Mei Terumi,"In fact, with Uzumaki Naruto's current strength, if he goes to the Third Hokage and asks for the Book of Sealing directly, the other party will probably give it to him."

"After all, in his eyes, the stronger the Jinchūriki Uzumaki Naruto is, the safer the village will be."

"The more powerful he is, the stronger his strength will be. In his opinion, Uzumaki Naruto is still moved by him, and the people on his side."

Ohnoki," Sarutobi Hiruzen, this shrewd guy has been calculating all his life, but he didn't expect that he would die in this place in the end."Orochimaru

," Hehe, some of Sarutobi Hiruzen's calculations are really too clumsy."

"Others couldn't see it before because they were blocked by his halo."

"Because I was constantly brainwashed by his Will of Fire."

"But once someone thinks about it carefully and deeply, these things of Sarutobi Hiruzen are really easy to see through."

"And when that day comes, it will also be the day when Sarutobi Hiruzen will be attacked."

Kakashi," This sentence is true. Now this person has appeared, that is Uzumaki Naruto."

The fourth generation Raikage,"When Sarutobi Hiruzen's disguise was torn off, it was also the moment when he completely fell from the altar."

"I almost expected the day when all the villagers would hate him."

"The entire Konoha village is under the control of this old man."

"He did those little tricks for his own political power and his own personal gain, but in the end, they hurt a lot of people.

This seemingly harmless guy was actually behind the scenes, killing a lot of people.

【On the second day, early in the morning, Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Hyuga Neji, Yamanaka Ino, Hyuga Hinata, and their group were training in the training ground.】

【Today, their training was different from usual. They were obviously fighting for their lives.】

【With Uzumaki Naruto as a big power bank, everyone is not afraid of getting hurt】

【Might Guy agreed to be the taijutsu coach for Uzumaki Naruto and his friends.】

【When he arrived, he was immediately infected by the atmosphere of the scene.】

【Might Guy let out a weird cry,"Youth should be used to burn"】

【Then, he joined the battle】

【The atmosphere of this fight became quite lively.】

【Uzumaki Naruto and his companions took this opportunity to continuously display the physical skills they had learned.】

【With the guidance of the master of physical skills, Might Kai, their physical skills are improving by leaps and bounds.】

【These eight or nine-year-old children are also slowly learning the art of cooperation.】

【During this process, Might Guy was terrified.】

【They were just a few kids, but they could beat him with just physical skills. It's hard to say.】

【Seeing that the time was almost up, Might Guy wanted to let the children stop and rest.】

【But he was directly rejected by Uzumaki Naruto】

【"Teacher Kai, we plan to spend the whole day practicing Taijutsu."】

【"I have a very obvious feeling that in this high-intensity battle, my physical skills are constantly improving."】

【"Sasuke, tell Teacher Kai what our training policy is?"】

【Uchiha Sasuke wiped the sweat from his head and said loudly while panting:】

【"Our training policy is to train to death as long as you don't die."】

【"But Naruto, we have indeed reached the limit of our physical strength."】

【"Please use the Nine-Tails' Chakra to replenish us, we can't hold on any longer."】

【Uzumaki Naruto immediately mobilized the Nine-Tails Chakra to restore the energy of his teammates.】

【Soon, after they recovered, they started fighting with Might Guy again.】

【Might Guy shouted helplessly】

【"If you have such good stuff, please let me use it."】

【However, he was rejected by Uzumaki Naruto】

【"Teacher Kai, when you reach your physical limit, I will help you recover. Don't worry, let's continue."】

【"Youth is meant to burn. Don’t get tired, keep burning."】

【Constant confrontation, today is a constant confrontation】

【This made Might Guy, a master of physical skills and a training maniac, feel a little overwhelmed.】

【I shouted in my heart,"Young people nowadays are really terrible, each one is more ruthless than the other!"】

【"Hey, don't you guys have to go to school? Why are you here all day?"】

【"We have already learned what the Ninja School teaches us, so it doesn't matter whether we go or not."】

【"Suddenly I remembered that I hadn't had dinner yet, so I......"】

【"Teacher Kai, we have already ordered food in advance. Let's have a bite and then continue training."】



【It was during this almost crazy and inhumane training that Uzumaki Naruto and his companions were quickly making up for their deficiencies in physical skills.】

【He became a master of physical skills at an extremely fast speed.】

【Although Might Guy was in great pain, he also gained a lot from these battles.】

【At the very least, with the supplement of Uzumaki Naruto's Nine-Tails Chakra, he doesn't have to worry about overdrawing his body or getting injured, and can attack without restraint.】

【This also gave him a better understanding of where his limits were.】

【A few months passed quickly.】

【Uzumaki Naruto has also learned the Eight Gates Ninja as he wished.】

【Just relying on his physical strength alone, he was able to fight Might Guy to a draw.】

【According to their estimation, unless Might Guy opens seven or even eight gates, he will not be able to defeat Naruto.】

【Of course, this is just talking about using physical skills.】

【But don't forget that Uzumaki Naruto is also a ninjutsu genius.】

【In other words, if you really fight alone】

【Might Guy is likely to lose to Naruto】

【Unless you try your best, maybe the result will be different.】

【Might Guy breathed a sigh of relief】

【"The special training for Naruto and other kids is finally over."】

【"There is a feeling of exhaustion as if the body is being drained."】

【Even someone as strong as Might Guy felt that he needed to rest for a while.

Might Guy,"Uzumaki Naruto, their strength has finally surpassed mine."

"I finally have a day off, but why do I suddenly feel tears welling up in my eyes?"

"I feel tired for myself in the parallel world"

"Fortunately, the Uzumaki Naruto in our world is still a loser, so at least I won't have such a hard time."

Kakashi,"You also lose the qualification to become stronger."

"Look at you in the parallel world. You are at least 30% stronger than you are now."

"It's only been a few months of special training, and your strength has improved so much."

Hyuga Neji,"Uzumaki Naruto. Look at what you are doing when you were ten years old."

"Looks like he's still sleeping in class."

"Look at what you are doing when you are ten years old in the parallel world. You are already leading us to become stronger non-stop."

Uzumaki Naruto,"Okay, okay, you are not strong because of me, I admit it, okay, stop humiliating me"

"I want to escape, but I can't......"

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