Mei Terumi,"Sure enough, Uzumaki Naruto has been forbearing for so many years and is finally going to start his revenge plan."

"The first step is to demolish the Hokage Building so that Sarutobi Hiruzen has no place to work."

"Hahaha, why does he look a little cute?"

Orochimaru,"Based on my understanding of Naruto, there must be other plans behind the scenes."

"Let me take a wild guess."

"Next, Uzumaki Naruto will begin to show his strength to Sarutobi Hiruzen"

"Then let him reveal his identity in front of the villagers."

"Uzumaki Naruto is going to start building momentum for himself."

Jiraiya, I agree with what Orochimaru said."

"Uzumaki Naruto is not a lone fighter, on the contrary he is very smart"

"He is very good at bringing in allies and making the situation favorable to him."

Namikaze Minato,"Yes, I agree with the teacher on this point."

"After all, Naruto doesn't want to be stopped by other people who don't know the truth when he kills Sarutobi Hiruzen."

Uchiha Madara,"I guess that next, Uzumaki Naruto will gradually destroy the sacred image of Sarutobi Hiruzen in the hearts of the villagers of Konoha."

Ohnoki,"Anyway, keep watching, it will feel more and more exciting."

Uchiha Sasuke,"I really want to travel to a parallel world and fight side by side with Uzumaki Naruto."

"This feeling must be very wonderful."

Uzumaki Naruto,"Sasuke, I am not bad in this world, you can fight side by side with me."

"We can all have our backs to each other."

【The next morning, Uzumaki Naruto and his companions arrived early at the training ground.】

【After this period of training, Uzumaki Naruto quickly rubbed out a huge blue ball in his hand.】

【Uzumaki Naruto controls the changes in chakra attributes】

【Combined with the changes in the nature of the wind chakra, the chakra of the Rasengan is transformed into a shuriken-like form.】

【"Wind Style Rasenshuriken, this technique is finally completed"】

【Without injecting the Nine-Tails' more violent chakra, Naruto felt that this Wind Style Rasenshuriken contained great power.】

【Uchiha Sasuke, Kakashi and others beside him looked at the Rasenshuriken in Uzumaki Naruto's hand with shock.】

【"Is this what you imagined, a completed Wind Style Rasenshuriken?"】

【"If you get hit by this thing, your body will probably turn into ashes."】

【Kakashi, who was standing by, quickly raised his forehead protector and used his Sharingan to get a closer look.】

【Soon he came to an extremely surprising conclusion】

【"This wind-style spiral shuriken can create tremendous power. When it hits a person, chakra like a fine needle will enter the meridians."】

【"In other words, even if this person's physique is extremely strong, or can avoid being broken, he will be crippled."】

【"From then on, there was no way to use chakra anymore, and even the medical ninjas couldn't cure him."】

【Kakashi's forehead was covered with cold sweat. This technique was too......】

【"This is a technique that only Uzumaki Naruto can use, and it requires extremely high precision in the operation of chakra."】

【"Otherwise, if you use it improperly, before you can hurt others, your own meridians will be hurt first."】

【"You all stay away from it, and definitely don't even think about learning this technique."】

【"I even think that this should be a ninjutsu beyond S-level."】

【Uzumaki Naruto heard Kakashi's analysis and found it correct. He smiled and said:】

【"Kakashi teacher is indeed knowledgeable and talented"】

【"But it's not that dangerous."】

【"And after my improvement, this technique can be thrown out like the Tailed Beast Ball."】

【"He will be faster and more lethal than the Tailed Beast Ball."】

【The pupils of Kakashi and the others, as well as Jiraiya who was hiding in the dark, immediately shrank.】

【"As expected, they are the genius Namikaze Minato clan~"】

【"The genius Uzumaki Naruto was able to make great developments on top of his father Namikaze Minato's nearly perfect Rasengan."】

【"Monster, it's really a monster"】

【"It is hard to imagine that after Uzumaki Naruto learns the Sage Mode, he will use the Sage Chakra......."】

【"How terrifying will the Wind Style Rasenshuriken be at that time?"】

【Jiraiya smiled bitterly】

【"Yesterday, this guy used the Rasenshuriken technique on me, which blocked my meridians and made me unable to use chakra......."】

【"It seems that this kid still has some sense of propriety and doesn't really want to hurt me......."】

【I feel extremely emotional】

【"Being able to create such a ninjutsu at the age of less than 10 years old is probably beyond the S-level."】

【"Uzumaki Naruto will be a ninjutsu genius that surpasses Tobirama-sama"】

Senju Tobirama,"Although this sentence sounds a bit unpleasant, I have to admit that what he said is true."

