【Question: Where is the target of Naruto Uzumaki's Rasengan shuriken?】

【Please select the correct answer from the following options】

【a: Hokage Building】

【b: The home of the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen】

【c: The home of a villager who once particularly hated Uzumaki Naruto】

【d All the villagers who once hated Uzumaki Naruto】

【e: The entire Konoha Village.

Orochimaru:"Of course I'll choose option e."

"Uzumaki Naruto has been enduring for so many years, isn't it just for today?"

"His current Rasenshuriken is so powerful that if he throws a few hundred of them, the entire Konoha will be destroyed."

"If the Nine-Tail is released, the speed of destruction will be even faster."

"Then he would rebuild the country he wanted to build on the destroyed Konoha."

"Isn't this exactly what Uzumaki Naruto wants?"

The Fourth Raikage,"If it were me, I might do the same. At this moment, all I want is to vent."

"So I also choose option e."

Dried persimmon���"Yes, obviously e is the correct answer."

"Destroy the entire Konoha village and kill all the villagers who once isolated themselves."

"Even if the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen is very powerful, it's okay as long as he can survive."

"Uzumaki Naruto only needs to defect for a while, secretly accumulate his strength, and then come back to fight."

"Hehe, Akatsuki welcomes you, Uzumaki Naruto."

Uzumaki Kushina,"You really underestimate Naruto's generosity."

"To him, the villagers who once hated him were just ignorant."

"They are just some minions who are not worthy of his attack."

"In other words, Naruto doesn't take those people seriously at all. They are dispensable and don't matter."

"If it were me, and I had the power to destroy the entire Konoha, why wouldn't I be the king here?"

"Then let those who once bullied me continue to create benefits for me with servility."

"And now is not the time for Naruto to launch the final attack. He will definitely not do such a stupid thing."

"Don't forget, he hasn't stolen the Book of Sealing yet, and hasn't learned the Flying Thunder God Technique yet, so Naruto won't act rashly."

"So the correct answer should be option a"

"I want to disgust Sarutobi Hiruzen......etc......."

"I know the real purpose of Naruto doing this."

"His target is definitely the Hokage Building."

"Then, taking advantage of this chaos, he will go to the house of the old thief Sarutobi Hiruzen and steal the Book of Seals."

Kakashi,"Master, I think you are right."

"I have been looking for an opportunity to steal the sealed book in the parallel world, but it is always difficult to do so."

"Finally, he gave up and said he would look for an opportunity."

"Now it seems that this opportunity has arrived."

Jiraiya,"If this conjecture is true, Uzumaki Naruto is really smart."

"Firstly, attacking the Hokage Building directly would show the Third Hokage how powerful he is and show him his abilities."

"Secondly, it can lure the tiger away from the mountain, let everyone focus on this place, create chaos, steal the sealed book, and achieve their own goals."

"Third, this is also a way to vent anger."

"This time, it was the Hokage Building that was blown up, maybe next time, it will be thrown directly on the head of the Third Hokage."

Uchiha Sasuke," Naruto may have another idea"

"That is, while testing, what if I can kill the third generation directly?"

"If you can't kill me, it's nothing."

"Anyway, this was just a mistake they made during their practice, the third generation won't care about it."

"I also think that imagination A is reasonable, so I choose this one."

Uzumaki Naruto,"I don't agree with your statement."

"I think that with my personality, I would blow up Sarutobi Hiruzen's house."

"This is so exciting, so I choose b directly."

Yuna Shino,"Since Naruto in this world has chosen this, I will follow suit and choose b."

Hyuga Hinata,"Support." Yamanaka Ino

,"Follow my future mother-in-law, I choose a."

Haruno Sakura,"Yamanaka Ino, you must be so mean. You always say it before me. I also choose a." Senju Hashirama,

"Uzumaki Naruto's character is to take revenge when he has a grudge and complain when he has a grudge. He is quite philanthropic to others."

"This time, after he developed the super S-level ninjutsu, the Wind Style Rasenshuriken"

"He must be trying to take revenge to vent his emotions."

"So I think the correct answer should be C. He wants to kill a villager who particularly hates him to vent his anger."

Senju Tobirama,"I think what my brother said is right, I will follow his choice."

Uchiha Madara,"I also choose A. After all, Uzumaki Naruto had already had an idea about the Hokage Building yesterday, and he will make up for it today."

