Wang Xiaocong's face was ugly, where did he think that these things would happen before, and no one reminded him that he really didn't connect Yang Xian with the Hidden Family.

Now the brothers begged for mercy, and they were blessed to the heart, and they were suddenly frightened and afraid.

Yang Xian...... No, Brother Yang, Mr. Yang, they really didn't mean it, they just said that I didn't swear to do it, I guess the movie is fascinating. "

His voice trembled.

Calm down is really scared, together for a few hours, fortunately there is a request for each other, otherwise with his arrogant and domineering personality, accidentally conflicted, the consideration should be to live in the cemetery tomorrow.

Maybe I can build a cemetery group, otherwise I won't be able to live there!

"Yes, yes, Wang...... Less, Wang Xiaocong is right, his brothers are used to bragging, and they haven't changed their words for Xi a while. "

"In today's legal society, how can there be a criminal nature, it's all a joke. "

Su Huai and the three of them were all confused, what happened?

Although Yang Xian has a huge financial unicorn, there is no need to kneel and beg for mercy, crying, and there is no bit of manly dignity, and the strange thing is that Wang Xiaocong suddenly changed from harmony to trembling, as if he was afraid of something!

Afraid of Yang Xian?

A few people glanced at Yang Xian, it shouldn't be, he still looks calm, and he doesn't eat people.

If you let everyone on the other side know, you must have scolded: "Compared with fate and future, a man's face is a bird." "

Su Huai also took the opportunity to put his hand on Yang Xian's shoulder and whispered, "Awesome!"

Bai Bing also quietly took a few steps forward, his eyes looked Yang Xian up and down, looking for an opportunity, and quickly buckled Yang Xian's arm, no matter how Yang Xian shook his hand, he couldn't get rid of it.

And Mu Liangzhe, who is usually extremely serious, began to giggle.

The crowd was terrified.

After all, a few people can't get in touch with the secrets of this level!

At that moment, a piece of news popped up on the screen overhead.

"According to frontline reports, Xu Kun left in the middle of a charity meeting, and ten cars collided halfway, and his life and death were uncertain, and his tens of millions of fans prayed for the safety of their idols......"

The others didn't feel it, but Wang Xiaocong's cold sweat broke out instantly, and his eyes stared straight at Yang Xian.

Yang Xianruo's smile made him stand in place as if he was in endless darkness, motionless.


Endless darkness enveloped the whole body.

It's just too terrifying, Xu Kun offended Yang Xian at the charity night Everyone knows, is it possible that all the means are from Yang Xian?

But nothing wrong was found along the way!

Could it be a coincidence?

However, this idea was immediately dispelled, with the current status of traffic stars, the front and rear nanny cars are open, how can there be such an opportunity, so all the coincidences are just well-designed scams.

Yang ...... Brother Yang, what do you think ......?"

Wang Xiaocong carefully took out a new cup, wiped it back and forth countless times, and then took out the private collection of red wine worth hundreds of thousands, poured the wine tremblingly, and then handed it respectfully.

And the hardcore brothers behind him all look like they deserve.

Yang Xian frowned, full of inexplicability, what happened in the meantime?

Could it be that Chengdu has fallen into evil, and I wonder if I have been put on the body by an inexplicable creature, or that I have not touched the system for a long time, resulting in side effects?

Otherwise, there will be no drastic change in attitude towards oneself alone.

However, when he saw the normal appearance of Su Huai and the others, he was relieved.

"I've been chattering for a long time, and I'm not going to serve the food quickly? I'm dying of hunger. He picked up the red wine in Wang Xiaocong's hand and drank it all.


What followed was all sorts of sighs.

was even a little grateful, and kept wiping his tears with his sleeve, and Wang Xiaocong also took advantage of the opportunity to wipe the sweat beads from his forehead.

"Good, good, waiter served. "

Wang Xiaocong waved his hand and instructed the waiter to serve the food, and then under the leadership of the waiter, he went to 'Huanxi Sha'.

The road was full of surprises and whispered "thank you" to Yang Xian

As for Yang Xian, although he was inexplicably wonderful, he still replied with a "you know" expression, and even wondered if he was the illegitimate son of a mysterious boss, or was the secret about the system discovered?

After thinking about it for a long time, without the slightest clue, I gave up and was too lazy to use my brain.

It's not bad to be a rich salted fish!

Under the leadership of the waiter, all the way through "Huanxi Sha", "Poppy Beauty" and "Wangjiangnan...... Wait a minute!

I can't help but laugh a little, it seems that after stepping on the blood of countless people to get power, I began to seek all the spiritual food, and began to edify the so-called cultural people everywhere, but it was difficult to hide the previous beastly nature.

Is this what is called a human being?

I also had a faint idea in my heart, not only can I do good deeds, but I can also disgust these people by the way.

After sitting, the splendid 'Huanxi Sha' is elegant but noble, and the decoration is also unique, both luxurious but not vulgar, and classical but not public.

After everyone was seated, a handsome girl in Hanfu slowly lit the fragrance not far away.

Then the melodious and deep sound of the piano, like a beautiful sound, echoed in the hall.

A group of beautiful girls dressed in Hanfu rushed in, leisurely and quiet, walking without looking back, smiling without showing teeth, light steps, Qianqian made fine steps, exquisite and unparalleled.

Everyone is carrying a plate, all exuding the atmosphere of youth and girlishness.

Then one after another the plates were opened, and the leading beauty gave a blessing and introduced it respectfully with a smile.

Four appetizers: dragon and phoenix Chengxiang, Hongzi chicken shredded cucumber, Fuzi melon roasted tenderloin, 10,000-character spicy belly shredded, Nianzi mushroom cabbage

Followed by anchovy fish bones, red plum pearls, kung pao hares, auspicious dragon double flying, mountain delicacies thorn dragon teeth


Pickle series: palace cucumber sauce, black cabbage, sugar, garlic, pickled water, mustard skin......

Barbecue series hanging oven pheasant, raw roasted roe deer meat, lotus leaf rolls, green onion segments, sweet noodle sauce......

Meal soup Longjing bamboo sun

Then there are canary birds, ruyi rolls, and seasonal fruits from all over the country that are flown in.

Even the dishes and chopsticks used are made of jade.

And there are also a few young girls who pay tribute to Kweichow Moutai, Bacardi, Crown Vodka, Moët & Chandon Champagne and so on.

Not only Bai Bing, but even Wang Xiaocong's iron buddies looked like they had never seen the world, and everyone stared at Wang Xiaocong incredulously, this special grade is too high.

"Wang Shao, this is too awesome, right?"

"All of a sudden, I felt like I was from the countryside, where had I ever seen this. "

"Mr. Wang, is this how you usually eat? This top rich second generation is really different. "

Su Huai's eyes widened and he gave a thumbs up full of admiration.

"Sure enough, we can't imagine the life of rich people, and today is a long experience. Mu Liangzhe nodded to himself, also as a rich second generation, he was completely stimulated today.

Although Bai Bing was extremely surprised, his eyes were full of Yang Xian, and he whispered sourly,

"Hmph, if you find any broken places, just pretend, and there are so many beautiful little beauties, just eat and eat, and make it like a beauty pageant. "

Wang Xiaocong smiled embarrassedly, touched his head, glanced at the audience and said slowly: "It's also the first time I've eaten here, and I finally asked the old man to find a relationship." "

Then he said to Yang Xian: "In order to invite you to dinner." "

At this moment, a security guard rushed in and said anxiously: "Mr. Wang, someone broke into Aoyue Villa, and said...... Said he was looking for Bai Bing!"_

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