Uchiha Madara,"I said, this Third Hokage is so disgusting, he even let someone ride on his head and shit on it, and he's still weak"

"Forcing the Hyuga clan to hand over the murderer? Those people from the Cloud Shadow Village deserved to be killed."

"The other side has kidnapped people from Konoha"

"Senju Tobirama, your vision is really not good, you chose such a person as Hokage."

Senju Tobirama,"My choice is my decision, what does it have to do with you?"

However, Uchiha Madara's words really left Senju Tobirama with nothing to refute.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was indeed too cowardly in dealing with the looting of Kumokage Village.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, no wonder people keep blaming you for all the shit"

"Look at what good things you have done."

If Tobirama Senju could be resurrected, the first thing he would do would be to kick Sarutobi Hiruzen off the position of Hokage. It's so infuriating.

Orochimaru,"The old guy Sarutobi Hiruzen has been in office for too long. He has been corrupted by power. You, the wood industry, should quickly elect a new one."

"Oh, actually no need, I will kill him after the movie is over"

"Let me help you get rid of a scourge in Konoha, hahahaha."

Hinata Hizashi,"Finally someone spoke up for me, the old man of the Third Generation was so disgusting."

"Ningci, followed Naruto and rebelled against the old man of the Third Generation."

Uzumaki Kushina,"I feel relieved when I see more and more people spit on you, an old man."

"I really misjudged you at that time and was fooled by your appearance."

"I didn't expect that he would do so many disgusting things in secret."

"Come to the next round of questions and answers. I want to answer correctly, and then I will make something that can revive. I will slap you in the face, old man."

"Then I'll blow your dog head off with one punch!"

Blowing up the old man Sarutobi Hiruzen's dog head became Uzumaki Kushina's obsession....

【Not long after, Hyuga Neji caught up with Uzumaki Naruto】

【"I don't accept what you just said, but I think I can train with you."】

【Hyuga Neji looked at Uzumaki Naruto very seriously】

【He knows that the other party is very strong, and his goal is also to become a strong person. There is still some sympathy between the two. Uzumaki Naruto has a certain attraction to Hyuga Neji.】

【Uzumaki Naruto smiled and did not refuse. In his opinion, Hyuga Neji had basically agreed.】

【It's just that the other party can't accept such a change for a while.】

【"Every morning at six o'clock, we would train on the hillside at the other end of the village."】

【"I have long wanted to experience the soft fist of the Hyuga clan."】

【The fists of the two boys collided, and the gears of fate began to turn at this moment.】

【At this moment, there was also some inexplicable light in Hyuga Neji's eyes. 】

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"Naruto is going to lead another boy astray."

Sarutobi Asuma,"I don't know how rebellious Hyuga Neji will become in the future!" Jiraiya

,"I think Neji's fate may change from now on." Tsunade

,"Naruto in this world gives me a feeling of a savior. He can save the world, right?"......

【Afterwards, Naruto walked around the school and returned to the classroom.】

【For him, it is also a new experience to have a class with many people.】

【Although, the things the teacher said above were too basic, Naruto already knew them and was drowsy after listening to them.】

【"Just treat today as a day off for yourself, come here and have a good rest"】

【On the first day of class, Naruto slept soundly in class.......】

【During the break, Naruto suddenly felt someone bumping his arm.】

【He opened his eyes and saw Yamanaka Ino】

【"Is there a problem?"】

【Yamanaka Ino's face instantly turned red, and she stuttered,"No, nothing happened.""】

【"I just want to ask you, do you want to have dinner together tonight?"】

【"A new shop opened on the corner, the three-color meatballs are delicious"】

【Yamanaka Ino smiled and stroked her hair,"It's not just you that's invited, Sasuke, Shikamaru, and Choji will all go.""】

【Haruno Sakura stared at the two people who were talking, with an anxious look on her face.】

【"I want to go too. I want to go too!"】

【The competition between the two began, Haruno Sakura,"Naruto-kun, I know a place that serves ramen, it tastes great, I invite you to go there"】

【Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino immediately looked at each other, and a spark of jealousy flew, which caused an explosion, and then their arms collided.】

【"Naruto-kun will not accept your invitation!"】

【"I advise you to study hard and not have any inappropriate thoughts!"】

【Uchiha Sasuke, who was sitting on the side, silently took out a mirror and looked at his face. Am I not handsome enough?】

【"No, he's very handsome. The reason for this is probably because Naruto is more handsome......."】

【In such a situation, Naruto naturally chose to treat everyone equally. He was always easy to talk to when he was enthusiastic about people.】

【He is willing to build good relationships with his classmates and unite more people.】

【Naruto stepped forward and placed his hands on the foreheads of Yamanaka Ino and Haruno Sakura, pushing them away.】

【"Don't make it difficult for me. I have a big appetite. We can eat the three-color meatballs first, and then go eat ramen."】

【Looking at Yamanaka Ino and Haruno Sakura, the two girls' faces instantly turned red.】

【Naruto-kun actually put his hands on their foreheads!】

【The two of them felt their hearts fluttering, and the next moment they cried out,"Too good!"】

【However, when other students saw this scene, they were all speechless and jealous.】

【We all started school on the same day, but are the differences between people so huge? Is it a big deal to be handsome?】

【Akimichi Chouji,"Shikamaru, I suspect Ino is a nymphomaniac. She has known us for such a long time, but she has never taken the initiative to invite us to dinner......."】

【Shikamaru,"Don't talk about things that everyone can see."】

【"You must eat more later!"】

【While it was very lively here, there was a little girl with her head down, her face red from holding back. It seemed that she wanted to say something, but she just couldn't.】

【Naruto unexpectedly discovered her,"Oh, it's Hinata, we are in the same class."】

【Once before, when Naruto was training in the woods, he happened to run into Hinata who was out playing.】

【We chatted briefly and got to know each other, but after that, we didn't have any more contact.】

【Hinata Hyuga has a deep impression of her older brother, Naruto Uzumaki.】

【Naruto's tenacity and strength deeply attracted Hinata, which was what she lacked the most. Hinata was too weak and was usually a surprisingly quiet girl.】

【"......Naruto-kun, I......"】

【She was so nervous that she couldn't speak.】

【Naruto,"Want to go eat together?"】

【"May I?"】


【Yamanaka Ino and Haruno Sakura stared at him with wolf-like eyes.】

【Uzumaki Naruto said,"Okay, then we have a deal. I'll sleep a little longer and call me after school."】......

Hyuga Hinata,"Even in a parallel world, can't it change the fact that I like Naruto-kun?"

"Does that prove that we are indeed compatible?"

Namikaze Minato,"The gap between our two worlds is really getting bigger and bigger."

"Naruto in this world has no luck with women. Let's look at Naruto in the parallel world. As soon as he entered school, he had three girlfriends at the same time."

"This is not bad, at least I, Namikaze, will not have to worry about having offspring."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Although it is a bit too early to talk about spreading out, it is still a good thing."

Uchiha Mikoto said with some resentment,"Kushina, your son has taken away my daughter-in-law......."

Rock Lee,"Wow, wow, I want to ask, how much alcohol do you have to drink to have such a beautiful dream?"

Kakashi,"Some people pursue love all their lives, but they are single all their lives."

"Some people have it since childhood and go straight to the peak of their lives."

Jiraiya,"Kakashi, I suspect you are making a veiled accusation."

"Humph, what's so good about women? They can only affect my speed of forming seals!"

Tsunade,"Hehe, do you want to be like someone and rely on intimacy to relieve your loneliness for the rest of your life?"



【The prize-winning quiz session is here. 】

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this voice.

【Please tell me, after dinner, who will Naruto choose to send home?】

【Please choose the correct answer from the following options】

【a, Yamanaka Ino】

【b, Haruno Sakura】

【c. Hyuga Hinata】

【d. Uchiha Sasuke】

【e, Akimichi Chouji. 】

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