【Hinata Hanabi, who is almost five years old, curled her lips】

【"Humph, I also want to grow up quickly"】

【Uzumaki Naruto smiled as he watched the interaction between the girls】

【"It feels quite warm and interesting. It seems that more wives have the same idea, which is absolutely correct."】

Yamanaka Ino,"Uzumaki Naruto, how can you be like this, can't you just focus?"

"Also, one Hyuga Hinata is not enough, why is Hyuga Hanabi, a little girl, also joining in to make trouble?"

Haruno Sakura,"This is not a problem. Anyway, if it is true, Naruto can only choose one of the two."

"But the question is, Yamanaka Ino, you annoying person, why are you still by Naruto-kun's side?"

"Look at Hyuga Hinata, she's always eating like crazy, Naruto-kun will definitely not marry her"

"So the biggest possibility is still me, hahaha."

Hyuga Hinata's face turned red,"So what if I eat a lot?"

"But my strength is growing fast."

"Didn't you see it? Naruto-kun looked at me with a different look, very pleased."

"Don't forget that Naruto-kun believes in winning people over with virtue and worships strength the most."

"Only after having the corresponding power can she be the woman standing behind Naruto."

Hinata Hiashi, I feel numb.

Isn't it enough to take Hinata Hyuga with me?

What is this Hyuga Hanabi doing?

Hinata Hiashi,"Master Tobirama. If possible, I also want to follow you to the parallel world."

"I want to find Uzumaki Naruto, the boy said.

Uzumaki Kushina,"I just want to say that even if you go, it will be useless."

"You are probably not as strong as Naruto."......"

As a future father-in-law, am I so embarrassed?

Do I have to be beaten?

【While everyone was eating happily】

【A man with a forehead protector with greasy words on it. A wretched old man with white hair 06, staggered into the restaurant】

【The appearance of this uncle immediately made people around him feel disgusted.】

【But Uzumaki Naruto looked straight at this person.】

【He had felt this breath many times recently.】

【Only appeared around the training grounds of Uzumaki Naruto and his friends, looked around for a while, and then left.】

【There was no hostility in him.】

【Uzumaki Naruto guessed that this person was most likely an old friend of his father.】

【Sure enough, when Naruto saw the other person's face today, he immediately identified with someone.】

【This is his father's teacher.】

【He was also one of the famous Three Ninjas of Konoha. During the war years, he was feared by everyone. 】

Jiraiya,"Haha, it's finally my turn to appear."

"Next, I will definitely show my power in front of Uzumaki Naruto and make him start worshipping me."

"Then he actively wanted to take me as his teacher."

"Then, under my guidance, you will become a stronger person."

"Just thinking about this makes me feel excited......."

Tsunade,"I advise you to stop laughing, it's really too obscene."

"In the parallel world, Naruto Uzumaki is only less than 10 years old, but he already has the intelligence of an adult."

"He will just drain you quickly and then kick you out."

"Only the boring Naruto in our world would go along with someone like you."

Uzumaki Naruto,"......"


【Greasy Jiraiya had known about the current situation through Kakashi's letter a few months ago.】

【He immediately ended his life of traveling and returned to Konoha】

【It's just that at that time, Uzumaki Naruto was improving his physical skills with Might Guy, and he seemed very busy all day, so he had no time at all.】

【He did not show up, but chose to observe in secret for a while.】

【Until today, I finally found a chance to appear on stage and officially met Uzumaki Naruto.】

【Jiraiya came over confidently and sat next to Uzumaki Naruto】

【When passing by Hyuga Hanabi】

【"This kid is so cute"】

【Jiraiya is indeed a middle-aged uncle, and Hanabi is only four or five years old. He wants to pinch the other's face, which is completely the idea of an elder towards a cute younger generation.】

【As soon as he raised his hand, Uzumaki Naruto couldn't stand this greasy man anymore.】

【He has no sense of boundaries, no manners, and he just barged in when others were eating. He also looks so wretched, and the point is his behavior, which is simply unbearable.】

【Almost in an instant, Uzumaki Naruto's body was covered with red. This was the Nine-Tails Chakra Outerwear.】

【As Naruto's power doubled, he opened the 4th of the Eight Gates and instantly flashed behind Jiraiya.】

【Jiraiya was an old ninja after all, and he reacted immediately】

【But he thought it was too late. When he just turned his head, Uzumaki Naruto's foot had already kicked Jiraiya on the butt.】


【Jiraiya was kicked and flew straight towards the Hokage Building.】

【"You wretched Jiraiya, go find your teacher and reminisce about the past."】

【During this process, Jiraiya also wanted to use ninjutsu to change his trajectory.】

【But he found that his meridians were paralyzed for a while, and his chakra flow was not smooth, so he could not use ninjutsu at all.】

【This also shocked Jiraiya】

【"How did Naruto do this? He is really resourceful."】

【"Just based on this point, the enemy who had physical contact with him would immediately fall into a disadvantage."】

【This function is naturally a move that Uzumaki Naruto developed during the development of the Wind Style Rasenshuriken.】

【The wind attribute chakra will turn into fine needles and flow into the meridians.】

【If Uzumaki Naruto had not shown mercy, Jiraiya's meridians would have been punctured by the chakra needles, and he would never be able to use ninjutsu again.】

【"This Uzumaki Naruto's ninjutsu level has actually reached such a level"】

【"He can control chakra so finely, this ninjutsu is at least S-level!"】

【"I have never seen this method before. I wonder where Naruto learned it from, or did he develop it himself?"】

【"Oops, I'm afraid I can't teach him more about ninjutsu......."】

Senju Tobirama,"This Naruto is really surprising, he is really a genius"

"He has almost developed the Wind Style Rasenshuriken."

