"I don't care who the he is. "

As soon as the words came out, I couldn't help but be stunned, and my eyes widened and I hurriedly asked, "Who?" "

"Wang Xiaocong, the son of Yida Group. "

Bai Yongshou is unbelievable, it took decades of struggle to gain a firm foothold in the real estate industry, and he is still well-known in the local area, but he never thought that he could be involved with Yida.

The mood is instantly agitated, in this case, the breakthrough of the enterprise is not solved?

Suppressing his joy, he couldn't help but confirm again and again: "Are you sure you can see clearly?"

I still understand my daughter's temperament, although she has an outstanding personality, but after all, she has been under her own protection for a long time, she has not experienced the baptism of society, her heart is relatively simple, and although the temptation is huge, if her daughter is deceived, she will not hesitate to stand up.

It's just that what makes Bai Yongshou strange is that there is any loophole, and his daughter has a boyfriend, and he doesn't know it at all.

The most important thing is that Wang Xiaocong can have a relationship.

Zhong Hongyuan replied to the phone with great confirmation: "Mr. Bai, it is definitely a young lady, if there is a little discrepancy, I would rather pull out my eyeballs and give you a bubble." "

"Bang, disgusting or not, who the wants your eyeballs. Bai Yongshou rolled his eyes and slammed over.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

When Ma Shou heard the answer, he scratched his head and laughed.

was glared at fiercely by Bai Yongshou, Ma Shou opened his teeth and claws and was about to counterattack, but was knocked over by a Ding Gui, and his grinning teeth instantly became honest.

"Say what you've seen again, and don't miss the slightest detail. "

"Hey!" Zhong Hongyuan responded simply, and then said slowly with his memories: "At first, the young lady kissed a strange man around the corner of the door, and many people around ...... around."

"No way. "

Bai Yongshou interrupted suspiciously, with his understanding of his daughter, it may be possible to fall in love out of curiosity, after all, it is out of the age of youth and invincibility and hormones.


In public, how can it be done to hug and kiss?

"Mr. Bai, then I still want to say it?" Zhong Hongyuan asked cautiously with a drum in his heart.

Say. Then he seemed to think of something, squinted his eyes and continued: "Didn't you claim to have never forgotten, didn't you recognize it?"

Zhong Hongyuan was stunned for a moment and grinned.

"I thought the same as Mr. Bai at the time, with my understanding of Miss, this would never happen. "

"Where do you know that you have lost your eyes. "

Bai Yongshou: "?"


"Go on. "

"Because I was worried that it would not be safe for Miss to drive alone, I rushed to search for a week and found nothing, and Miss Sports Car stopped in place and did not move, so I drove out again and prepared to search along the line. "

"Who knows, when I was about to cross the ramp, I saw Miss ......"

Zhong Hongyuan said this, pausing.

Bai Yongshou calmed down and commanded lightly: "What you see, say something." "

Judging from the scene, the young lady and the strange man were entangled with each other, and the strange man's attitude seemed to be reluctant all the time. "

Bai Yongshou sighed deeply, sure enough, the woman was not left, if it wasn't for Zhong Hongyuan himself, who would not believe it.

If you can't say it, you will scold your head and face.

Your daughter kissed in public and eloped with a strange man.

wiped his face with his right hand, expressing helplessness and heartache, and took care of it for more than 20 years.

And I don't know who that pig is!

"When he finally turned around and found us, he hurriedly got into the car with the strange man, and then confirmed that it was definitely Miss. "

"The co-pilot is Wang Xiaocong, I confirmed it several times, and also compared the model and license plate of the Rolls-Royce Phantom. "

"Why did you lose it?"

Although it is a good thing for Bai Yongshou, he is more concerned about his daughter's safety at the moment.

What about Wang Xiaocong, his daughter can't be bullied in any way.

"Miss deliberately urged, the speed was too fast, and we didn't catch up, but we were still looking along the line. "

Although the main reason is because of calling Miss early and startling the snake, it is true that the speed is too fast, and there is no problem if you can't catch up.

"Hey!" sighed helplessly.

I already believed what the bodyguard said, but I still had a trace of suspicion, it was really my own girl who did such an outrageous thing?

Although the surface is hot, but she has never been in the world, and she is a simple girl?

Jiang Mingshu and the 'in-laws' also felt the change in Bai Yongshou's attitude, and hurriedly gathered around to inquire about the situation.

Bai Yongshou glanced at Yu Guang, frowned, and thought about it.

As the most important partner, Mao Mingyuan has always been a righteous partner to provide various materials, such as steel bars, cement, sand and gravel, etc., and also took the initiative to use first and settle later.

The purpose is very simple, his son Mao Xiaokai likes Bai Bing, and he is also obsessed, it is said that he pleaded countless times at home, saying that Bai Bing would not marry or something.

As for the result, I can probably guess in my heart that I usually inadvertently mentioned this person in front of my daughter, but my daughter has never been very cold, and she can even remember her name.

And usually Mao Mingyuan mentioned this matter countless times, but for the sake of face, he secretly arranged for the two to meet this time.

Who knows, as soon as there was a little sign between the words, I persuaded one or two, and I fled aggrievedly.

In fact, I have already made up my mind in my heart, as long as my daughter refuses in person, then I have a reason, who knows that my daughter is so uncontrollable.

Leaving a group of people extremely embarrassed, Bai Yongshou had to pretend to be extremely angry and lose his temper, otherwise he really didn't know how to clean up the scene.

"Uncle Bai, Bing'er is fine. Mao Xiaokai was full of concerned inquiries.

"Bai Bing must have run away because he didn't know much about me, but I will definitely not give up, I want to impress Bai Bing with sincerity. "

"As long as I work hard hard and be sincere enough, I believe that one day I will be able to let Bing'er open her arms and accept me. "

Then he clenched his fists and cheered himself on.

Bai Yongshou sighed secretly, this person's personality and appearance are not bad, and he doesn't mind being able to kiss and kiss, but there is no fate.

Bai Yongshou patted Mao Xiaokai's shoulder helplessly, and said hesitantly.

"I just found out that Bing'er seems to have a boyfriend. "

"No way. Mao Xiaokai shouted at the top of his voice, unbelievably suspicious: "We have known each other for so long, Bing'er has never been in contact with a strange man, how can she have a boyfriend?"

The two families have been in frequent contact in recent years, and he has long imagined Bai Bing as his future wife.

At this moment, Mao Xiaokai had a feeling of being green!_

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