"This ninjutsu developed by Uzumaki Naruto, at least I don't dare to use it easily"

"Otherwise, if it is used improperly and the meridians are damaged, even gods will be helpless."

Uchiha Madara,"It seems that some of the secret techniques of my Uchiha clan are child's play compared to Uzumaki Naruto's technique."

"With this jutsu, Uzumaki Naruto is as famous as the Uchiha clan's Sharingan.

"This is destined to be a forbidden jutsu that cannot see the light of day. The day it is created, it should be sealed away."

"Otherwise, this kind of forbidden technique would ruin countless geniuses."

Orochimaru,"This is the first truly forbidden technique created by Uzumaki Naruto."

"Although the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique is also a forbidden technique in the Book of Sealing, it is really not worth mentioning."

"For Uzumaki Naruto, he can decipher it in a matter of minutes. This is the norm."

"After all, he possesses such a terrifying chakra that it is a forbidden technique for others. But it is nothing to him."

"But this ninjutsu is different now......."

"I really want to cut open Uzumaki Naruto's body and see what his internal structure looks like."

Jiraiya,"Today should be a day that needs to be remembered by history."

"I have a strong feeling that Uzumaki Naruto will use this method to change the situation of the battle."

"In the future, he will definitely play a huge role."

Namikaze Minato,"I agree with the teacher on this point."

Uzumaki Naruto,"Wow, this move is so cool!"

"Wait, the me in the parallel world can use it, and the me in this world can definitely use it too."

Sasuke,"Naruto, if you succeed one day, I hope you can go with me to take revenge."

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"All of you are helping the evil."

"At this time, you are all amazed at Uzumaki Naruto's growth, which is so rapid."

"Just wait and see. One day, when he destroys the world and becomes a violent person, you will be ashamed of what you said today."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Shut your stinky mouth, old thief Sarutobi Hiruzen."

"How can you speak here?"

Everyone in the live viewing room was very excited. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Everyone knew what the ninjutsu created by Uzumaki Naruto represented.

【The next moment, Uzumaki Naruto threw the Wind Style Rasenshuriken in his hand towards the rock beside him.】

【There was a loud rumbling sound, and the ground was shaking, as if some monster had crawled out from behind.】

【The strong wind blew due to the power of the Rasenshuriken, and many large trees fell down.】

【This sudden power made Kakashi and the others raise their hands involuntarily to block the】

【When the smoke cleared, Kakashi, Jiraiya, Uchiha Sasuke, Hyuga Neji and others were extremely shocked.】

【In front of them, a deep pit several tens of meters wide appeared.】

【The stones that popped out seemed to be covered with smoke and dust, because it was too hot.】

【"this......This power is really terrifying."】

【"As Kakashi said, this ninjutsu surpasses the S-rank. It is really unbelievable."】

【"You know, this is just using the vortex���One's own chakra"】

【"If you use the Nine-Tails' chakra......If Uzumaki Naruto enters Nine-Tails Chakra Mode......What if it gets even crazier? How many times will the power increase?"】

【"Has Uzumaki Naruto unknowingly acquired the power to destroy a village?"】

【Uchiha Sasuke was greatly shocked, and suddenly remembered what Uzumaki Naruto had said to him.】

【"To him, Hokage is nothing. Uzumaki Naruto wants to build a country, a country that will unify the world."】

【At that time, Uchiha Sasuke felt that day was too far away and out of reach.】

【But now it seems that Uzumaki Naruto has such strength, and there are many people around him who help him.】

【It seems that even now, it should be possible to establish a country.】

【But don’t forget that Uzumaki Naruto is currently less than 10 years old. What if he is given another 10 years to grow?】

【The dream of establishing a country and unifying the world will surely come true.】

【There was even a moment when Uchiha Sasuke had forgotten the blood debt on his body.】

【I want Isshin and Uzumaki Naruto to accomplish a greater hegemony. 】

Jiraiya,"Now I hope that the me in the parallel world can be more polite to Uzumaki Naruto."