The screen continues to play

【Kakashi and the others were shocked when Uzumaki Naruto suddenly threw a powerful spiral shuriken towards the village.】

【Are we going to declare war on the third generation today?】

【They don't feel ready yet.】

【Uchiha Sasuke had some guesses, and at this time he spoke】

【"Don't panic, believe in Naruto, he has his own plan"】

【"And even if Naruto suddenly declares war, I will stand firmly on his side."】

【"I am always prepared. If the plan fails, then at worst I will just become a traitor. It's no big deal."】

【Hyuga Neji also gritted his teeth and said】

【"I have the same idea as Uchiha Sasuke"】

【Kakashi didn't say anything, but his expression was a little complicated.】

【If there is any danger, Kakashi will stand in front of Naruto and block the fatal damage for him.】

【Putting aside Kakashi's guilt towards Naruto, just the fact that Uzumaki Naruto let Kakashi know the truth and no longer be confused is worth it for him to do so.】

【Uzumaki Naruto said with a grin】

【"Don't worry, I know my limits. Declaring war at this time is an unwise choice."】

【"I won't let you follow me and fall into passivity together"】

【"It's just to create some chaos and collect some interest."】

【Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and saw Uzumaki Naruto quickly running towards the village.】

【"You don't have to follow me, you can go to the Hokage Building and take a look"】

【"I blew up Sarutobi Hiruzen's Hokage Building. He must be in a mess right now. Let's go and see what's going on."】


The system sound appears again

【The correct answer to this quiz is option a. Uzumaki Naruto blew up the Hokage Building.】

【Congratulations to Uzumaki Kushina who answered the question first and got it right.】

【The reward this time is the Rebirth Jade Talisman (which can reverse life and death. It can revive the dead, and can only be used by yourself.), which can be used after watching the movie. 】

Uzumaki Kushina was very excited,"I can finally be resurrected!"

"Naruto, mom can grow up with you now"

"After you are resurrected, I will personally teach you ninjutsu and make you the strongest."

"I will give you lots of love. From now on, you no longer need to seek recognition from others. You are yourself, the best you."

"If, before I am resurrected, that old bastard Sarutobi Hiruzen hasn't been killed by someone else, I will blow his head off with my own hands."

Uzumaki Naruto's eyes filled with tears, very excited,"Mom, I'll wait for you."

Orochimaru,"Hey, hey, hey, what's going on?"

"This is unfair. How come Uzumaki Kushina guessed the answer again? The system is not playing dirty tricks."

Namikaze Minato,"My wife can guess what my son is thinking. What's so strange about this? You, an outsider,"

"Orochimaru, I advise you to be more careful when you speak." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


Otherwise, when I get something that can revive you, it will be time for you to die."......"

If someone else said this, Orochimaru could ignore it.

But the one who said this was the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze, so he didn't insist.......

Yamanaka Ino,"Yeah, I got it right too."

"Although I didn’t get any reward, I was very happy. It was the right decision to follow my future mother-in-law’s choice."(agfe) Haruno Sakura,"Have some shame, you sycophant."

Hyuga Hinata,"I'm glad too, Aunt Kushina, congratulations on getting something that can bring you back to life."

"After the movie is over, my daughter will come to visit you in person to congratulate you."

Mei Terumi,"I didn't expect that Hinata Hyuga has the highest emotional intelligence."

【The Sandaime Hokage is working in the Hokage building】

【Suddenly, his brows slightly frowned, and he had an ominous premonition.】

【"Wait, something's wrong. Why is there such a huge and dangerous amount of chakra attacking?"】

【"This feeling, this is the sense of danger that only forbidden techniques can bring, no, run!"】

【Although Sarutobi Hiruzen is old, his skills are indeed extraordinary.】

【Escaped from the Hokage Building at a very fast speed】

【A loud bang followed.】

【The super-large spiral shuriken directly smashed the Hokage Building, causing a collapse at the site and creating a pit.】

【The noise here immediately caused a commotion among the pedestrians around. Everyone looked at this place in horror.】

【The Hokage Building is a landmark building in Konoha Village. If even this place is attacked, is there another foreign invasion?】

【The fear in everyone's heart is spreading】

【"cough cough......"】

【Uta-ne Koharu and Mito-kado En, two of the Hokage's top advisors, crawled out of the ruins spitting blood】

