The protagonist beauty rode away with each other, and the rest of the people were bored and left one after another.

Wang Xiaocong also made an appointment with Yang Xian to learn more about the dilemma faced by Yida Group, and then consider whether to make a move.

Seeing the big Buddhas leaving one after another, Mao Mingyuan was sweating profusely and had palpitations.

The half-dead Mao Xiaokai was paralyzed on the ground, covered in blood, and his eyes were empty, like a dead dog.

Mao Mingyuan took a long breath and blamed himself deeply: "Son, your mother and I usually spoil you too much, let you be arrogant, and think that no matter what happens, we can solve it for you, but if it doesn't work, then take the money and smash it." "

"Who knows, this time it's an iron plate, if I don't see the situation clearly and act in time, I'm afraid you'll be finished. "

Mao Xiaokai, who was like a dead dog, struggled to move.


Mountains of pain roared.

"It hurts me to death, Dad, why are you so ruthless, am I your own son!"

Mao Mingyuan was ready to slap again, but when he saw his son's miserable appearance, he couldn't help but stop in mid-air.

Seeing that Qin Lu was distressed again, he quickly squatted down and hugged his son's head, and anxiously shouted to his subordinates: "Why don't you hurry up and get medical supplies." "

The subordinate was so frightened that he rushed out, and after a while, he took the first aid kit.

After a brief treatment, he asked with palpitations: "Dad, is everything that Yang Xian said true?"

Everything that happened tonight completely subverted the imagination of everyone present.

In his impression, his father can be regarded as a top-level successful person, and his stable and atmospheric personality has made countless bosses around him like licking dogs.

However, today it seems that the whole world has changed, being beaten by his parents who love him the most, and then being so humble in front of Yang Xian.

In an instant, the father's tall image became much shorter, and the person became old.

At this time, Mao Mingyuan and Qin Lu also returned to their former kindness, Mao Xiaokai took Qin Lu's hand and asked with tears in his voice: "Parents, are we really just giving up like this?"

Mao Mingyuan sighed: "Son, you almost made a big mistake today, if you really annoy Yang Xian, then our Mao family will not only go bankrupt and leave, but I am afraid that it will be difficult to live." "

"Hiss......!" Mao Xiaokai, who has always been arrogant and domineering, and his eyes are above the top, were also stunned, "Is it so serious?"

Mao Mingyuan didn't think about it, and nodded firmly.

With the efforts of several generations of the Mao family, the relationship network has long spread all over the country, and in front of Yang Xian, there is no ability to resist at all?

"He looks like he's about the same age as me!" Mao Xiaokai was incredulously suspicious.

"That's why I'm scared that up to now, Yang Xian alone has owned a number of listed companies, including nearly one trillion of the world's top banks, and what is even more incredible is that he has 100% control over all of them. "

"Even the small Mingyuan Group has a number of capitals settled in, in contrast, you should think about his mystery. "

"Competing with him is like a mayfly shaking a tree, and a mantis arm is a car, and there is no chance of winning. "

"So far, in my decades of experience, I have had such a powerful person. "

"As long as he moves his fingers casually, it will be difficult for us to deal with it, and if we shoot with all our might, we are afraid that there will be no place to die. "

Hearing the words, Mao Xiaokai trembled with fear, and his body trembled involuntarily.

"Is this still a person?"

Mao Xiaokai's complaint made Mao Mingyuan think about it solemnly, squinting his eyes like a poisonous snake.

"I don't know!"

Seeing his son's stunned gaze, he couldn't help but explain: "So far, no one has been able to do this. "

Invisibly, offending such a big man couldn't help but palpitate and said: "Dad, you played well!"

The body that was about to fall apart instantly felt a lot more comfortable, and the youthful vindictiveness disappeared.

"Dad, is he from some big family?"

"He is not a child of a known great family. "

Mao Xiaokai was stunned, this sentence is interesting, it is not a known big family, is it possible that there is an unknown family?

Otherwise, how to explain that he has such an admirable property at such a young age.

"I didn't see anything outstanding about him, his performance was mediocre, but he was just a little handsome, and then Wang Xiaocong and a group of rich second generations revolved around him. "

Suddenly, Mao Xiaokai's eyes widened at the fish.

Even the rampant Wang Xiaocong can be willing to be a green leaf, can the person be simple?

Suddenly, I knocked myself on the head, why was I stunned at that time, I didn't think of this level.

Recalling the scene at that time, Wang Xiaocong even had a trend led by Yang Xian.

Compared with Wang Xiaocong, the star of the rich second generation is still very self-aware.

Mao Xiaokai looked shocked and asked in disbelief: "Could it be that Yang Xian inherited a force unknown to us, so he is so arrogant?"

Mao Mingyuan hurriedly covered his son's mouth and looked around nervously, "My ancestor, alas, you just say a few words." "

He was really scared, looking at his son, he seemed to be stunned, and he looked like an iron man.

"Since it's unknown, where we can afford to mess with, maybe there are their eyeliners among the attendants around. "

Mao Mingyuan was so frightened that he was a little bit of a snake.

"Wouldn't it?" Mao Xiaokai's face was full of exaggeration and a little incredible, and after a moment of conversation, he continued to ask: "Dad, how many assets do you say he has?

Assets of this scale can have a high ranking on the rich list, and it is indeed far behind Mingyuan Group.

As a result, Mao Mingyuan shook his head.

"Is it hundreds of billions?"

Mao Mingyuan still shook his head.

The corners of Mao Xiaokai's mouth began to twitch, and his face became like pig's liver.

He felt a little incredible, and even more terrifying.

Within the territory of China, the richest man is only close to 300 billion, and the threshold of the top ten seems to be close to 100 billion.

Could it be that Yang Xian has jumped to the top ten richest people in China?

"Hundreds of billions? impossible, hundreds of billions are the richest people in China, how come I have never heard of it. Mao Xiaokai felt like he was going crazy, which was definitely beyond his imagination.

"Conservatives have trillions. Mao Mingyuan took a deep breath and said this cruel reality, "And in this world, there are always many unknown things, what you know is just what others want you to know." "

"There are many forces that we can never reach, not to mention a richest man in China, as long as they are willing, they can create dozens of them anywhere, anywhere. "


Even Qin Lu covered her mouth tightly and stared at her husband in disbelief, these views were far beyond her own cognition.

It turns out that everything is true?

No, it should be more true than what Yang Xian said.

This is what Qin Lu seemed to have thought of, and he stopped talking, and finally couldn't help muttering: "Some time ago, I went to LV with my girlfriend. I heard that the third largest shareholder of Yi Vuitton LouisVuitton Group in the world has changed, and his name seems to be Yang Xian. "_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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