Uchiha Madara,"So, Uzumaki Naruto's goal is very clear, and he has started to form cliques." Orochimaru

,"He is really a smart boy. With his own life experience, he resonates with the genius ninja Hyuga Neji."

"With Hyuga Neji's intelligence, I'm sure he can't beat Uzumaki Naruto."

Uchiha Itachi,"Hatred is a good thing. It can give people unlimited power and make them strong." Hyuga

Neji,"I'll see how he plans to brainwash me in another world."

"Even if the brainwashing is successful, what can it do? People's fate cannot be changed."...

【Naruto arrived and first analyzed his analysis to Hyuga Neji.】

【After hearing this, Hyuga Neji was shocked.】

【Originally, he just thought that it was Hyuga Hiashi who forced his father Hyuga Hiashi to death.】

【But he didn't think about the higher level, the pressure of the Hokage.】

【That's the Hokage, someone they need to look up to, how can it be his fault?......】

【But now, Uzumaki Naruto has opened the door to a new world for Hyuga Neji】

【Hyuga Neji also told more details about the kidnapping incident in the Hidden Cloud Village.】

【It turned out that at that time, the Hidden Cloud Village and Konoha agreed to a truce and the two sides established friendship.】

【The Hidden Cloud Village sent a ninja representative to negotiate in a friendly manner】

【However, one of the representatives had evil intentions and tried to steal Hinata, the daughter of the Hyuga clan, and take her back to study her Byakugan to enhance his own strength.】

【When the enemy was kidnapping Hinata, his father, Hiashi, saw him and killed him immediately.】

【The Hidden Cloud Village used this incident to force the Hokage to hand over the murderer, otherwise they would tear up the treaty.】

【Afterwards, in order to consolidate his position and test the loyalty of the Hyuga clan, the Hokage forced them to hand over the murderer.】

【This is why the branch family's Hyuga Hiashi died in place of the main family's Hyuga Hiashi.】

【After this analysis, Hyuga Neji was simply shocked!】

【"Yes, if it wasn't for the Hokage forcing our Hyuga clan to hand over the murderer who killed the ninja from the Hidden Cloud Village, how could my father die in place of Hyuga Hiashi?"】

【"It turns out that the root cause lies here!"】

【Hyuga Neji looked at Uzumaki Naruto in shock. He didn't expect that the man who was called a demon fox by everyone could have such deep thoughts.】

【As expected, Uzumaki Naruto became the focus of the whole school on his first day at school. He is indeed not an ordinary person.】

【Hyuga Neji was shocked, but was defeated by his own pessimistic fatalism,"But, so what?"】

【"The fate of a person is predetermined from the beginning and cannot be resisted."】

Akimichi Chouji,"Yeah, I also think Hyuga Neji is quite pitiful."

"Being carved as a caged bird, I can only choose to protect the clan"

"Once he had some thoughts of resistance, the clan would immediately cast a curse, causing him to suffer so much pain that he could not help himself."

"This is indeed his fate. Only on the day of his death can the curse be lifted and Hyuga Neji can truly be free."

Many people know the effect of the caged bird curse.

It is cruel, but it is a tradition that the Hyuga clan cannot change.

【Hyuga Neji's emotions became extreme."What's the point of you coming to me to tell me this? My fate is already determined."】

【"I can only die for you"】

【Naruto shook his head,"I didn't expect you to be so devastated."】

【"You are a genius of the Hyuga clan and have a bright future, but now you feel hopeless."】

【"Of course, it's not completely hopeless. At least, from your almost crazy daily training, I can tell that you still want to escape this fate."】

【"We have the same understanding on this point."】

【"Only with power can we tear apart all conspiracies and live the life we want."】

【"You said that you were like a bird in a cage, and you were controlled by others all your life. Then I ask you a question."】

【"What if you are strong enough to kill him before he launches the caged bird attack?"】

【"Does the other party dare to restrain you again?"】

【Once these words came out, Hyuga Neji was stunned again.】

【He had never had such a rebellious idea.】

【The other party is the Hyuga clan, the most powerful family in Konoha Village. He only has one person.......】

【Even if he is a genius ninja, so what?】

【Naruto continued,"I know this idea is too shocking for you, but I am an example."】

【"You also saw that when I first came to school, people called me a fox demon."】

【"So I used my strength to tell them they were wrong"】

【"You see, as my power grows stronger, until the future, when I can easily wipe out the existence of the shadow level"】

【"By then, no one will call me a fox demon anymore. They will call me a hero who protects the village. They will be proud of me."】

【"So, work hard to change your fate. Instead of complaining】

【Hyuga Neji was stunned. He was so shocked that his head was like a thunderclap.】

【Can he really change his destiny?】

【At first he believed it, so he trained himself like crazy, but later on, he stopped believing it and was defeated by the cruel reality.】

【At this time, Uzumaki Naruto came to him and said those words, and he seemed to believe it again.】

【However, Hyuga Neji was rational and he quickly calmed down.】

【Is it so easy to have the power to turn everything around?】

【Naruto said at the right time,"You still think you can't do it"】

【"Yes, it is difficult for one person to achieve that. So you need allies."】

【"This will create a huge force"】

【"Imagine, in the future, if I become the Hokage, at that time, I can abolish your Hyuga clan's main family and branch family system with just one order. At that time, no one will be engraved with the caged bird."】

【Hyuga Neji's eyes widened again,"You want to drag me into the rebellion?"】

【Naruto said casually,"No, I want to work with you to change my destiny."】

【"Of course, revenge is part of changing one's destiny."】

【"Go back and think about it carefully. How do you want to live?"】

【Naruto left, and Hyuga Neji stood there, unable to calm down for a long time.】

【Before this, he only hated Hyuga Hiashi, but now, he also hated the Third Hokage.】

【"It seems that Naruto is right!"】

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