"Damn, who the hell is so short-sighted?"

The hot-tempered Zhou Yi slapped the table violently, and saw that everyone was looking at him with strange eyes, and immediately reacted, and said to Yang Xian respectfully with a smile on his face in a cold sweat: "Mr. Yang is hungry, and he even came to disturb him, which is too much." "

Secretly, someone quietly extended a thumbs up to Zhou Yi.

"That's right, even if Tianwang Laozi comes today, he will have to wait for Mr. Yang to finish eating. "

"Mr. Yang, first of all, let's try this dragon and phoenix Chengxiang, it is said that it used to be one of the emperor's favorite dishes. "

Everyone scrambled to be the first to condemn, but also more enthusiastic.

It's hard to meet legendary characters and families, and you must grasp it well, maybe the next richest man in the world will be in this room.

And of course, the less people know about this kind of thing, the better, and the more people there are, the more competition.

Seeing this kind of scene, Wang Xiaocong was quite touched, everyone used to flatter themselves like this, but now......

The appearance of licking the dog is vividly expressed!

Turning around, he immediately said slowly to Yang Xian: "Yang Xian, what do you say?"


Yang Xian was even a little impatient, didn't he just want to have a good meal, why was it so difficult?

And it's not good to find anyone to go out, is it because of Bai Bing to delay his own meal? The long process of charity makes me so hungry that my chest is pressed against my back.

The rest of the people also looked at Bai Bing, with different expressions.

From beginning to end, Bai Bing tried his best to stick to Yang Xian's side, in the eyes of others, although Yang Xian's face was full of disgust, the relationship was definitely abnormal, but at this critical time, a strange man came to Bai Bing.

This surprised everyone.

Where would Bai Bing pay attention to these, he still wanted to feed Yang Xian soup in his own way, but was glared at by Yang Xian angrily, and only then did he ease up slightly.

For Bai Bing, how can he give up so easily, since he can't feed the soup, then it's always okay to pick up vegetables.

After a while, there was a bowl full of delicious food in the bowl in front of Yang Xian.

The security guard saw that everyone respected Yang Xian, and when he got the order, he quickly retreated to the door with a smile.

As soon as he arrived outside the door, he straightened his waist and scolded with a smile: "Damn, I thought it was a character who broke into the villa, cut." "

Slowly drove the scooter to the door, got out of the car slowly, and saw Mao Xiaokai said angrily: "No one knows you inside, this is private territory, please leave quickly." "

"Impossible?" Mao Xiaokai blurted out, the address was said by Bai Bing himself, how could it be fake?

The security guard was upset when he heard this, and tried his best to maintain a dignified response: "Then do you suspect me of lying?

There are one hundred and eighty a year for this kind of mountain villa.

All of them are Internet celebrities and bloggers, don't they just want to be popular?


Mao Xiaokai is also angry, if he can speak, can he still say good things respectfully for a long time?

Seeing that Mao Xiaokai had nothing to say, the security guard immediately showed a see-through attitude, and said meaningfully: "Young people have to be down-to-earth, don't think about anything crooked all day long, it's not people like you who come in here." "

"Like I used to work as a security guard in an ordinary community, I climbed to the current position of security captain with more than ten years of hard work, and I am still in Aoyue Villa, and every time I go home, I feel the envy of others. "

"People, you have to have the ability to be valued, like you, even if a big person in it meets you, it is impossible to look at it, it's just too frivolous. "

Then he adjusted his posture and made a 45-degree sky-looking motion.

Mao Xiaokai was stunned, and his eyes widened.

What's the situation?

My dignified real estate material supplier was looked down upon by the security guard, and I worked hard for more than ten years from security guard to security captain, and I was embarrassed to brag?

But I can't argue with anything.

Otherwise, the other party is unhappy and doesn't give the message, wouldn't all the efforts be in vain.

And thinking that Bai Bing is currently with other men, there is no reason for heartache.

After thinking about it for a moment, he breathed a long sigh of relief, and then said to the security guard with a smile: "Brother is right, I have seen a lot of shining points in you, and I will definitely precipitate well in the future and learn from you Xi." "

The security guard smiled and patted Mao Xiaokai on the shoulder, "The son can be taught." "

"Since we are so close to each other, I will teach you in detail how I can succeed. "

"What?" Mao Xiaokai was momentarily stunned, did he fall into the pit?

So like to teach people, so not to be a teacher?

"Brother, I really have an urgent matter with a friend inside today, I bother you to let me in, and I will definitely ask you for advice when I have time in the future." "

The security guard's face immediately changed, he waved his hand seriously, and said proudly.

"It clearly said that I don't know you, and if something happens to you inside, I can't afford to be so responsible. "

"But I really know the people inside. "

"Then you describe it, I have the ability to never forget, and I want to try my luck. "

"Is there a girl there? wearing a one-shoulder top, a goose yellow miniskirt, and long thick blond wavy hair. "

The security guard's eyes suddenly brightened, and he was impressed by a glimpse of entering and leaving the private room, with a hot and tall figure and an extremely beautiful appearance, and he was almost stunned at that time.

The astonished look then dimmed, sighed, and said helplessly: "The grade is older, and I can't see clearly." "



Didn't you just say it a few seconds ago?

Then I saw the security guard's right thumb and index finger randomly put together and pinched it a few times.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, I was really speechless, the unspoken rules are everywhere!

took out the wallet casually, took out a stack of money at random, to say the least, one or two thousand, and handed it over directly.

The security guard immediately looked left and right seriously, and then took it with a smile: "It turns out that he is really a rich man, and he has apologized to you!"

Mao Xiaokai didn't bother to care, and said straight to the point: "Have you ever seen that girl?"

"I'm sure it's the girl you're talking about, and it's just that girl. The security guard replied without any delay.

As soon as he finished speaking, he glanced at Mao Xiaokai meaningfully, and then slowly shook his head.

This action immediately made Mao Xiaokai see it in his heart, and asked with suspicion: "What do you mean by shaking your head? Could it be that Bai Bing is in any danger inside?"

I was also very anxious in my heart, although I heard that Bai Bing had a boyfriend and was full of heartache, but the security guard made a move to clearly indicate that Bai Bing's situation must not be good?

Could it be that Bai Bing was forced?

Everything was fake before?

Isn't it that he is now facing a difficult situation, alone, and only he can save him.

"What's wrong with her, is she in danger?" Mao Xiaokai hugged the security guard's arm and shook it vigorously.

"It's not dangerous for now, but it's ......"

"But what, you hurry up, I'm in a hurry. "

"It's nothing, it's just that there's only one girl you said in it, and the others are all men. "_

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