Mao Xiaokai asked suspiciously: "4%?"

Su Huai shook his head, and in an instant, Mao Xiaokai's face turned pale.

It's almost life-threatening.

“40%。 "

Everyone gasped.

Really confirmed the idea in his heart, Mao Xiaokai instantly collapsed on the ground, his face was hideous, only the intake was out of breath.

Mingyuan Group, after several lifetimes of hard work, just because of an apology, will spit out 40% of the shares in vain!

It's not just about cutting the meat, it's about deboning.

How can you receive?

I am still ready to rely on Mingyuan Group to show my ambitions, isn't it that in the future, I can only be regarded as a senior worker under Yang Xian?


Mao Xiaokai clutched his chest, his blood-red eyes staring at Yang Xian.

The shareholder group of Mingyuan Group also exploded in an instant.

"This ...... How can this be, we sincerely apologize, you have made it difficult in every possible way, and you still want 40% of the shares, it is simply delusional. "

"I can't agree, otherwise I may directly eat Mingyuan Group alive in the future. "

"Isn't the method of this empty glove white wolf too despicable? "

"Chairman Mao, you must be cautious. "

Everyone is talking about and accusing, and losing money has nothing to do with their own group, but if the group's shares are rewarded, it is equivalent to a big hole in everyone's hearts.

"Is there really no room for negotiation?" Mao Mingyuan lowered his gaze to Yang Xian.

After all, Yang Xian didn't speak, and there may be room for relaxation.

Yang Xian smiled evilly, patted Su Huai's shoulder, and said lightly: "This proposal is not bad. "

Before Mao Mingyuan could speak, a shareholder immediately reminded him of his kindness: "Chairman Mao, you have to think it through." "

"What your son provoked, don't drag the big guy into the water. "

Many people began to dissociate themselves from the relationship, for fear that their interests would eventually be infringed upon.

Mao Mingyuan was already angry, and instantly roared loudly: "Damn, Lao Tzu has been working hard in front all year round, you don't take risks, and I didn't see you ask for less when you paid dividends?"

"Who the hell has an opinion, stand up, if I am asked to compensate for this share alone, there won't be much left anyway, and I still have a ball!"

"Whoever loves the position of chairman of the board of directors will be in charge, and Lao Tzu will not serve in the future. "

Suddenly, everyone was speechless, Mingyuan Group is the hard work of the Mao family for several lifetimes, and without Mao Mingyuan's network, no one can play around.

You can leave anyone, but you can't leave Mao Mingyuan.

The sound of sighs came from twos and threes, and some people believed that this established fact was that everyone was in the acceptable range according to the equity apportionment.

It's better to make less money than not to make nothing!

A small number of other radicals were even more unhappy, but no, they muttered secretly: "It's a big deal to lose a chicken feather, and it's a big deal to break up." "

"Oh, that's okay, but because of Kyoto's strategic investment in Mingyuan Group, the group has expanded like a city, and most of the assets are also in the mortgage, and because many shareholders take loans or guarantees in the form of equity mortgages, if the Bank of Kyoto increases the investigation in a timely manner, it is very serious. Lu Ming stood up in time, without the slightest worry, and even a hint of banter.

What does this mean?

Everyone also looked at Lu Ming in confusion.

After hearing Lu Ming's words, Yang Xian didn't care too much about the demerits of the matter, so he said a little impatiently: "Talk about people." "

Lu Ming hurriedly replied to Yang Xian respectfully: "After the bankruptcy settlement of Mingyuan Group, the assets were confiscated, and the shareholders still owed money to the bank. "




The shareholders of Mingyuan Group are dumbfounded, not only can they not get a little dividend, but they also owe money to the bank?

What kind of logic is this?

Under Lu Ming's eyes, another subordinate opened the briefcase, took out a stack of documents, and distributed them to everyone in the Mingyuan Group.

After everyone saw it, their eyes widened, and the hands holding the documents began to tremble, and they just wanted to get greater benefits, so they expanded recklessly, where did they know that such a loophole would appear.

Mao Mingyuan seemed to be a few years older all of a sudden, but when he saw several shareholders deflated, he was full of disdain.

"What? Guys, do you have anything else to say? Whoever thinks they have what it takes, I can abdicate right now. "

The expressions of the shareholders were different, extremely ugly, and finally they shook their heads in unison.

"My heart hurts. Mao Xiaokai couldn't help wailing when he saw that the general trend had gone.

Mao Mingyuan walked slowly towards Yang Xian, kicked Mao Xiaokai who was blocking the way halfway, and said loudly: "Agree, we agree a hundred times." "

Su Huai also smiled heartily, his eyes were full of fierceness, but he couldn't stop revealing his edge.

"Only when you feel the pain deeply is the best punishment. "

In three or two sentences, nearly half of the shares of a listed company in Nuoda disappeared.

If calculated according to the market capitalization, there are hundreds of millions.

Yang Xian stretched out his hand, applauded himself, and said casually: "Since this is the case, this part of the shares will be handed over to Su Huai to take care of." "

"Chairman Mao has no opinion, right?"

Feeling Yang Xian's inquiring tone, he hurriedly replied tremblingly, "No, no opinion." "

Then he looked at the shareholder group behind him: "What about you?"

There seemed to be endless darkness hidden in the gentle eyes, and everyone was so frightened that they hurriedly waved their hands.

"No problem, it is our honor for Mr. Yang to settle in. "

"It's a blessing that has been cultivated for several lifetimes. "

The overwhelming sycophants made Yang Xian smile and ignore it anymore.

A few minutes ago, the enemy, who was still eager to eat each other raw, is now full of twists and turns.

Is this face-changing technology the so-called person who knows the times as a junjie?

"Well done. Yang Xian praised Su Huai, and then pointed to Lu Ming and then introduced, "Lu Ming, general manager of Bank of Kyoto, there are many opportunities for cooperation in the future, let's get to know each other." "

"That's what I'm supposed to do. Su Huai said modestly.

Lu Ming also looked at Su Huai very highly, and in a few words, he brought Yang Xian hundreds of millions of assets, and his ability and courage were higher than others.

The two greeted each other.

Wang Xiaocong and Mu Liangzhe also cast envious eyes, looking up and down, as if they had never known each other again.

It's not just a step to the sky, but also an opportunity to get in touch with the hidden family.

What's more, there is a chance to take the family to soar into the sky and leave a strong mark in this world.

Su Huai smiled slightly, his eyes were flat, and his heart was already like a churning sea.

If you are not ruthless, how can you go further from 'friend' in the relationship with Yang Xian!

As for Mao Xiaokai, it was just a stepping stone on the muzzle.

"Well, let's leave it at that. After speaking, he asked Lu Ming to take the Maybach key, pulled Bai Bing and turned around and left.


PS: Due to work, writing novels has always been more casual, and it belongs to novices, so there may be some flaws in terms of text and plot, and with the growth of time, there has been a slight improvement in all aspects, but it may not be enough in terms of layout and scenes, and I am in confusion.

Yesterday, there were more readers to reward and chase is something I never expected, and I am very excited, it is rare to get such encouragement in self-entertainment, thank you again!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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