Zhou Yi, who fled in embarrassment, turned his head mechanically, looked at Wang Xiaocong blankly, and kept tapping his ears.

How is that possible?

I heard you right!

The new owner behind the scenes of Yida International View Hotel, and also the helm of the Bank of Kyoto Group.

"The President of the Bank of Kyoto?"

The other Wang Xiaocong's hardcore brothers couldn't sit still, their faces were full of disbelief, and their eyes were all on Yang Xian, such a young face was definitely not the legendary old goblin, it was hard to imagine the huge amount of his ability, and some people muttered as if they didn't hear it clearly.

Wang Xiaocong touched his head and said apologetically again: "I'm sorry, I said it wrong." "

At this time, everyone was obviously relieved.

"yes, how is it possible!~ It must be a mistake. "

"The Bank of Kyoto, a giant financial institution, is said to have only money left in it. "

"Hahahaha, it scared the hell out of me. "

"It seems that the grade is about the same as ours, at most it is the position of general manager, how can it be the president. "

Where did you think that Wang Xiaocong's next sentence directly knocked everyone to the bottom.

"He is not only the chairman of the board of directors of the Bank of Kyoto, but also the head of the Bank of Kyoto Group. "

Suddenly, the entire hall was silent, and Wang Xiaocong deliberately chewed the words so that everyone could hear every word clearly.

The eyes of the audience were about to pop out, even Su Huai, Mu Liangzhe and Bai Bing.

The difference is that Su Huai was extremely excited, where did he know about the charity evening, the friend he met by accident turned out to be a big Buddha, and he was grateful to his mother who lifted his quilt three times at noon, and Mu Liangzhe felt that he was like a clown at the evening, and he actually said countless sarcastic words to Yang Xian, but fortunately the other party did not take it to heart.

Bai Bing could hear the beating of his heart.

The man I fancy is really not ordinary.

The good feeling of meeting for the first time turned me into a hot-blooded licking dog.

Now the figure of the other party has suddenly become huge in his heart, and there is suddenly a huge gap between the two, and he can't help but feel that he is not worthy of the other party.

A few seconds of time like a snail.

Suddenly, Bai Bing grinned and licked his lips, his eyes were like silk.

"Since you have finally been favored by me, and you are so good, there is no reason for you to escape. "

Seeing that the hardcore brothers could stuff a duck egg with their mouths wide open, Wang Xiaocong was full of joy.

"So that you usually don't know how to converge, and you don't know how thick the sky is. "

In terms of market value and profitability, Yida five-star landscape hotel is also in the middle of the stream, but the contacts formed over the years have made Lao Wang declare countless times that he will never sell hotels.

Therefore, I was extremely surprised that Yida five-star hotel was inexplicably eaten and did not show a trace of breath.

There was only one thought in my mind.

This person is definitely not simple.

How did you know that the backstage turned out to be the CEO of Kyoto!

It is not only the Bank of Kyoto Group, but also the financial institutions that are implicated in various countries, a huge gold-eating beast.

To put it simply, Yang Xian's biggest helplessness is that he has too much money.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. "

"Mr. Yang, I don't know Taishan with my eyes, I should fight, it was all a joke just now, don't take it seriously, if you don't believe it, you can ask Wang Shao. "

"Mr. Yang, I'm really embarrassed, I usually have a little casual with a few brothers, and I don't hold back. "

Everyone's attitude immediately reversed and they came forward to apologize.

Not only because of the other party's huge energy and connections, but also because of the courage it has always performed.

Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to master a five-star hotel and a global financial institution at such a young age.

It must be a hidden giant!

That's the world that this group of rich second generations will look up to.

The people of that world can turn the efforts of everyone here into ashes with the movement of their fingers, and vice versa, any thought can also make their respective families stand at the top.

"Mr. Yang, Wang Shao, it's all my fault, I don't speak through my brain, I want any punishment, just say. "

Zhou Yi staggered a few steps and almost collapsed to the ground.

I almost scared out of my pee, Mom, I was able to meet a hidden wealthy family in my lifetime, this is just a legend among my parents.

It is said that Blue River ASM inadvertently saved a hidden wealthy person, and a few years later obtained the top lithography machine technology, and became famous.

There are also Guode's heavy industry, today's Seiko, Gome's chips, mainland infrastructure and UHV ...... Wait a minute!

There is no shadow of a hidden family.

And its advanced technology makes all scientists sigh!

If you offend the big guy in front of you because of your brother's bragging, then maybe everyone's family will become a legend before sunrise tomorrow.

Leave no trace!

At the same time, Yang Xian also controls a number of other listed companies and industries. "

Wang Xiaocong deliberately added that although the specific details are not clear, it is definitely more than what is in front of him.

Yang Xian was also stunned.

When did I still own more than one public company?

In addition to the Bank of Kyoto Group, isn't there only one Wansheng Financial Company? Galaxy Finance has been merged into Wansheng.

You can't wronged me, and quickly explained: "Where is it, there are not so many families." "

Immediately, everyone misunderstood.

There are not so many, that is to say, there are so many.

They are all listed companies.

If any company is listed, the market value will double or even increase dozens of times, then there are multiple listed companies.

It means that the wealth has multiplied n-fold.

However, everyone thinks it is normal when they think about it, for the hidden family, these are just cow hairs, not enough to mention.

I was also nervous in my heart, my words were very disrespectful just now, and I also spoke lightly to his girlfriend, if the other party cares, what should I do?

Zhou Yi was even more painful, because Wang Xiaocong interrupted his apology before, and thought that Yang Xian was not ready to give him good fruit to eat, he couldn't help but staggered over and hugged Yang Xian's thigh with a sad face.

"Mr. Yang, I really didn't mean it, please don't be angry, give us a way out. "

"I, Zhou Yi, just owes my mouth, so I'm just bragging, I hope you have a lot. "

Zhou Yi's begging for mercy made everyone else unable to sit still.

"Mr. Yang, it was just a joke just a few brothers, where do you have the courage to do something illegal. "

Bang Bang Bang!

Another young burly man directly slapped himself a few times, and the slap mark appeared in an instant.

"Mr. Yang, I, Zhang Lei, just said lightly to this lady, my mouth is owed, I should be beaten, what do you have to say, the blunt knife cuts the flesh and definitely does not frown. "_

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