Bai Bing was stunned for a moment, of course he knew that his business might plummet or even go bankrupt because of this.

Parents who want to work hard for a lifetime, but they still have nothing because of themselves, and they can't help but feel a little hesitant in their hearts, where do they know that they have already made up their minds in their hearts.

"Do you really need to be so stiff?"

"Since you don't even want to marry me, what's the use of needing such a good relationship?"

"I really can't imagine that there are similar things in modern society that rob people's daughters, and I am in charge of this matter. Wang Xiaocong couldn't see it for a long time, and when he heard it in the car, he thought it was fake, but it turned out that this kind of thing really happened in reality.

As a famous person in the entertainment industry, he is not afraid of heaven and earth, and he must be true if he has melons.

Where is this happening on the face of the eye.

And there is another thought, if you please Dao Yang Xian because of this, it will be of great significance to gain his favor.

Although Yang Xian, who was always in his own observation, didn't seem to pay much attention to it, he just glanced at it when it happened, and still tasted various delicacies like an outsider.

Could it be a test for my brothers?

Or rather, a test for partners!!

Mao Xiaokai saw Wang Xiaocong come forward, sneered a few times, and then walked to the dining room, picked up a bottle of Moutai, poured a few sips, and looked at Bai Bing with slanted eyes, full of contempt.

"I said, why did you suddenly speak so resolutely, it turned out that I had already found a home. "

"Wang Xiaocong, hehe, famous, I don't know how many you are?"

"You, you, you......!"

Bai Bing didn't expect Mao Xiaokai to say such a thing, he was so angry that his face turned pale.

His chest heaved and heaved, and he seemed to be choked by the blow.

Su Huai and Mu Liangzhe couldn't get Bai Bing to let him belittle him so much.

"Keep your mouth clean and don't spray feces all over your mouth. "

"Do you want to force your face? I have already made it clear that I don't like you, and I licked my face and pounced on me, just people like you kneel down for me, I am dirty. "

A group of Wang Xiaocong's iron buddies also posted it and were ready to rush up.

"I?ha, I'm really sorry, I really don't have this qualification!" Wang Xiaocong replied disdainfully.

Then everyone turned their eyes to Yang Xian, who was immersed in food.

Mao Xiaokai looked over and frowned, he really didn't notice such a person before.

Outsiders in general!

looks handsome and compelling, but I really haven't seen anything outstanding in other aspects, and everyone's attitude shows that Bai Bing's rumored boyfriend turned out to be him?

It has nothing to do with Wang Xiaocong?

I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In terms of appearance, Wang Xiaocong is not comparable, but in terms of financial resources, there is a world of difference, so I once wanted to play the emotional card.

"Just him?" Mao Xiaokai pointed at Yang Xian with an incredulous face.

Bai Bing himself was so angry that he was so angry that he didn't say a word, but when it was Yang Xian's turn to be disrespected, he wouldn't do it.

"What's wrong with him, it's ten thousand times better than you. "

Mao Xiaokai frowned tightly, carefully virtuous, except for being handsome, he had no other characteristics.

What is puzzling is that he is indifferent to Bai Bing's infatuation.

However, because he followed his father in the mall, he also deeply doubted Yang Xian's identity.

Is it ......?

In order to confirm his suspicions, he walked up to Yang Xian with heavy steps and poured him a glass of wine himself.

"Hello, I'm Mao Xiaokai, who makes building materials at home. After a pause, he continued, "Official?"

Unless it is an official family, it is hard to believe that Wang Xiaocong's status can still be suppressed.

Yang Xian turned his head suspiciously and asked impatiently, "Are you talking to me?"


After a long time, the other party didn't notice him at all?

Holding back his anger, he nodded heavily.

Yang Xian showed a blank expression, put down the tableware in his hand, took the handkerchief handed by the Hanfu lady and wiped his mouth.

"What are you talking about?"

Mao Xiaokai was almost about to go berserk, wasting so many words just now, this lord was good, but he didn't listen to a word.

took a deep breath, and then said: "Hello, I am Mao Xiaokai, who makes building materials at home, is my brother the second generation of officials?"

After a series of encounters, some patience has been exhausted, and the only thing left is that there are still taboos for the official family.

"It's not. "

Concise and to the point, no more follow-up.

Mao Xiaokai complained in his heart, could he die if he said one more word.

But he settled down, since he is not from the official family, and he has never heard of this person, he must be Wang Xiaocong's friend or something.

I couldn't help muttering: "I thought it was a character, cut!"

He rolled his eyes at the same time.

The sound is not loud or small, but it happens to be heard.

This sentence instantly made everyone unable to sit still, and suddenly they were like ants on a hot pot.

"I'm afraid you're a fool, isn't you?"

"Who do you think it's you? "

"I've seen you unpleasantly for a long time, what kind of thing are you, don't you have any points in your heart, and you still talk about others!"

Mao Xiaokai sneered, stared at Yang Xian and said, "There's nothing, can't you say it?" "

Especially when he saw Bai Bing's comforting intimacy, he immediately became angry.

"Mao Xiaokai, you are not welcome here, please go out. Bai Bing tolerated Yang Xian being so insulted, and eagerly opened his mouth to accuse.

Seeing Mao Xiaokai's super physical fitness before, he was afraid that Yang Xian would be hurt a little, so he couldn't help but protect Yang Xian behind him.


Mao Xiaokai sneered a few times and slowly spoke: "The man hiding behind the woman is really a waste, is it possible that he is still a soft eater?"

"You're cheap too, and you like this kind of tone. "

Since you can't get it, all the likes turn into resentment in an instant.

"Mao Xiaokai, you ......!" Bai Bing's face was full of grievances, not only because of himself, but also because he said that Yang Xian was a soft man.

How can he be a soft man?

At that time, you could deeply appreciate its masculine charm at the entrance of the hotel.

One word, Men

"The surname is Mao, put your mouth clean. "

Wang Xiaocong didn't expect the direction of things at all, and gestured to the iron buddy.

Everyone also knew it, and they rolled up their sleeves and prepared to do it, no matter how good you are, more than ten people can still fall behind when they rush up?

"Is it wrong to tell the truth?"

"Since I'm not welcome, then I'll go, but it can't change the fact that he's a soft man. "

After saying that, he turned and walked to the door.

The security guard was stunned at the door, trembling all over, the development trend of things was too unexpected, didn't he just say that he was looking for a girlfriend?


Su Huai and Mu Liangzhe didn't talk nonsense, and directly prepared to step forward to fight.

"Stop!" Yang Xian said coldly.

Although he doesn't care about many things, the mud bodhisattvas are all angry, especially when they are slandered like this.

Soft man?_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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