurriedly drove out to find it. "

"It's not just you, it's obviously right in front of you, why did you lose it in an instant, and you were blinded by 2.0. "

"I'm embarrassed to say that I, if you weren't stunned at the door, how could you lose it?"

", I can still blame it, I didn't see the couple kissing around the corner of the door like Miss Bai, and I was stunned when I was suspicious. "

"You have been kicked in the head by a donkey, don't we know best that Miss has signs of falling in love? Otherwise, we wouldn't have secretly confessed to Mr. Bai, how could I kiss a stranger. "


When the two of them scolded and drove and waited for the aisle gate, one of them stared at the hot woman seven or eight meters away with wide eyes.

The other person followed the eyes.

I saw that the hot woman was hugging the handsome man's neck and preparing to kiss her, although she couldn't see her face, she was exactly the same as Miss Bai in terms of figure and dress.

And the other rich son looks like isn't it the famous Yida son brother Wang Xiaocong.

The two looked at each other, and they cried out in surprise.

Just when the handsome man sat straight in the back seat of the Rolls-Royce Phantom, and the hot woman entered the back seat, he looked back.

"It's really miss. "

"Hurry up!"

After confirming, he honked his horn and urged the luxury car in front of him that was also waiting to cross the ramp.

But all I was waiting for was a roll of my eyes and a few complaints.

"You're in a hurry to be reincarnated! "

Although her heart is full of doubts, how could the young lady who has been under the protection of her brother be involved with the swinger Wang Xiaocong?

And who is the handsome guy who was just kissed by the young lady and was full of disgust?

How could he be dressed the same as the kissing hero in the corner at that time?

Could it be that the heroine at that time was Bai Bing?

It seems that a huge secret has been discovered, and the mouth is wide open in amazement, it is simply too unbelievable, and a series of doubts hit the brain, what happened in ten minutes?


Bai Bing's face changed when he saw the bodyguard, and he couldn't care so much, so he swooped into the back seat.

"Hurry up, hurry up. Bai Bing anxiously urged.

Feeling the change in Bai Bing's attitude, although Wang Xiaocong didn't know what was going on, he still told the driver to drive quickly.

As its name suggests, the Rolls-Royce Phantom turned into a phantom and flew away in the envy of passers-by.

Mu Liangzhe hurriedly drove to follow.

On the Toyota overbearing car on the other side of the ramp, he could only see the back of the car that was about to disappear into the night, and he could only helplessly take out the phone.

"Hey, Mr. Bai ......!"

On the Rolls-Royce Phantom car, Wang Xiaocong turned around and asked cautiously: "What happened, do you need to come forward to solve it?"

On the one hand, I want to learn the reason for the matter from Bai Bing, and on the other hand, I want to know Yang Xian's attitude and whether he needs to come forward to help solve it.

I don't want to have any other troubles come to the door before asking Yang Xian for help.

As for the general troubles, I didn't pay attention to them at all, let alone Yang Xian, who made people look up to N.


Bai Bing was stunned, the reason for the matter was simple, he didn't want to go on a blind date, could he just say it directly?

No, you can't.

What if Yang Xian understood what had happened, and also adhered to the old idea of his parents' orders, and forcibly sent himself back?

You can't just let it go.

Count it!


Bai Bing suddenly burst into tears.

The sudden crying made Wang Xiaocong full of surprise, thinking of the burly man who was close at hand in the car before, and couldn't help frowning, could it be that under the public, there was really something to oppress the people's daughters?

It is rare to encounter this kind of thing that needs to be done in a life full of bright lights and green flowers!

It must be managed, and it must be managed to the end.

Yang Xian leaned against the window to look at the noise outside the car, and couldn't help but smile contemptuously. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, recommend, and share!,

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