"What, it's said to be a sore spot?" Mao Xiaokai was full of disdainful contempt.

"I don't know how much pocket money Bai Bing gives you a month, a few thousand or tens of thousands?"

Yang Xian dispelled the idea of others coming forward.

"It seems that you think you are very powerful?" Yang Xian turned his chair and looked at him quietly.

Mao Xiaokai was stunned for a moment, then laughed non-stop, and kept waving his hand at Yang Xian to veto.

"No, no, no, I'm the green onion, I can't compare to many of you here, let alone Wang Xiaocong. "

The onlookers also showed a look of pride.

Mao Xiaokai was stunned, then pursed his lips and stared at Yang Xian, "It's just for you." "

The others were stunned, this kid was too fat, if he knew about the so-called hidden family, wouldn't he be scared to death.

"It's up to you, and you're qualified to compete with Yang Xian?"

Su Huai admired Yang Xian from the bottom of his heart, where could Yang Xian be insulted like this?

The others were also ready to speak, and Yang Xian said bluntly: "Tell me, what is your confidence?"

"I'm not afraid that you'll be stimulated when I say it. "

"Modu alone owns more than a dozen sets of real estate, including 130 million Tomson one product and one set. What do you compare to?"

Yang Xian thought to himself that the rich second generation is rich, and a random house can be worth more than 100 million, which is difficult for ordinary people to achieve after several lifetimes.

And most importantly......

It seems that I have a wide range of properties, but there is no real estate, so I really don't have a house now.


Seeing Yang Xian's silent face, Mao Xiaokai's heart was overjoyed, he was really poor, and he would not be so silent if he owned a property casually.

"Scared, isn't it? The gap between us is the distance between heaven and earth. "

"Don't be like me and be confined to the magic capital, real estate anywhere in the country is counted. "

Since you want to give a dismount, it will be more thorough.

The reaction of the onlookers was completely opposite, and they had great confidence in Yang Xian, since he was from a hidden family and owned several listed companies, real estate must be completely out of the question.

looked forward to Mao Xiaokai being hit so embarrassed.

Where did he think of Yang Xian, but he waved his hand weakly, and said with a serious face: "No!"

The others' eyes widened as if they had misheard.

Among them, Wang Xiaocong was worried that Yang Xian didn't hear clearly, and kindly reminded in a whisper: "Yang Xian, any real estate industry in the country is counted." "

In his heart, for Yang Xian, what is a few real estate properties, just name a few real estate companies, and you can fight back immediately.

The arrogant Mao Xiaokai has hit a hard stubble now.

even fantasized about its deflated embarrassment.

Yang Xian turned his head and responded embarrassedly: "I'm really right, I don't have any real estate, and I usually live in a hotel." "


All the staff are confused!

There are several listed companies in the country, not to mention the giant Kyoto Bank Group's Yang Xian, who doesn't have a property?

Say it and who believes!

But that's exactly what happened.

Su Huai and Mu Liangzhe were also surprised, and their mouths opened wide in disbelief.

They witnessed Yang Xian tipping more than 200 million yuan in the live broadcast, not to mention donating the Funny Fish account at the charity evening event, and the balance was tens of millions.

This kind of person who is so awesome that it explodes, does not have a single property.

The rate of return on real estate profits is so high that developers can wake up with a smile when they sleep, and as a representative of the hermit family, they are not involved in this industry?

This is unimaginable.

Bai Bing was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, "It's okay, I have a lot." "

When Mao Xiaokai saw this scene, he was extremely unhappy in his heart, and aimed at Yang Xian with infinite viciousness.

'I would have taken a fancy to this kind of waste. ’

And it's embarrassing to say that people who have been living in hotels all the time and can't even afford a house can afford to live in a hotel?

"I think it's a share house!"

didn't give Yang Xian time to answer, since he hit the other party, he stepped on him into the dirt in one go, so that he would never be able to turn over.

It's good for him to retreat!

By the way, warn Bai Bing and let her know that her boyfriend is not just a waste, but also a good thing.

"The family has an unlisted family business, with a gross profit of billions, and is embarking on a listing plan, according to the strength of the family, it should be in recent years, and then the financial resources will increase dozens of times, and the family has also built a garage dedicated to parking luxury cars, and even the nanny car is Toyota Alpha, and hundreds of millions of funds can be used at will. "

"That's all, what do you compare to?"

After speaking, he was full of pride and reclined on the sofa in the dining room, and the waiter who was even more interested took the initiative to serve him.

Pinch shoulders and pour water!

More beautiful Hanfu beauties are moving, this is a mountain of gold that can move.

The most important thing is that I don't have a girlfriend yet!

If you can be favored, where do you need to do these servants?

can fly directly to the branch as a young grandmother.

"Mao Gongzi...... Uh, Brother Kai, what else do you need? "

"You must be tired of standing, I'll help you rub your legs. "

"Your voice must be dry, come and drink saliva, there's no need to talk nonsense with this kind of backcountry. "

"Yes, yes, yes, just when I came in, I saw that he was a dirt bun, I really thought that with the rich second generation, I thought he was a person from this world? "

"It's necessary, it's pretending, it's long been unpleasant. "

"Come, Brother Kai, eat a grape, the skin and seeds are clean. "

Mao Xiaokai enjoyed all this safely, and the life of the rich second generation was so simple and unpretentious.

More Hanfu beauties were full of contempt for this kind of licking dog, rolling their eyes again and again, and then when they looked at Wang Xiaocong and his gang, their faces were full of admiration.

"Wang Rou, as a waiter, how can you slander customers like this. There was a shy girl who couldn't help but speak, but the corner of her eyes swept towards Wang Xiaocong from time to time.

"Guo Wenqian, what are you pretending to be? When you usually discuss fishing for a golden beetle son-in-law, wasn't you the loudest at that time? "

"You're ......!" The girl who was scolded was blushing with shame.

"I just want to be friends with them, how can there be anything like you say?"

"Still pretending, I've seen you unhappy for a long time, it's just a green, and I think I'm Lin Daiyu, it's just a joke. "

The girl instantly looked pitiful, and the appearance of the moon and the shy flowers made people feel distressed.


"Ahem, ahem!"

Yang Xian couldn't help coughing, interrupting the endless women's war, and then squinted his eyes and said to Mao Xiaokai who was enjoying it, "That's it?"

The Hanfu girls present were divided into two distinct factions, three or four people surrounded Mao Xiaokai, with expectations in their eyes, and most of them surrounded Wang Xiaocong's group of rich second generations, especially Guo Wenqian, who was scolded before, moved to Wang Xiaocong's side intentionally or unintentionally, and still looked pitiful. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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