【Uchiha Sasuke immediately got up from the ground】

【Once again devoted himself to the practice of physical skills】

【Naruto was very pleased about this. He felt that he had found someone who shared the same ideals with him and that he was not alone on his journey.】...

The correct answer to the prize quiz is obviously D.

Uchiha Madara,"I knew that Uzumaki Naruto would definitely choose this"

"Because only power is everything, he has seen through the truth since he was a child."

Kakashi," Haha, I made the right choice."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Oh, if Naruto in this world could have such awareness since he was a child, it would be great." Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned, feeling that a disaster was about to happen.

A huge pressure came over him.

If he continued watching the movie like this, wouldn't the people in the wood industry rebel?

This is not a good trend.

"I just hope that the Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke in this world will not learn bad things, because these two are big troubles."

Kisame Hoshigaki,"I agree with the philosophy of this Uzumaki Naruto"

"We should invite him to join our Akatsuki organization."

Haruno Sakura,"Naruto in that world is so charming, he will definitely have a lot of fans when he goes to school!"

Comparing the two, she suddenly felt that the Sasuke she loved was boring.......


【The answer is revealed. Congratulations to Kakashi who answered first. He is now giving out rewards.】

【Special reward for Uchiha bloodline. 】

Kakashi has always been known as a 50-50 match.

This is a particularly talented ninja.

But he also has a fatal weakness.

That is, blue is never enough.

Because he transplanted one of Obito's Sharingan.

As a result, he consumes chakra all the time.

Now, after being rewarded with Uchiha bloodline.

This result will no longer exist.

Suddenly, a ray of light flashed across Kakashi's body.

He immediately felt like soaking in a hot spring, and his whole body was comfortable.

The pressure he had been feeling was gone.

And his Sharingan, which could never be closed, was finally closed at this time. It no longer consumed the blue bar.

This long-lost relaxation almost made Kakashi cry with joy.

Kakashi,"The quiz with prizes is real!"

He felt the Uchiha bloodline in his body, and it had a more surging power.

Coupled with Kakashi's own talent, in the future, the super shadow level is a foregone conclusion.

Orochimaru,"Kakashi's Sharingan can be closed?"

"It seems that the situation in the ninja world is about to change again."

"As far as I know, Kakashi is not too fond of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Hokage."

"As we all know, when Konoha White Fang and Hatake Sakumo were forced to commit suicide, there was a shadow of Sarutobi Hiruzen."

"In other words, he was the one who caused Hatake Kakashi's miserable childhood."

"Hahaha, Kakashi, take revenge on him."

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"Orochimaru, stop talking nonsense!"

"Konoha White Fang is a hero of my village, how could I have forced him to commit suicide?"

"Don't put all the blame on me."

"You'll look like you have no brains at all!"

"Who could have thought that Konoha White Fang would commit suicide because of those rumors? At that time, I had no idea that there was such rumors circulating in the village!"

Ohnoki,"Haha, if I didn't know that there was such rumors circulating in the village at that time, who would believe it?"

"Is your Anbu a vegetarian?"

"As a Hokage, if he can't even do intelligence work well, how can he stay in this position? This is a joke."

"If you are capable, then do it. If you are not capable, then step down early, otherwise you will be useless."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's hypocritical image seemed to be torn off again.

Uzumaki Naruto,"Kakashi-sensei's father was indirectly forced to death by the third-generation grandfather, is that what you mean?"

"Is this a conspiracy theory? I feel like I discovered something incredible......."

"It feels like something sealed away has been opened......."

Uchiha Sasuke,"We used to think that the third generation was good because there were many things we didn't know."

"Now that the things that the three generations had hidden have been revealed, he has nothing to hide."

"The demise of my Uchiha clan must be related to him, because he was the one who forced them to death."

Akishima Chouji,"I don't understand, but I feel like there's a story here, let's wait and see."

Shikamaru,"These adult matters are so troublesome."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Look, everyone has already exposed your hypocritical mask."

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, you bastard, if I were still alive, I would blow your head off.......

Sarutobi Hiruzen was getting more and more panicked.

He felt that if the plot continued to develop like this, his life would be in danger.......

"No, I have to find a way to change my image."......

【When Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke were training】

【The genius ninja of the Anbu, the hope of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Itachi is also observing】

【After listening to Naruto's analysis, he was in deep shock and thought.】

【"Is what Naruto said true?"】

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