"You, let you get into trouble everywhere, see if I don't kill you. Mao Mingyuan was really angry, without saying a word, he dragged Mao Xiaokai by the collar, and directly opened the bow left and right, beating his son with a mouth full of blood, which was unbearable.

Yang Xian smiled faintly, "Lessons are lessons, there is no need to talk about yourself!"

The others laughed non-stop.

Your son is a dog, so what are you yourself?

Mao's father was stunned for a few seconds, and reacted instantly, but he didn't dare to talk back, so he had to grit his teeth and vent his anger on Mao Xiaokai.

Mao Xiaokai wailed and fled, and was directly kicked to the ground again, and after a while, Mao Xiaokai just lay on the ground and wailed.

Mao Mingyuan was like a god descending from heaven, and directly suppressed Mao Xiaokai, and punched and kicked, panting and not stopping at all.

The cruel picture stimulus made Bai Bing unbearable, so he had to look at Yang Xian begging for mercy.

"Forget it, if you fight again, you will die, go back and reflect on it. Yang Xian snorted coldly and pardoned with a wave of his hand.

Xue Chan also said casually: "Die here, it's not good to dirty this land, remember to let your son clean it up himself before leaving, and you must be satisfied with Mr. Yang." "

Mao Mingyuan cried with joy, as if he had been amnestied, it seemed that he had beaten his son fiercely before, and the effect was still obvious.

If not, the son is not the only one who suffers.

Thinking of this, he directly kicked his son's buttocks, "Okay, okay, no problem, thank you Mr. Yang, thank you Xue Dong, I will personally supervise it when the time comes, and I will definitely satisfy Mr. Yang." "

Then he looked at Yang Xian with a look of hope.

"I don't know if Mr. Yang is satisfied with this disposition?"

As soon as these words came out, the father and son of the Mao family and the sensible members of the group all looked at Yang Xian in horror, waiting for Yang Xian's verdict.

Yang Xian smiled playfully and looked at Su Huai and the others casually, "Everyone said, how should Mao Xiaokai deal with it, or everyone will have an idea." "

As soon as the words came out, all the bigwigs present looked at a group of rich second generations.

Everyone instantly shook and became nervous.

As a group of rich second generations, compared with the shareholders of listed companies present, they are like naughty children.

Now it may indirectly affect the subsequent development of Mingyuan Group.

Especially Wang Xiaocong, Su Huai and Mu Liangzhe, who are more familiar with Yang Xian.

"You have to be calm, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, if you handle it well, you may be able to get in touch with the world of the hidden family, and then it will be a step to the sky. "

None of you are stupid, to this point.

Yang Xian's identity background has long become an established fact in everyone's hearts.

The respectful appearance of Lu Ming, the general manager of the Bank of Kyoto, is enough to confirm that other listed companies must also be true, and if you add hidden industries, it is absolutely unimaginable.

Now Yang Xian threw the question over, and seemed to be asking everyone's opinion.

Actually, it's a test for them

If it is solved, maybe it will welcome a new world for them.

I have never been in contact with the class.

Several people looked at each other a few times, and they all felt the solemnity in their eyes, and their breathing became short, and the eyes of the big people were like flames, which made several people heat up for all reason.

The palms of the hands were covered with sweat.

"Any conditions, you can say it, I just ask everyone to let my son go. Mao Mingyuan said excitedly. "I will definitely discipline him well in the future, and I will definitely not cause Mr. Yang any trouble. "

There was some desperation in the words, when his fate was in the hands of a few hairy boys.

And it's a few that are particularly unsightly.

Wang Xiaocong pondered for a while, and first said: "Mao Xiaokai, since you have made a mistake, you will naturally have to pay the price. "

As soon as these words came out, Mao Mingyuan was so stumbling that he almost fell.

Mao Xiaokai was also so frightened that his face was bloodless.

His face was pale, his head was full of blood, and it was dripping from the corners of his mouth from time to time, where was he still arrogant and handsome before.

Only the depressed and miserable who was beaten by his father and looked for teeth all over the ground.

"Wang Shao, Principal Wang, I know it's wrong, please let me go, the previous words were all farts, please don't take it to heart, I will definitely give you satisfactory compensation." Woowoo woo ......"

Mao Xiaokai, who was sunny and handsome, was so frightened that he cried, and he was really a little scared by his father.

Then he knelt down and walked to Yang Xian, "Mr. Yang, please, I will be your dog in the future, and you will let me go east and never west." "


Yang Xian still listened carefully, and then thought about it solemnly and shook his head.

"Sorry, I don't have dogs. "

Mao Mingyuan's anger rose slowly, and he stepped forward to punch his son's head, if Yang Xian agreed, forget it, didn't agree?

He kept scolding and scolding: "I'll let you be a dog, I'll let you be a dog......!"

Even the shareholders of Mingyuan Group frowned, it was too gaffe.

"Mao Xiaokai, you took the initiative to provoke this matter, Yang Xian has already said it, I hope you don't regret it, you have to pay the price for some things you do!" Wang Xiaocong said categorically: "I don't think it's enough to punish you, the previous language insulted Bai Bing, you should come to apologize, and then cut off all contacts, and compensate 20 million in cash." "

"I ......" Mao Xiaokai was furious, and was about to go crazy, but Mao Mingyuan held it down.

As long as money can solve a problem, it is not a problem.

The taciturn Mu Liangzhe pondered for a while, and slowly spoke: "No, I don't think it's enough, Mao Xiaokai isn't showing off how much the house is, in this case, just take out a set and give Yang Xian as compensation, it shouldn't be much of a problem!"

Mao Mingyuan's heart is dripping blood, the house in the urban area is tens of millions larger, since the reward is given to Yang Xian, he must not be able to choose the suburban location.

Otherwise, there may be some follow-up!

But if the company is gone, everything will be gone, and in the end I had to grit my teeth and swallow it in my stomach, nodding with an ugly face.

Wang Xiaocong had a look of annoyance, it seemed that he was still too kind!

Then the two looked at Su Huai in unison, among the several people, Su Huai knew each other relatively early, and the other party supported Yang Xian more, as for the others, they remained silent in unison, relatively speaking, everyone did not have any right to speak.

Su Huai eased his nervousness a little, and glanced around, once upon a time, he had received the burning eyes of so many bigwigs.

"I still don't think it's enough, and you should transfer some of your company's shares to the Bank of Kyoto. "

Everyone in the audience gasped.

What a tone this is, the market value of a listed company is tens of billions, and any little bit is tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars.

"The toad wants to ......!" Mao Xiaokai can still bear it, this will be his own in the future.

Tens of millions of cash forbearance was taken out, and the company's equity is a real iron rice bowl!

Before he finished speaking, he was slapped back.

Mao Mingyuan squeezed a bitter gourd smile after slapping him, and asked casually: "Then how many shares are appropriate?"

Su Huai stretched out two fingers, then frowned and thought about it, and stretched out two more.

Mao Mingyuan felt a sigh in his heart and almost fainted.


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