"What do you mean? Isn't it just her and her so-called boyfriend?"

The security guard was just rightly silent.

"No, I want to report that I can't let Bai Bing be bullied a little. Mao Xiaokai hurriedly took out his mobile phone and prepared to make a call.

He was immediately stopped by security.

"You don't look at what kind of place this is, how can it be useful to report J?"

"And what is your relationship?"

In his heart, he was frightened and anxious, but he just wanted to make more money, and he definitely didn't want to make a big deal, otherwise he would suffer from it, and what he said was also the truth, but the description was not clear.

"That's my girlfriend!"

Mao Xiaokai looked at the community from afar, the lights near tried their best to pierce the thick night, and the distance was like a black hole devouring everything, making people not know what to do.

Never give up!

Otherwise, it is hard to imagine Bai Bing's grief after being injured!

"Big brother, please, you must have a way to let me in. Then he opened his wallet and took out all the cash, "As long as you can let me in, I will be rewarded!"

"I can see that you are also a lover, but it is too risky to let you in like this. "

Mao Xiaokai saw the hesitant expression of the security guard, and immediately understood that he must have thought that the money was too little.

There are three or five thousand people who have come and gone, and it is still too little, and the important thing is that all the cash has been in the hands of the other party.

"But I don't have any cash now, so I'll send it to you myself next time. Mao Xiaokai is full of helplessness, money is also a trivial matter, but one more second may be more dangerous for Bai Bing.

"Aha, it's okay, you can transfer money" said and took out his mobile phone to open the collection code.

Since you have encountered this kind of unjust boss who has nothing to do with and is rich, you must not be able to let it go so easily.

After this village, there is no such shop.

Otherwise, where did the money come from, and I don't look at how the position of the security captain came from.

Mao Xiaokai's face was full of incredulity, and he said to himself: "Is this okay?"

The movements in his hands were not ambiguous at all, and he directly transferred 10,000 yuan to the other party.

"Thank you for the completion of the matter!"

There is no more money and no less, and it is more important to let the other party have a thought, otherwise who can you find to go if you run away with money and do nothing, after all, this kind of place is not something that can be entered with a little money.

As for the completion of the matter, I don't mind giving tens of thousands of dollars.

For ordinary people, tens of thousands of yuan is equivalent to several months' wages, but for themselves, it is not even as valuable as a bottle of wine!

The security guard solemnly saw the mobile phone collection information, confirmed it again and again, and then grinned and assured Mao Xiaokai.

"This is what I should do, even if I lose this job, I will help you, a person who values love and righteousness. "


Mao Xiaokai couldn't help but roll his eyes.

This is the so-called opening of the eyes and talking nonsense? Don't you know what it looked like in the first few minutes?

Only then did the security guard lead Mao Xiaokai towards Aoyue Villa, approaching the gate, and turned his head and asked, "By the way, what's your name." "

"Mao Xiaokai!"

"Xiao Mao, remember to listen to me later, let's ...... like this!"

Mao Xiaokai's eyebrows were twisted together in an instant, anger appeared in his eyes, his fists were clenched, and his knuckles gurgled.

What the hell?

What the hell is Xiao Mao!

In my heart, I forcibly admonished myself, I have to ask for others, I want to ask for others, and I want to ask for others!

The security guard noticed Mao Xiaokai's abnormality, and couldn't help but put on a free and easy posture and patted Mao Xiaokai's shoulder.

"Xiao Mao, I've seen a lot of this kind of cuckolding by women, don't be angry. "

"Besides, isn't it just a woman, the next one is even better!"

Mao Xiaokai: "???"


"Mr. Yang, he is really young and rich, and he has such a beautiful girlfriend, he is really envious and jealous. "

Bai Bing took the time to glance at the fat man with a big back and cast an appreciative look, as if to say, 'Since you can talk, talk more'!

And I was very surprised by Yang Xian's energy, and I was also surprised by the ultimate reversal of Wang Xiaocong and his iron buddies!

Yang Xian was immersed in eating and couldn't extricate himself, and when he heard someone complimenting him, he said without thinking about it.

"She's not my girlfriend!"

Su Huai knew that Yang Xian also had two beautiful fairy female companions, although he didn't know the specific relationship, judging from the situation at the time, it must be unusual!

Otherwise, I won't be jealous in front of everyone.

And Bai Bing is also a beautiful face, compared to those beauties, the most important feature is that the body is hot, the convex place is convex, the warped place is warped, and the place is warped, and it is almost possible to form a table of mahjong.

Do you need to inform Bai Bing about this?

After hesitating, he suddenly stuffed a few red plum beads into his mouth, and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

It smells so good!

It is worthy of one of the dishes of the Manchu and Han full banquets.

Ahem, ahem!

Bai Bing, who had just taken a sip of soup, was almost choked to death, looking at Yang Xian with a resentful face, how could such a straight man find a girlfriend?

Then I reacted that there is really no shortage of girlfriends for such a handsome and golden boy.

Aren't you chasing after yourself?

She snorted coquettishly, and then hurriedly waved her hand and explained, "We are not boyfriend and girlfriend for the time being. "

The tone of the tone is focused on the first two words temporarily.

Relationships are not necessarily simple!

He and the others looked at each other, and suddenly nodded in understanding.

"It turned out to be a confidant, what a jealousy of others!"

"One is handsome and more poundy, and the other is as beautiful as a fairy, it is simply a match made in heaven. "

"A talented woman is a match made in heaven. "


Yang Xian, who was tasting Longjing Zhusun, secretly sighed that the taste was really a must, and a few words came out of his grunt:

"My girlfriend and her face are both beautiful, and they are both prettier than her. "

"Besides, we didn't know each other for more than three hours in total. "

The tone was full of disgust!

The words that were not shocking and died were directly thundered to the audience, and Yang Xian, who was light and breezy with wide eyes.

Could it be that this is showing off?


Is this sycophant spur in an important position, every time he stumbles, and he is almost seriously injured and difficult to recover.

Bai Bing's eyes almost burst into flames, this dismantling was too fast, clenching his fists, clenching his teeth, and the rapid rise and fall of his chest was moving.

The audience instantly fell silent, and everyone turned their eyes to Bai Bing, which was a real slap in the face.

I don't know who whispered: "It's really not good, I can take over!"

Bai Bing's face was flushed, which made people salivate even more.

"Yang Xian, is this the end of the matter of you bullying me?"

Yang Xian raised his head innocently, took the handkerchief handed over by the Hanfu girl to wipe his mouth, and was about to speak.

A hurried roar came from outside the door.

"Whoever dares to bully Bai Bing will not be able to get out of this door today. "

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