Uchiha Madara,"Is this something a child could come up with?"

"I have to say, this kid is really amazing."

Kakashi,"If I had such a brain at that time, I wouldn't have been immersed in pain for so long and couldn't get out of it."

"if......If I had known a child like Naruto when I was seven years old, my life would be completely different now."

Yamanaka Ino,"It's terrifying, it's really terrifying, I never thought there would be such a deep thing in it......."

"If we look at it this way, the Uzumaki Naruto in our world is just like a fool."

Akimichi Choji,"I think we can draw this conclusion without any comparison." Orochimaru

,"The world is sober, this Uzumaki Naruto is really too sober."

"If things go on like this, they will definitely betray Konoha like me in the end, hahahaha."

Ohnoki,"Sarutobi Hiruzen, your thoughts as an old bastard are so easily seen through by a child, hahahaha."

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"Bullshit! I didn't do any of this at all. Saying that I suppressed the other two clans is simply nonsense. This is simply a conspiracy theory."

"Put the blame on my head"

"The Uchiha clan becoming a police force was clearly Tobirama's decision"

"After I became Hokage, it's not like I haven't taken care of the Senju clan, but they ridiculed me for the size of their family. What does this have to do with the fact that my Sarutobi clan has more people?"

"The more I watch, the more I feel that there is something wrong with Naruto in this world. He is just brainwashed by conspiracy theories."

"I am not very old, but I read some random books every day......."

Uzumaki Kushina couldn't listen anymore and came out and asked only one question

"I just want to ask, why didn't you give Naruto the inheritance we left him?"

"Why do we let our children live such a miserable life, drinking expired milk and eating instant noodles every day?"

"Forget about not letting him live in the big house we left behind. I'll assume what you said is true, this is to protect his identity"

"But what about the money, why didn't you take good care of him?"

"At that time, Minato trusted you so much that he entrusted Naruto to you."

Namikaze Minato agreed with his wife's words.

"Hiruzen-sensei, what on earth is going on in your mind?"

"You really failed my trust in you."

Listening to everyone's analysis, Uzumaki Naruto also felt a lot of grievances.

Originally, he thought that the third generation grandfather was good.

He was determined to become a Hokage.

But now, the more he looked at it, the more wrong it seemed.

"I think the analysis of my parallel world is very reasonable. Could it be that I was really tricked by the third generation grandfather?"

Uchiha Sasuke,"So, the later demise of the Uchiha clan, is it really related to the third generation?"

Uchiha Sasuke's hatred was all directed at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Yes, that's definitely the case."

"Otherwise, why did Uchiha Itachi go crazy overnight? Even if he did it for power, it must have been instigated by the old scoundrel Sarutobi Hiruzen."

"After all, before he joined the Anbu, Uchiha Itachi was such a good person......."

Uchiha Sasuke is thinking about this now.

When the movie is over, he will work with Orochimaru who is overthrowing Konoha.

Kill the old man Sarutobi Hiruzen, the hypocritical old bastard.

Senju Tobirama,"I hope I made the right decision to choose Hiruzen as the Hokage."

"Keep reading, maybe there is some misunderstanding here."...

【Uzumaki Naruto said,"After listening to what I said, do you still think you have worked hard?"】

【In this case, Uchiha Sasuke didn't feel that he had worked hard at all. He finally understood why Uzumaki Naruto could do such crazy training without feeling bored.】

【Obviously, he is just a child】

【If he also often felt that there was a big knife on his head, he would definitely work harder than he does now.】

【Uzumaki Naruto continued,"Think about it now. If that day comes and the Sarutobi clan wants to destroy your Uchiha clan, what can you do?"】

【"Do you want to kneel down and beg them not to destroy you? Do you think it will work?"】

【"I tell you, all the power of speech lies in the fist"】

【"Only when you have power can you control your own life"】

【At this moment, Uchiha Sasuke seemed to be awakened, and he also yearned for power.】

【Uchiha Sasuke looked at Naruto very sincerely and said,"You are another person I admire from the bottom of my heart."】

【"Except for my brother Uchiha Itachi"】

【Uzumaki Naruto smiled and clenched his fists,"That's right, I, Uzumaki Naruto, have always convinced others with my virtue."】

【"Not only will I make you obey, in the future, I will make this village obey, I will make everyone in the world obey"】

【Uchiha Sasuke suddenly felt that Uzumaki Naruto was simply his spiritual leader"】

【"Yes, we must win people over with virtue, virtue is the fist"】

【Uchiha Sasuke suddenly realized】

【So. His family taught him to be both good in character and in study. This is what the word"德" means.】

【Hard core indeed】

【Strength is everything. 】

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