is accustomed to seeing the tearing of the entertainment industry and the red light and green wine of the rich second-generation circle, and it is rare to meet the story of the so-called Cinderella.

Wang Xiaocong was immediately attracted by Bai Bing's sobbing, turned sideways and asked solemnly: "Come out and see, maybe we still have something to help you." "

As he spoke, his eyes flickered at Yang Xian, after all, this was Yang Xian's woman.

Bai Bing, who was hiding his face and crying, secretly glanced at Yang Xian from between his fingers, and noticed that he was not anxious at all, and snorted coldly in his heart: "I will definitely not let you escape the old lady's five palms." "

Then he said pitifully to Wang Xiaocong: "My father is the small boss of a real estate company, and now he owes money to others, and he wants me to marry the creditor's son in order to repay the loan, woo woo!"

"Not only is he ugly, but he is also a big radish, today he even hid from my parents to eat together, and he also did something to me during the period, I couldn't bear it, so I ran out, and even forgot to take the bag. "

"Later, they even sent people to arrest me. "

As she spoke, Pear Blossom sobbed like rain.

What especially made Yang Xian feel funny was that he squeezed his eyebrows and made his eyes for a long time, but not a single tear came out, and he cried dry at the throat for a long time.

Where did Wang Xiaocong see this scene, and immediately asked angrily: "Could it be that the two men in the parking lot just now were chasing you?"

Bai Bing was stunned for a moment, and then the chick pecked the rice and nodded quickly.

"Damn, I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen in broad daylight, I always thought it was only in TV dramas. "

Wang Xiaocong clenched his fists, slammed the co-pilot's leather backrest, and gritted his teeth to vent his dissatisfaction.

"Don't worry, since we let a few of us know, we will definitely get justice for you. "

"Uh...... , okay?"

Bai Bing's heart began to get anxious, just now he was in a hurry to find a reason, only one-tenth of it was true, how did he know that Wang Xiaocong was actually serious, the script was not played like this!~

Is the rich second generation so idle now?

What should I do if I really take it seriously, and in a hurry, he turned his eyes to Yang Xian for help.

Wang Xiaocong also swore to Yang Xian: "Yang Xian, what do you say? "

Yang Xian was feeling the difference between the Rolls-Royce Phantom and Koenigsegg One1, and when he heard the inquiry, he said casually: "Cool salad." "



Seeing the expressions of the two of them for unknown reasons, he then stared at Bai Bing meaningfully and smiled slowly: "What do you say?"

It seemed that everything had been seen through by Yang Xian, Bai Bing didn't dare to look directly into Yang Xian's eyes, and his heart was pounding.

How to answer that?

Help yourself get justice, what if you get serious.

Justice doesn't need to be recovered?

Doesn't it mean that the previous ones were all fake?

"It's all up to you. "

Bai Bing didn't hesitate at all, as for the future, he had to think about it for so long.

Wang Xiaocong also rolled up his sleeves and prepared to do a big job, rushing with interest, as long as Yang Xian gave the order, he was immediately ready to tell the driver to turn around, how could there be such a thing at a party

Bai Bing's hot figure leaned on Yang Xian's side, looking at Yang Xian with a on his face, and it was difficult to calm down in his heart.

Maybe take this opportunity to make a side, and all the problems may be solved.

"One, two, three!"

"If that's okay with what you're saying, I guess, it's solved now. Yang Xian said confidently.

"How is that possible?"

The first to speak was Wang Xiaocong, who owed money and didn't pay it back, how could it be said that it would be solved if he used his daughter to pay off the debt, and it was still a situation where no one made a move.

Bai Bing also resolutely disbelieved, his father, who had doted on him since he was a child, arranged a blind date without telling him, where would it be so easy to solve.

Both of them also expressed doubts about Yang Xian's Shinto behavior.

"If you don't believe me, just call and ask. "

Bai Bing looked left and right, and finally took out his mobile phone full of suspicion.


"Mr. Bai, Miss has lost it again. Bodyguard Zhong Hongyuan cautiously reported to the phone.

"You guys eat dry food, how many times have you lost it?"

Then I heard the sound of a violent pounding of the table on the phone, and then countless glassware fell and shattered, followed by the counting of white ice.

"It's just lawless, see if I catch her this time and don't kill her. "

"Lao Bai, don't be angry, don't blame her entirely, we also have a problem, after all, we proposed to hide it from her. "

"Yes, yes, who told our son to take a fancy to your daughter, I didn't make an appointment after a few appointments, so I had no choice but to come up with this way. "

"Don't persuade me, I'm so angry, this time she is good-looking. "

Ma Shou, who was driving, was also momentarily stunned, and whispered while holding the microphone: "When did Mr. Bai have such a big temper, he was willing to say a heavy word to Miss before, even if he ran away, he told us not to chase after him, if Miss was in a hurry, it would be bad." "

Zhong Hongyuan, the co-pilot's bodyguard, looked scheming, patted Ma Shou's head vigorously, and scolded and scolded.

"Pig, can't you even see acting!"

"Acting?" Ma Shou touched his head in confusion, "What do you mean?"


Zhong Hongyuan sighed deeply and asked helplessly: "How is Mr. Bai usually to Miss?"

"It's like a pearl in the palm of your hand, and it's taken care of. "

"That's it, it's all for the boss of Tenghui Real Estate, I suspect that Mr. Bai deliberately gave Miss a chance to run. "


"Otherwise, how could Mr. Bai deliberately arrange for the young lady to sit close to the door of the private room?"

"Oh. Ma Shou suddenly showed a sudden expression of realization, and immediately stretched out his thumb, "Mr. Bai deserves to be Mr. Bai, I didn't see it at all." "

Zhong Hongyuan sneered, "You can see it, how can you hide it from the old fox." "

Saying that, Bai Yongshou was angry and ordered the brothers: "Hurry up and look for it, if you can't find it, don't go back to the two of you." "

"Don't let go of all the instructions I told you before. "

"Mr. Bai, don't worry, we all keep it in mind. Zhong Hongyuan hurriedly responded, and then asked hesitantly: "Mr. Bai, there is something I don't know whether to say or not." "

Bai Yongshou felt Zhong Hongyuan's hesitation, walked a few steps away at will, and pretended to be furious: "If there is a fart, let it go." "

"If I'm not mistaken, Miss seems to have a boyfriend, and it's very close. "

"What's going on?" Bai Yongshou was shocked.

Zhong Hongyuan immediately told the scene and speculation at the door.

When I heard this, I gasped, my daughter, who had been spoiled for decades, had a boyfriend and girlfriend with a man I had never heard of and seen under 'tight' protection, and there were intimate acts.

It's like a watery cabbage that has been planted for decades, not only was it arched by a pig, but I don't know which pig it is.

A wave of anger welled up in his heart, and he commanded into the phone angrily.

"No matter who it is, whether it is the end of the world or the cape, this person must be arrested. "

Zhong Hongyuan felt that Bai Yongshou was really angry, and hurriedly added: "Finally, I saw the two of them on Wang Xiaocong's Rolls-Royce Phantom. "_,

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