"This method just now is to apply some of the application principles in a more refined way."

"This must be a forbidden technique. After all, if one is not careful when using it, not only will it not hurt others, but it is also very likely to hurt one's own meridians."

Senju Hashirama,"In my opinion, just ban it directly."

"This kind of ninjutsu can only be used by Uzumaki Naruto, and no one else can bring out its power."

"If others see it, it will only be a danger, not a help."

Uchiha Madara,"Yes, I agree with you."

"After all, a genius like Naruto in the parallel world may only appear once every few hundred years." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Speaking of which, I am really itching to learn his ninjutsu."

【Suddenly, Kakashi, who was guarding near the Hokage Building, saw a figure appear in the air.】

【"It’s Jiraiya. Why is he coming in a spinning motion? Is it a new move he has developed?"】

【"It doesn't look like it."】

【"He was kicked by someone!"】

【Other members of the Anbu immediately rushed to intercept】

【Kakashi raised his hand to stop them and said】

【"It's Master Jiraiya. He's here to chat with Master Hokage. We should just ignore him."】

【Then, the next moment, a loud noise was heard again.】

【Jiraiya's body smashed through the wall of the Hokage Building and fell into the office.】

【If it weren't for Sarutobi Hiruzen dodging quickly, he would have been knocked down as well.】

【Jiraiya raised his head and met Sarutobi Hiruzen's murderous gaze.......】


"Good man, Tsunade, you are such a bad mouth. Look, I was really kicked away."

"Hey, hey, hey, what's going on? This Uzumaki Naruto really doesn't know how to respect his elders."

"Also, is he too chauvinistic and overly protective?"

"I just wanted to pinch Hinata Hanabi's face, she is really cute."

Namikaze Minato,"Teacher Jiraiya, the expression on your face at that time was really obscene......"

"I understand you, but I don't agree with this behavior either. It's easy to be misunderstood."

Uzumaki Kushina,"I also think Naruto is right.""Hyuga

Hinata,"I agree.""

Yamanaka Ino,"I agree.""Hyuga Hanabi,"I agree."

"Haruno Sakura,"I agree."" Terumi Mei,"I agree."



Almost all the female characters stood up and expressed their dissatisfaction with Jiraiya's vulgarity

【Inside the restaurant, Uzumaki Naruto gently patted Hinata Hanabi's head.】

【"Were you not frightened just now?"】

【Hinata Hanabi's eyes sparkled as she spoke】

【"Thank you, Naruto-brother. No, with you here, I know I am safe."】

【"That's good"】

【At the same time, Uchiha Sasuke quietly took the money and compensated the hotel owner for the broken roof.......】

【Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Chouji, Inuzuka Kiba and their friends were still in shock.】

【It was Naruto's move just now that scared 973 of them.】

【Akimichi Chouji,"Has Naruto grown to this point without realizing it?"】

【"The power of his casual kick now seems to have surpassed that of my father."】

【Shikamaru,"Today, he is not even 10 years old......."】

【"I'm afraid my father would have no choice but to run away when he faced him."】

【Inuzuka Kiba,"I suggest that we stop thinking too much. I'm afraid our father won't even be able to escape when facing him......."】

【"Fortunately, we have a good relationship with Naruto......."】

Akimichi Chouji,"Fortunately, the Uzumaki Naruto in our world is a bit of a loser."

"Otherwise, it will make people feel very frustrated."

Yuno Shino,"Yes, I still like the Uzumaki Naruto who made trouble with us."

Uzumaki Naruto,"Okay, okay, you just can't bear to see your brothers become stronger, right?"

"But it feels so good, the Hokage Building was kicked to pieces."

I don't know if you feel this way, maybe Naruto did it on purpose."

"He wants to demolish the Hokage Building?"

"I feel like he is playing a chess game, executing something."

Uzumaki Kushina,"That's right!"

"I feel the same way"

"After so much hard training, is Naruto finally going to face the Third Hokage?"

"I instantly felt my blood boiling!"

【After the group dispersed, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto were on their way home.】

【Uchiha Sasuke suddenly asked】

【"You kicked Jiraiya towards the Hokage Building just now. You had a purpose, right?"】

【Uchiha Sasuke's eyes became sharp and expectant.】

【"Are you ready to launch an attack on that bastard from the third generation?"】

【"Your behavior just now was a temptation to him, right?"】

【Uzumaki Naruto smiled】

【"Sasuke, you really understand me"】

【"But the final battle is not yet time, it's just a matter of collecting some interest from him."】

【Uchiha Sasuke almost cried with joy, extremely excited】

【"Naruto, you must hold on. We have been preparing for so long, so we should take things step by step."】

【Uzumaki Naruto smiled and replied,"Don't worry, I have my own plans."】

【"All you need to do now is to keep getting stronger."】


Don't worry: VĨNH HẰNG SOÁI CA

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