Jiang Mingshu's eyes widened and he pulled Bai Yongshou's sleeve, and asked with suspicion: "Impossible, right?"

once thought that her husband was immersed in acting and couldn't extricate himself.

Bai Yongshou smiled helplessly, and then nodded resolutely and slowly.

Jiang Mingshu instantly felt that her brain was starved of oxygen, and it was blank, and her daughter actually talked about her boyfriend?

"What the hell is going on?"

"Uncle Bai, although I don't know the specific situation, I won't give up, no matter who he is? "

"It's worthy of being my son, he has the courage, where does Bing'er have an emotional foundation for the boyfriend she is looking for in such a hurry, maybe it's still to deceive us!" Mao Mingyuan admired and expressed deep doubts about this matter.

even suspected that this was operated by Bai Yongshou at one time.

After all, Bai Bing's personality has long been in his eyes, and if there is a problem with his character, he would have thought about his son a long time ago.

I secretly decided in my heart that if this is really the case, there is no need to dig out my heart and lungs in business, as most of the material suppliers, a little thought, I am afraid that I can make Bai Yongshou uncomfortable for a while.

Bai Yongshou didn't bother to quibble, it was useless to say more, facts speak louder than words, and he commanded on the phone.

"Old Zhong, whose car did the young lady get into, what car, and what license plate is, make it clear. "

After speaking, turn on the mobile phone to call out.

"Miss got into Wang Xiaocong's car, Rolls-Royce Phantom, license plate Shanghai B ******. "

Mao Mingyuan was stunned.

Mao Xiaokai was stunned in an instant!

National husband Wang Xiaocong?

This is still a comparison!

Jiang Mingshu's eyes widened incredibly, looking at Bai Yongshou intently with questions, and her mouth opened wide as if she could stuff an egg.

Is this talking about your own daughter?

Bai Yongshou confidently cut off the phone, and forcibly spread his hands helplessly, but the smile betrayed him.

Zhong Hongyuan on the other end of the phone was about to repeat the details.

But there was a busy sound of "doodoo" inside.

In confusion, he instructed Ma Shou to drive along the road and continue to look for Bai Bing's figure.

"Wang Xiaocong? Mao Mingyuan was very skeptical.

If Bai Yongshou can be implicated with Yida, wouldn't the real estate industry be smooth, and where would there be problems with capital turnover? Wouldn't it be a queue to provide him with materials, but for so many years, he has never seen such a scene.

It's definitely fake, it's definitely a lie.

There are no eyewitnesses, and there is only one mouth, and there is no way to confirm it, can the bodyguards believe whatever they say?

After all, Mao Xiaokai is still young, and the moment he heard about it, most of his spirit was gone, and his previous rhetoric was also forgotten, how can this be compared?

Mao Mingyuan waved his sleeves, snorted coldly, and said firmly to his son.

"I didn't even see the real person, so I was timid? I don't need to think about it, what if it's fake?" Seeing Mao Xiaokai's distracted appearance, he couldn't help but remind.

"Won't my niece find someone to show you? And even if it's true, are you afraid? If you chase it with your ability, you may win or lose!"

While speaking, he also glanced at Bai Yongshou.

Bai Yongshou sighed in his heart.

Could it be that this is a suspicion of my game? I forgot that I went around it, but this kind of thing can only be seen to be believing, otherwise it is not reasonable to say!

I cried out in my heart, daughter, you have a big cauldron.

After wanting to speak and then stopped, he still did not speak.

It's hard to explain, my daughter did kiss and got into Wang Xiaocong's car together, you just give up, there is no hope.

If it weren't for repeated confirmations, coupled with his trust in Zhong Hongyuan, he would even suspect that Bai Bing forced the two of them to make a game.

Mao Xiaokai's eyes burst with strength, and he said resolutely: "Dad, you're right, in the face of love, everyone is equal, what about Wang Xiaocong?"

"I am the only one who loves Bai Bing in the world, I will love her in every possible way, and let Bai Bing know that only being with me is the happiest!"

"Next, whoever the other party is, if you want to get the white ice, you have to collapse over my body. "

Between the words, the self-confidence exuded from the inside out was like a radiant light, Mao Mingyuan nodded with satisfaction, as for Mao Xiaokai's mother, her eyes seemed to suddenly have a light, full of happiness.

"Hey...... Oops!"

Suddenly, Bai Yongshou was coarse, and then grinned and covered his arms and rubbed back and forth, staring at his wife in surprise.

It turned out that Jiang Mingshu saw her husband's stupid and then helpless appearance, and she didn't explain even half a sentence, she was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Quietly pinched his arm.

"What the hell is going on? The more I talk about it, the more confused I become. "

The ninja was in pain, and whispered softly in his ear: "Our daughter seems to have really found a boyfriend, and she got into Wang Xiaocong's car together, I really don't know who it is and the specific situation." "

"Really? I thought it was a joke!"

As soon as he spoke, his heart instantly rose to his throat, and he said anxiously: "Our daughter shouldn't be deceived, right?"

Bai Yongshou was also frightened!

What if Wang Xiaocong conspired with others to deceive his daughter?

Although they have responded to requests for twenty years, they have never seen a richer swinger, otherwise how to explain their daughter's outrageous behavior, so ......!

Bai Yongshou didn't even dare to think about it.

Toot toot toot!

Bai Yongshou, who was about to scold the bodyguard, almost burst into tears when he saw the name displayed on his mobile phone, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw, and answered the call with trembling hands.

"It's a daughter!

Everyone else hurried up.

"Daughter, are you alright? Where the hell are you, what are you doing now? I'm dying. Jiang Mingshu snatched the mobile phone and asked three worried questions.

Bai Yongshou also leaned over to the microphone of the mobile phone and persuaded worriedly

"Yes, daughter, your mother is about to cry, come back quickly. "

Mao Xiaokai also hurriedly stepped forward and was about to speak.

was hugged by Bai Yongshou, covering his mouth, and the sudden containment made him struggle full of surprise, babbling and purring.

Mao Mingyuan and his wife instantly faced each other and stepped forward to help, but Bai Yongshou made a "shhhhh

"You must not speak yet, lest you be angry and run away again, then there will be no chance at all. "

Mao Xiaokai's frightened eyes were eased.

"Mom and Dad, I'm fine, I met a few friends and went to a private party by the way. "

Private parties?

I can't help but make them think about it, it shouldn't be the so-called multiplayer sport.

The look of worry grew heavier.

Jiang Mingshu's trembling hands almost didn't hold the phone, and she held the phone with both hands anxiously and said, "Daughter, your parents won't force you to go on a blind date, come back quickly." "

Bai Bing also looked at Yang Xian with surprise, this is simply too godly.

"Me and Mao ...... , what should I do with him?" Bai Bing, who was afraid of revealing his stuffing, spoke in a smaller and smaller tone, and his weak eyes fell on Yang Xian from beginning to end.

It seems that as long as you look at Yang Xian, the beauty of the whole world is intertwined with yourself.

"It's all up to you. The Bai family husband and wife said in unison.

"Wow, husband, it's really exactly what you expected, I adore you so much. "

Hearing the answer, the worship of Yang Xian reached the extreme, and the words of understatement were fulfilled, it was simply a god descending to earth, and he had already forgotten the crowd on the other side of the phone when he was excited.


"She's calling her husband?

You look at me, I look at you, and the shock is beyond words!

All the staff are in a daze. _

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