Uzumaki Kushina,"Kakashi, you have become bad, you were not like this before."

Kakashi,"Master, that was me in another world. I am still as kind as before in this world and I will not lie."......"

"But I think that my behavior in the parallel world is also understandable......."

Namikaze Minato,"Hahahaha, I will forgive your lying on behalf of Uzumaki Naruto."

【Kakashi said deliberately seriously】

【"There are several reasons why Ninjutsu cannot be performed."】

【"The first aspect is that the control over chakra is not enough."】

【"The second reason is that the chakra concentration is not enough."】

【"Reason 3......"】


【Anyway, it was all made up, Kakashi said several】

【"Ahem, actually the most important point is, Naruto, your current growth rate is really too fast."】

【"There is also a possibility that you have violated the basic development law of normal people......."】

【"Haha, you can try each of the reasons I just told you."】

【"If you still can't use the Rasengan Shuriken move you mentioned, don't worry."】

【"The difficulty of this technique must be S-level."】

【"It may be a good thing to develop slowly and more perfectly."】

【After Kakashi finished his nonsense, he didn't wait for Uzumaki Naruto to think more and decided to run away.】

【I hope my dignity as a teacher can be maintained for a while longer.】

【Uzumaki Naruto really started to think seriously about the directions given by Kakashi.】

【He decided to start injecting chakra from the Rasengan to increase the concentration, and this path began.】

【"Now, I can use the Nine-Tails' chakra more smoothly without worrying about its energy running wild."】

【"Perhaps, using this more concentrated chakra to cast the Rasengan Shuriken would be successful."】

【Uzumaki Naruto immediately started to practice】

【Failure after failure, there is no way to defeat him】

【Uzumaki Naruto is also in failure, but he seems to have found a more correct direction, and he is still moving forward.】

【During this time, Kakashi also returned to observe Uzumaki Naruto for a while】

【The unlimited supply of chakra from the other party makes me envious】

【"Uzumaki Naruto is simply an unreasonable existence......"】

【Soon, Kakashi was shocked to find】

【The Rasengan Shuriken that Uzumaki Naruto mentioned has actually taken shape!】

【That extremely terrifying energy made Kakashi feel terrified!】

【"Wow, this is really a monster"】

【Although Kakashi was also very young, he created the S-level ninjutsu Chidori.】

【But he felt inferior in front of Naruto, thinking that he was just like a grain of rice compared to him.】

【Kakashi silently opened his Sharingan and began to observe Uzumaki Naruto's actions more carefully.】

【The main attack is to turn the host into the guest. Since you can't be the other party's teacher, let the other party be the teacher.】

【Kakashi then decided to give up on Uzumaki Naruto as a student and start calling him"teacher" instead.】

【Then he accepted Uchiha Sasuke, who was also hardworking and talented, as his disciple.】

【Don't ask, the answer is that it doesn't match the main chakra attribute of Uzumaki Naruto! 】

Kakashi,"Fortunately, there is no such perverted Uzumaki Naruto in our world."

"Otherwise, who can bear this?"

"But I still want to say that I am really ashamed of myself in the parallel world."

Uchiha Sasuke,"Teacher Kakashi, I feel the same way. It makes me feel ashamed."

Uzumaki Naruto,"I think I am the one who is really ashamed."

Ohnoki,"Not only you, we all think this person is a monster."

Terumi Mei,"The Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world cannot be viewed according to common sense."

"Maybe only one special talent like this will appear in 100 years."

"So no one needs to feel inferior."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Hahahahaha that's right"

【After Kakashi returned, he wrote a letter to Jiraiya overnight to contact him.】

【He wanted him to stop traveling outside and come back to the village to help Uzumaki Naruto practice more.】

【Jiraiya can summon the toads of Myoboku Mountain and can also use Sage Mode. These two are very important to Naruto.】

【More importantly, Jiraiya is a well-known ninja who has experienced countless wars.】

【The opponent's combat experience can help Uzumaki Naruto more】

【After finishing this task, Kakashi whispered】

【"The plan to steal the sealed book should also be put on the agenda."】

【Although Uzumaki Naruto said that he would do it himself】

【But Kakashi thought that it would be better not to let Uzumaki Naruto do such a risky thing.】

【They need to do their best to protect Uzumaki Naruto, this is the first priority】

【Try to give Uzumaki Naruto more time to develop, so that his strength can grow to the point where he can crush the opponent.】

【Then take revenge to ensure that there is no risk. 】

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