"Don't provoke him, or one day, Uzumaki Naruto will kill me with a shuriken. That would be a very unfair death for me."

Tsunade, the power of this Wind Style Rasenshuriken is really amazing."

"And it seems that Uzumaki Naruto didn't use up much of his chakra when he used it, and he still has a lot of energy left."

""From this point of view, if he wants to destroy a village, it is quite easy."

Orochimaru,"Hahahaha, I guess Uzumaki Naruto must be extremely inflated at this moment."

"Maybe the evil hidden deep in his heart will be brought out."

"Then in the next moment, he would throw this thing madly into the village."

"Directly destroy Konoha, and then rebuild the country you want on top of the rubble."

Kabuto Yakushi," That sounds like a good suggestion." Orochimaru,

"Just wait, I will definitely learn this Wind Style Rasenshuriken."

"When we meet next time, I will ask you to taste it first, Sarutobi Hiruzen."

Senju Tobirama,"I have developed an extremely strong interest in this ninjutsu."

"I seem to have gained a little inspiration from him."

"Please revive me, I will create a ninjutsu more powerful than his."

Senju Hashirama,"Tobirama, you'd better not do this, don't cause more trouble to the ninja world."

【Uzumaki Naruto turned around and looked at Kakashi, Uchiha Sasuke, and Jiraiya who were hiding in the dark, and said】

【"During this period of practice, I feel that I have reached a certain bottleneck, and I also feel a lot of feelings."】

【"So, I need you to help me check the effect of my practice."】

【Kakashi, Jiraiya, Hyuga Neji, they were all still in a daze, not understanding what Uzumaki Naruto said, what did this mean?】

【Uchiha Sasuke was the first to react. Without saying anything, he rushed towards Uzumaki Naruto and used his Chidori move.】

【While running quickly, he also shouted loudly】

【"What are you guys still doing? Hurry up and use your strongest moves to beat him."】

【"Naruto's meaning is very clear, that is, we are not good enough, let's go together"】

【Uzumaki Naruto smiled and said,"Sure enough, Sasuke still understands me"】

【Jiraiya, Kakashi, Hyuga Neji and the others immediately became more eager to fight.】

【"Good boy, you really don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is. You actually let us go together."】

【Jiraiya,"Then (Li Li Hao) I will give you this opportunity to let you see for yourself whether the former Sannin was just boasting."】

【Kakashi,"I earned my reputation as a copy ninja by punching and kicking, Naruto."】

【Hyuga Neji,"I am not just a name for nothing. Although I am much weaker than you, I will try my best."】

Mei Terumi,"As expected, he is a young man, he looks passionate and high-spirited."

"At this moment, the charm of Uzumaki Naruto is too strong."

"Look at this boundless arrogance, he definitely has the power to rule the world."

Uzumaki Naruto,"Ahhh, when can I say such arrogant words without worrying about being beaten?"

"It would be nice if the live movie viewing room came sooner"

"I could have woken up earlier, instead of making trouble every day, trying to get others' approval, which led to wasting so much time."

Uchiha Madara,"The destructive power of these people looks like they are no less than the level of Kage in fighting."

"Wonderful, it's really wonderful"

"Under the siege of so many people, Uzumaki Naruto was able to gain a slight advantage?"

"His actual combat ability has greatly improved compared to before."

【Amidst the flying sand and rocks, this training ground was constantly being destroyed.】

【Uzumaki Naruto begins to condense the Wind Style Rasenshuriken】

【When everyone saw this scene, they immediately stepped back. This thing was no joke.】

【However, the next moment, Uzumaki Naruto threw this super large wind style spiral shuriken towards the village.......attack】

【Kakashi, Jiraiya, Hyuga Neji and the others all looked at this scene in shock.】

【Naruto......Naruto......Is this the beginning of revenge?】

【He wants to destroy this village? 】

At this time, the system prompt sound of the live viewing room also sounded

【Ding! The Q&A session is here!......】

Don't worry: VĨNH HẰNG SOÁI CA

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