But now, Mao Xiaokai is swollen like a pig's head, even if there are 10,000 whys, he can only admit it.

Stumbled up straight, and said in a wailing voice: "Bai Bing, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be like this, I just like you too much, so I did these things." What I just said is just nonsense in a hurry......!"


Mao Mingyuan slapped everyone in shock.

"Miss Bai Bing is also something you like?"

Mao Xiaokai was completely confused, is this also wrong? Wasn't it instigated by his father at the beginning!

Say whatever you want to chase, chase it, if something happens, Dad will bear it for you, it's really not good, I will put a little pressure on Bai Yongshou, and it will definitely be as you wish.

Mao Xiaokai rolled his eyes wildly, he really didn't know what to say.

I can't help but regret that if I knew that Yang Xian's identity was so crazy and cool, he would have been beaten so miserably!

Mao Mingyuan was also extremely angry, and slapped his son on the top of the head again: "You bastard, why are you standing stupidly, you don't apologize to Mr. Yang, you have been talking for a long time, are you deaf or dumb?"

Although I feel distressed in my heart, it does not affect the strength of my hand at all, if Yang Xian is not satisfied, once the group's funds are broken, the loss is unimaginable, in comparison, what is the violent beating of my son!

Mao Xiaokai is really about to collapse, what should I say.

He humiliated Yang Xian some time ago, but now he has to apologize, so why did he pull his face.

"Dad, why are you still beating me, I'm about to have a concussion, what is the background of this Yang Xian, are you so afraid of him?" Feeling the sudden attitude of his parents, Mao Xiaokai had a fire in his heart and roared angrily.

In his cognition, at the same age as Yang Xian and himself, what special abilities can he have, unless he has a huge family background, but he has never heard of this person.

So under the persecution of my parents, I was angry!

"Bastard, let the dog eat your brain! If you apologize, apologize, what do you say!" Mao Mingyuan was impatient, and complained in his heart that his son was usually very smart, but suddenly he couldn't even see the situation clearly.

"Can't you see that Bai Bing's famous flower has a master, not only entangled, stalked, but also showing off his wealth everywhere, you say, should I fight?"


Mao Xiaokai was stunned, wasn't it the same before?

But I didn't know what to say for a while.

His eyes glanced at Yang Xian from time to time, and he vaguely felt that Yang Xian's origin was far beyond what he thought, but he apologized to him in front of everyone.

Isn't it a slap in the face?

Is my Mao Xiaokai too spineless?

"Apologize quickly, or I'll be killed. Mao Mingyuan roared angrily, full of anger that was almost ignited.

But he was scared in his heart, and Yang Xian, who was about to provoke him, was angry, and the Mingyuan Group was really over.

At that time, the major shareholders and employees will not eat themselves alive.

It's scary to think about.

Mao Xiaokai trembled, his eyes were full of fear, and he felt resolute, if he continued, he might really be killed.

begging for mercy, he said to Yang Xian: "Yang Xian, no...... , Mr. Yang, I'm sorry, in fact, I was joking before, in fact, I was like a brother to Bai Bing, and what I said you should treat as a fart. "

Bai Bing: "......"

All the insiders looked at Mao Xiaokai in disbelief, this is called turning their faces and being ruthless!

Wang Xiaocong sneered, "I don't know who wants to pick the stars in the sky?"

Su Huai and the others thought of what Mao Xiaokai had said before, and they also laughed and flipped back.

Mao Xiaokai was instantly furious, and then drooped his face and remained silent, but his teeth creaked.

Yang Xian saw the anger in Mao Xiaokai's eyes, and couldn't help but say lightly: "Apologize?"


Mao Xiaokai almost blurted out, but Lao Tzu was not convinced.

What kind of thing are you?

If you don't rely on your family, why do you compare yourself to me?

Do you want to take your face? Handsome can be eaten, Lao Tzu is annoyed when he sees your face!

But before the words came out, I saw my father's face as if he was going to eat people, and his eyes were like murder, and he glared at him fiercely.

Mao Mingyuan has long been familiar with his son's temperament, for fear that he will lose the chain at a critical time.

"No, Mr. Yang, I'm convinced. Mao Xiaokai immediately took a deep breath, reluctantly put on a stiff smile, and walked up to Yang Xian respectfully, "I sincerely apologize to you, in order to show my sincerity, I will do it another day, invite you to dinner, and pay 1 million as sincerity." "

"Are you treating us as flowers?" Wang Xiaocong replied coldly, 100,000 yuan was not enough for the brothers to relax.

And the injured brothers are just that?


Mao Mingyuan slapped him again, "You are insulting Mr. Yang, and do you think Mr. Yang is like a person who is short of money?"

Mao Xiaokai's face was full of grievances, his face was bowed left and right, and it was swollen like a pig's head.

"Dad, why are you hitting me again?"

"You can do it yourself!" Yang Xian smiled.

Mao Mingyuan: "......"

Mao Xiaokai: "???"

Why don't you just order it, say a number, it's a big deal.

What the hell is it looking at?

Mu Liangzhe, who was taciturn, said casually: "Give a thousand, the meaning can be done." "

Ten million?

This is not paper~!

He does have money, but he hasn't been able to take out tens of millions casually, and his family doesn't open a bank!

Yang Xianman nodded nonchalantly, expressing his approval of the idea, and at the same time patted Mao Mingyuan's shoulder with a smile: "If I changed my previous temper, how could your son have fewer arms and legs!"

Yang Xian couldn't help but think of the ruthless methods in his previous life.

Everyone else also looked at Yang Xian with a look of surprise, this is too ruthless!

Mao Mingyuan's legs were weak, and he almost fell to the ground, his face turned pale, and the corners of his mouth twitched in fright.

"Chairman Mao, what do you think should be done with this matter?" Yang Xian reminded the stunned Mao Mingyuan again, and then smiled harmlessly: "Do you need me to deal with it personally?" "

Yang Xian was still quite satisfied with this party, but the fly-like Mao Xiaokai angered him.

Mao Mingyuan waved his hand again and again, and pleaded with a wry smile on his face: "Bai Bing, for the sake of my cooperation with your father for many years, I can help me intercede, as for Mao Xiaokai, who is young and ignorant, I will definitely teach him a hard lesson, what punishment is there, although it is said that as long as Mr. Yang can forgive, we are willing to pay compensation." "

Then he looked at Lu Ming with a look for help, and his long-term business contacts were not bad.

Although Bai Bing was angry in her heart, as a girl, she couldn't help but soften, hesitated and was about to speak.

"Brother, after Mr. Yang participated in the charity party, I wanted to relax with my friends, how did I know that your son was too presumptuous, I was really disappointed in you, not only disturbed Mr. Yang's Yaxing, but also made disrespectful remarks, which was really wrong. Lu Ming spoke first, accusing angrily.

"Smack!" was another slap in the face, slapped on Mao Xiaokai's face. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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