【I was even more confused, I didn't know what was going on】

【After Sarutobi Hiruzen stood still, he frowned and immediately summoned the Anbu members】

【Let them investigate the source of the danger.】

【"There seems to be traces of Rasengan in this ninjutsu."】

【"There are only a few people who can use the Rasengan, who are they?"】

【"Jiraiya should not go crazy. Kakashi can use Rasengan, but his level is not that high. This is obviously a forbidden technique......."】

【"I heard that Uzumaki Naruto has been researching this thing recently. Could it be him?"】

【"But he has no reason to attack me."】

【"The villagers around him isolated him since he was young, but I have always been the one who warmed him up. He should be the one on my side."】

【"In addition, I think it was the teachings of Kakashi and the subtle influence of other teachers and classmates in the ninja school."】

【"The will of fire should have been deeply imprinted in Uzumaki Naruto's heart."】

【"He won't do anything that would harm me."】

【"Besides, I must be overthinking it. That is definitely a super S-level forbidden technique. Even if Uzumaki Naruto is a genius, how could he possibly perform it?"】


【Sarutobi Hiruzen had a lot of thoughts. He calmed down and waited beside the Hokage building, waiting for the result. 】

Uzumaki Kushina,"Bah, Sarutobi Hiruzen, this shameless thing, still has the nerve to think like this"

"But it's good, it's precisely because he has such an idea that Naruto has the opportunity to grow and develop."

Namikaze Minato,"Haha, I'm really looking forward to the moment when Naruto and Sarutobi Hiruzen have a showdown, and Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression."

Danzo,"Sarutobi Hiruzen's role as Hokage has really come to an end, what kind of brain is this?""

"Lord Tobirama, you shouldn't have let him go.���I should be the Hokage."

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"You are not a good person either."

"If we really let you come up, Konoha Village would have been destroyed by you."

Ohnoki,"I'm about to see Sarutobi Hiruzen's incredible expression, hehe, I'm really looking forward to it."

"He had no idea how much Uzumaki Naruto had done in the corners that Sarutobi Hiruzen hadn't seen."

"This old guy deserves it, and it's a bit pitiful"

"Konoha is about to change its master, but he is still immersed in his own world and can't extricate himself."

【Taking this opportunity, Uzumaki Naruto went to Sarutobi Hiruzen's house openly.】

【I got the sealed book very smoothly, and I carried it on my back and left.】

【"Flying Thunder God Technique, here I come"】

【Afterwards, Uzumaki Naruto seemed to be fine and went to the collapsed Hokage Building.】

【He seemed very satisfied with his masterpiece. 】

Mei Terumi,"In the plot of stealing the sealed book, the parallel world and this world are confronted."

"The Uzumaki Naruto from the parallel world is still more impressive."

Ohnoki, you are still too polite."

"The Uzumaki Naruto of this world didn't steal the Book of Seals himself. It was arranged by the old thief of the Third Generation."

"He just saw that Uzumaki Naruto's strength was too weak, so he wanted to find a way to improve him, and then instill the will of fire into him."

"Besides, the Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world is a master of all trades."

Orochimaru," That's right, there is no comparison between the two Uzumaki Narutos."

Uzumaki Kushina,"If you know this, don't say it again. Don't hurt our Naruto. He is just a stupid kid......."

Uzumaki Naruto,"......"

"The third generation of this bastard has hurt me too much, Sasuke, wait until the movie is over, come with me to kill him."

Uchiha Sasuke,"I have been waiting for you to say this."

"But I guess with our strength, we really can't beat him."

Uzumaki Naruto,"It's okay, at worst we can just defect from the village."

"What the hell is the Will of Fire. Look at what he has done to me now. I trusted him so much before."

Uchiha Madara,"Haha, another person who sees the reality clearly has appeared." Sarutobi Hiruzen

,"Naruto, Naruto, how could you let others rebel?"

"I have really been good to you since you were young, don't let it get to your head."

Uzumaki Naruto,"Bah, don't try to lie to me again, look at how well I am doing in the parallel world."

"I can't be a stupid kid anymore."

"You wait, old thief. When the movie is over, I will immediately contact the Nine-Tails and borrow his power to blow up your Hokage Building."

"Not only that, I will also blow up your house."

Orochimaru,"Haha, that's right, I like it."

Don't worry: VĨNH HẰNG SOÁI CA

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