【Naruto Uzumaki's Shadow Clone Technique is his trump card!】

【He was also thinking about a new question,"I can perform the Shadow Clone Technique myself, so can Shuriken also do it?"】

【"If, the shuriken can be transformed into a shadow clone......"】

【"Then, if I create two thousand shadow clones, and each of them can create two thousand shurikens,"】

【"This power is quite terrifying."】

【With a huge amount of chakra and precise control over it, Naruto began to create some techniques based on his imagination. 】

Senju Tobirama,"Finally, he has taken this step and created his own techniques."

Senju Tobirama feels that the young are formidable.

"This is indeed a good seedling. It would be great if his ideas could be more correct......."

Namikaze Minato,"I don't know when he will be able to comprehend the Flying Thunder God Technique by himself."

"If he learns this, coupled with his current strength, although he cannot be said to be invincible, his ability to save his life will be unmatched."

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique is my specialty, do you think it is so easy to comprehend?"

Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique.

It is an extremely difficult ninjutsu that uses chakra to increase the number of shurikens to form a sword formation like a dragnet.

Uzumaki Kushina,"Sarutobi Hiruzen, you old thief, I'm just waiting for Naruto to slap you in the face"

【Naruto began to follow his own thoughts】

【He doesn't work in isolation, he also communicates with others】

【Later, he also learned that someone had already turned this idea into reality. That person was Sarutobi Hiruzen, who looked extremely despicable in Uzumaki Naruto's eyes.】

【This further stimulated Uzumaki Naruto. He had to create this move himself.】

【"I am the one who wants to defeat Sarutobi Hiruzen. If he can create his own jutsu, I can do it too."】

【Hard work pays off. On this day, Uzumaki Naruto really succeeded.】

【Two thousand shadow clones, each of which created a shuriken shadow clone, rained down swords that covered the sky and the earth, making the air extremely suffocating.】

【It’s so densely packed that it makes one’s scalp tingle!】

【Naruto said,"Sarutobi Hiruzen's famous move is just this"】

【This scene shocked Uchiha Sasuke, Ningci, Hinata, Yamanaka Ino and others.】

【Uchiha Sasuke,"Is Uzumaki Naruto now stronger than a jonin?"】

【"A jonin who is less than seven years old, can you believe it? Even more talented than my brother Itachi!"】

【Ningci,"Naruto should be considered the greatest genius in history."】

【"In front of him, when others say I am a genius, I feel that this is an insult to me......."】

【Hinata,"Naruto-kun is really strong, which is inseparable from his hard work. We have seen all that he has done."】

Uzumaki Kushina,"Hahahaha, Naruto really succeeded"

""Sarutobi Hiruzen, old thief, does your face hurt?""

Uchiha Madara,"This kid is a bit crazy"

"Sarutobi Hiruzen's famous skills are just like this. When this sentence came out, wow, this kid really looked handsome."

Mei Terumi,"It's hard to imagine how strong Uzumaki Naruto is at this time."

Ohnoki,"He must have reached the level of a jonin. Ordinary jonins can only flee when they meet Naruto."

"I don't know when he will be able to reach the level of Kage."

Jiraiya,"I don't know if you have noticed that Naruto's current hand seal speed has reached the limit of the hand seal."

"I can see that he is developing towards the direction of making hand seals with one hand."

Rock Lee,"What? Can you make hand seals with only one hand? This is incredible."

Uchiha Madara,"In fact, when a person is strong enough, he can cast a spell without making hand seals."

【After the Shadow Clone Technique was removed, Uzumaki Naruto sat on the ground to rest, and also summarized his experience in using this technique and continued to improve it.】

【Uchiha Sasuke came over at this time, his face became a little sad and said】

【"Naruto, I feel that your previous analysis is correct. These past two days, I clearly feel that the atmosphere at home is not right."】

【"There's a sense that a war is about to break out......."】

【Ever since Uzumaki Naruto analyzed to Uchiha Sasuke the situations where conflicts would break out due to interests and oppression,】

【Uchiha Sasuke began to pay attention to the atmosphere at home】

【He even overheard that his father, Uchiha Fugaku, was holding a meeting with the village members, seemingly plotting something.......】

【"Naruto, what should I do? I'm a little scared now......"】

【Uzumaki Naruto's expression became serious. Sure enough, this day has finally come. 】

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