Uchiha Madara,"Beautiful, this Naruto is so smart"

"I really like him more and more, why isn't he a descendant of our Uchiha clan?"

"The Uchiha in the village are also idiots. If you didn't go with me at that time, you would definitely be targeted by the village in the future."

Orochimaru,"The facts have proved that they have been targeted. The Uchiha clan has been exterminated."

Uchiha Madara,"......"

Uzumaki Kushina,"I feel relieved to see that my son is so smart."...

【After that, Naruto continued to train. It was getting closer and closer to the time when he would start school at the age of six.】

【Naruto believes that his strength should be even stronger. His goal is to test his achievements when he enters school at the age of six and reach the level of a top Genin.】

【At least six years ahead of peers!】

【During the training process, Uzumaki Naruto became more and more familiar with Uchiha Sasuke. A sincere friendship was formed between the two children.】

【"I'm not going to practice anymore. I'm so tired."】

【After finishing a period of physical training, Sasuke collapsed to the ground, sweating and panting, and refused to continue no matter what.】

【Ding! 】

Suddenly at this time the system's voice sounded

【It’s time for the quiz with prizes!】

【Question: What did Uzumaki Naruto do in response to Uchiha Sasuke's lack of effort in playing badly? Please select from the options below.】

【a: Lie down with him, and enjoy this fulfilling time together after training to exhaustion】

【b: Thoughtfully grilled a fish for Sasuke, and they enjoyed it together, increasing the sincere feelings between them.】

【c: Taunting Sasuke for being a fake】

【d: Carefully analyze the current situation for Uchiha Sasuke, tell him that his situation is very dangerous and he must work hard to train. And instill the idea that power is the right to speak. 】

After this voice sounded, everyone immediately participated actively.

Remember, this is a quiz with prizes.

As long as you answer the questions correctly, you can get all kinds of unexpected rewards.

Kakashi,"Based on my understanding of Naruto in this world, he will definitely choose d."

Uchiha Madara,"Don't even think about it. Uzumaki Naruto in this world will definitely start to fool Sasuke and let him work hard together. I will directly choose d." Senju Hashirama

,"Madara, I don't agree with your idea."

"Interesting things are what children of this age need most. He will definitely lie down with Sasuke and look at the sky together."

"So I choose option a."

Jiraiya,"Of course, he will definitely mock Sasuke, saying he is just a little bit of a fake."

Namikaze Minato,"As a father, I think he might choose option b."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Hahaha, option c looks so interesting, it will make my little Naruto look more lively, I think this is the right option"......

【Looking at Uchiha Sasuke lying there, Uzumaki Naruto said to him seriously,"You can't be in this state. Do you know that you are in danger now?"】


【Sasuke was obviously stunned. I don't know why Uzumaki Naruto said this.】

【In Uchiha Sasuke's opinion, their clan is the largest clan in the village and the main force of the police force.】

【His brother Uchiha Itachi is a genius ninja in the village and holds an important position in Konoha. Why would he be in danger?】

【Moreover, he is obviously much better than his peers. He has been training so diligently before entering the Ninja Academy.】

【Although he is still inferior to Uzumaki Naruto, the other party is a monster. Can ordinary people compare with him?】

【Sasuke narrowed his eyes and subconsciously retorted,"I've tried my best, okay?"】

【Uzumaki Naruto continued calmly and powerfully,"No, you are not trying hard enough."】

【"You didn't try your best"】

【"To be honest, you haven't read enough books or haven't observed your surroundings enough. Let me analyze it for you in detail."】

【"In our Konoha library, there are books introducing the history of Konoha. You must have never read them."】

【"Let me tell you, Konoha was built by your Uchiha clan and the Senju clan together."】

【"Originally, these two families were the ones who founded the village and should have the most power, but look at them now."】

【"You, the Uchiha clan, became a police force, doing jobs that offend people, and moved to a corner of the village."】

【"And look at the Senju clan. Have you heard of any important figures who are members of their clan?"】

【"There is another point, you must know, you must have noticed that the villagers in the village have a very bad attitude towards your Uchiha clan, and conflicts often occur between you two sides."】

【"What does this mean? Think about it yourself"】

【When Uchiha Sasuke heard this, cold sweat immediately broke out】

【It seems like this, he was originally a founding hero, but now he has been reduced to a corner.......】

【Judging from this, their family is indeed on the decline, and this trend is still continuing.】

【Sasuke is also a smart man, he understood what Naruto wanted to say】

【If the Uchiha clan continues to decline like this, they will eventually be suppressed more and more until they are ridiculed and become ordinary people without a voice.】

【Naruto continued,"And look at the Sarutobi clan who are now Hokage, their family is so huge."】

【"How many of the businesses in the village are owned by them?"】

【"Although you may not understand it now, I want you to understand that interests will produce uncontrollable conflicts."】

【"Who knows, in the near future, the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan will go to war with the Sarutobi clan."】

【"The reason for the war was simple. Perhaps the Uchiha clan could not stand the oppression, or perhaps the Sarutobi clan wanted to completely wipe out the other clans."】

【"Don't think I'm exaggerating. If you read a lot of books and learn about the history of many countries, you will know that wars often break out for such reasons."】

【The more Uchiha Sasuke listened, the colder he felt, as if he was shrouded in a huge conspiracy.】

【He had never thought about these things before.】

【He is just a child under six years old.......】

When Naruto, who is also less than six years old, said these simple but profound words directly, the people watching were all stunned.

Who could have thought that Uzumaki Naruto could see the current situation so clearly?

He has surpassed many adults!

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