【Although they have been training very hard, they are still young and still seem insignificant in the face of the huge situation.】

【Uzumaki Naruto calmly gave advice to Uchiha Sasuke】

【"We don't know when the war will suddenly come. I suggest you don't go home for the time being."】

【"You can choose to stay at my place, or if you must go home, be careful and run away immediately if you see something wrong."】

【"This is a long-standing contradiction. Your presence cannot change any progress."】

【"Even if we assume the worst possible outcome, at that time, a violent conflict broke out between your Uchiha clan and the Hokage, and many people really died. If you survived, you could still accumulate strength and then take revenge."】

【Naruto knows the cruelty of this world very well. When he was laying the groundwork for Sasuke, he also predicted the worst possible outcome.】

【Uchiha Sasuke is only a seven-year-old child now, and he feels deeply powerless.】

【"Uzumaki Naruto, no matter what happens, you will stand by my side, right?"】

【Uzumaki Naruto looked into Uchiha Sasuke's eyes seriously and said,"I will be your strongest support."】

【Uchiha Sasuke smiled bitterly,"Thank you, Naruto"】

【"I hope our guess is wrong."】

【"Maybe we are just worrying too much......."】

Uchiha Fugaku,"I didn't expect that this day would come."

Orochimaru,"The war planned by that old villain Sarutobi Hiruzen will not end easily." Jiraiya

,"The conflicts between the Uchiha clan, the village, and the Hokage are too deep and cannot be easily resolved."

"Alas, this is human nature, and it is also a helpless reality."

Tsunade," Wow, it's so depressing to watch, these two are pitiful children."

Senju Hashirama,"Children living in war are all pitiful"

"This is also the original intention of my building the village, just to have a piece of pure land."

"But now it seems that peace is too precious and hard to come by."

Senju Tobirama,"I have long seen the evil of the Uchiha clan. With their presence, the village will not be stable."

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"Lord Tobirama, I have tried my best to integrate the Uchiha clan into the village, but it seems that I cannot do it......."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Bah! You bastard!《#*-’@》?!^/!"

【Recently, Uchiha Sasuke has been worried】

【He didn't choose to live with Uzumaki Naruto or go home.】

【Because he had a premonition that something bad was going to happen and a disaster might be about to happen, Uchiha Sasuke was in a bad mood, and Uzumaki Naruto would always accompany him home after school.】

【"The clan land seems strangely quiet today......."】

【Uchiha Sasuke has not yet reacted to why this happened】

【Uzumaki Naruto nervously grabbed his hand and protected him behind him,"Something is wrong."】

【After discussing with Yamanaka Ino about her family secret technique, the Heart Transformation Technique, Uzumaki Naruto's own perception ability has also been improved.】

【"Someone is hiding in the dark, seemingly watching this place"】

【Uchiha Sasuke became even more nervous, panicking and absent-minded.】

【At this moment, Uzumaki Naruto is his only sense of security.】

【Out of caution, Uzumaki Naruto actually wanted to get away from this dangerous place as quickly as possible, but this was Uchiha Sasuke's home after all. How could he leave without knowing the truth?】

【Uzumaki Naruto said,"Okay, let's go in and take a look."】

【"Remember to be smart and hide behind me if you see something is wrong"】

【Anyway, with Naruto's current strength, he may not be able to defeat some enemies, but if Naruto wants to escape, ordinary people really can't catch up with him.】

【He has too many means at his disposal.】

【As he got closer, Naruto's powerful perception made him frown,"Here......Why is there no sound?......"】

【"No! Two auras were detected"】

【There was a breath among them, it was someone Naruto was familiar with,"It should be Uchiha Itachi"】

【The genius ninja who once taught Uzumaki Naruto shuriken, the pride of Uchiha Sasuke】

【"I have never come into contact with another breath, but why does it make me feel so disgusted?"】

【As if it was fate, Naruto felt this breath and rushed in even faster.】

【As they got closer, they were both shocked. The Uchiha clan had been exterminated, and there were corpses everywhere!】

【On the floor, where blood was flowing, stood two figures, who were seen by Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke.】

【Uchiha Sasuke's pupils lost focus, he was so shocked. The person holding the butcher knife was actually his proud brother, Uchiha Itachi!】

【Uzumaki Naruto's eyes were filled with anger.】

【Because the other person who committed the crime was a mysterious masked man wearing black clothes, and from the one eye he exposed, it could be seen that it was the Sharingan!】

【Naruto knew that the Nine-Tails Rebellion happened because a man with this appearance used the Sharingan to control the Nine-Tails.】

【The Nine-Tailed Fox Rebellion originated from a conspiracy and one person's revenge.】

【And this person appeared in front of Uzumaki Naruto at this time.】

【Although this was the first time they met, Naruto was extremely sure that the man was the real culprit who caused him such a miserable life!】

【In Naruto's world, he wants to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen because it was his selfishness that caused the tragedy of many people, including himself.】

【The person he also wants to kill is the mysterious masked man, because he is the source of all these tragedies!】

【Uchiha Itachi, with a complicated look in his eyes, was about to say something.......】

【But they saw Uzumaki Naruto, whose teeth and fingers were sharp and full of red chakra, rushing towards them with murderous intent.......】

At this time, the question and answer questions in the live viewing room are also here.

【Ding! Enter the Q&A session】

【What is the result of Uzumaki Naruto's challenge to the mysterious man?】

【Please select the correct answer from the following options】

【a, Uzumaki Naruto, killed the mysterious masked man】

【b. The mysterious masked man who killed Uzumaki Naruto】

【c. The two are evenly matched and both suffer losses.】

【d. Uzumaki Naruto defeats the mysterious masked man, who escapes】

【e, the mysterious masked man defeated Uzumaki Naruto, who escaped]

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