【The huge commotion here in the Hokage Building attracted many people to come.】

【"this......What happened? Why was the Hokage Building blown up? Who did it?"】

【"At that time, I saw a large, spinning ball that looked like a shuriken suddenly fly out from the woods over there."】

【"Then, the entire Hokage Building was directly destroyed."~】

【"If you say so, then the power is too strong. This is definitely an S-level ninjutsu."】

【"Did I, Konoha, provoke some enemy again?"】

【"Fortunately, although the Hokage looked a little embarrassed, he didn't seem to be injured."】

【Regarding the sudden collapse of the Hokage Building, Shiranui Genma, Yamashiro Aoba, Ebisu and others were all shocked.】

【Danzo led his men and hurried over】

【Seeing the Third Hokage still alive and well, Danzo's face is obviously not looking good......】

【Kakashi, Hyuga Neji, Uchiha Sasuke and others who knew the truth gathered around and almost laughed out loud.】

【It's really addictive.】

【Uchiha Sasuke gave a thumbs up to Uzumaki Naruto who had already stolen the Book of Seals and was mixed in the crowd.】

【"This power is really awesome."】

【Not long after, those people from the Anbu came back.】

【They went to check the source of the spiral shuriken and found some clues. There were traces of fighting there.】

【As for that field, does the third generation know who always trains there?】

【At this time, his eyes turned to Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke and others standing in the crowd.......】

【There was some disbelief on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face.】

【"Naruto, Sasuke, please tell me what's going on."】

【Then Uzumaki Naruto smiled and said】

【"Sorry, we were training at that training ground, testing each other's strength."】

【"I was not paying attention and accidentally threw out my new ultimate move."】

【"I didn't expect that your office would be blown up."】

【However, Uzumaki Naruto's light words immediately changed the faces of those present.】

【"What? This was caused by Uzumaki Naruto? This is too incredible."】

【"How could he perform such a powerful spell? He was just a child under 10 years old, right?"】

【"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. Uzumaki Naruto often skips classes. And he hasn't graduated from the Ninja School yet."】

【"How could he use such a powerful forbidden technique and destroy the Hokage Building?"】

【"Haha, he must be bragging."】

【"I can understand his mentality. This child has always been ignored, so he wants to be recognized by everyone......."】


【What else people say】

【Most people don't believe that Uzumaki Naruto can cause such serious consequences.】

【Some really don't believe it, and some are unwilling to believe that the other party is so strong.】

【But Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that Uzumaki Naruto had been working hard to move forward.】

【I know that Uzumaki Naruto is not someone who exaggerates his strength. On the contrary, he is very low-key.】

【Then, more than 95% of what the other party said can be considered true.】

【At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly felt very relieved.】

【It seems that there is a kind of excitement that the weapon that I have worked so hard to cultivate has finally become strong enough to become a decisive blow.】

【"Hahahaha, that's a good thing"】

【At the same time, Sarutobi Hiruzen was extremely shocked.】

【He didn't expect that Uzumaki Naruto could perform such a powerful forbidden technique.】

【This is really incredible.】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen believes that this Uzumaki Naruto is more talented than Kakashi, Hatake Sakumo and other geniuses combined.】

【Uzumaki Naruto looked at him quietly and said】

【"I also think this is a good thing"】

【"I have been running forward with all my strength since I was 4, and today, I finally feel that I can stand a little more steadily."】

【"I believe that my parents’ spirits in heaven can also be comforted."】

【"Right, the third generation sir?"】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen's smile suddenly froze on his face. He felt like something was wrong.】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen always believed that Uzumaki Naruto was under his tight control.】

【But now, he saw a kind of disdain on Uzumaki Naruto's face.】

【Moreover, the other party does not really respect him from the bottom of his heart and does not show it at all.】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen's mind suddenly skipped a beat】

【"Where exactly did the error occur?"】

【"There is no problem with the route I arranged for him"】

【"Could it be that because Uzumaki Naruto was so absorbed in training that he developed a solitary personality and developed problems with his brain, causing him to start hating everyone?"】

【"Or was he influenced by Uchiha Sasuke, the child whose clan was exterminated, which led to his hatred?"】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen turned his attention to Danzo】

【"Could it be that this hateful guy said something to Uzumaki Naruto?"】

【"He has always wanted to overthrow me and become the Hokage himself......."】

【"Or, could it be that Uzumaki Naruto has already learned the truth about what happened that year through the Nine-Tails?"】

【"Did he already know his own background?"】


【At this moment, the old man Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking a lot.】

【Suddenly, he felt that things were not developing as he had expected, and he didn't know when, and it was out of his control. 】

Uzumaki Kushina,"Hahaha, seeing the expression on the face of the old man Sarutobi Hiruzen at this moment, I find it funny"

"I have been scheming for my whole life, but I never expected that Naruto would scheme against me in the end."

"Yeah, I didn't think it was normal."

"Who would have thought that a 40-year-old child would be so clear-headed and not be fooled by the lies he wove."

Namikaze Minato," It's finally the moment of showdown, it really makes people feel good."

"If Uzumaki Naruto had already learned the Flying Thunder God Technique by now,"

"Then you can completely attack Sarutobi Hiruzen in the face."

"Although it may not be possible to kill the opponent, but the opponent can't leave Naruto"

"Of course, Naruto's approach is more prudent."

"I still need more time to grow my strength, and finally kill him with one strike. That moment will definitely be more satisfying."

Orochimaru,"If it were me, I would have killed Sarutobi Hiruzen by now. This is a good opportunity."

"Uzumaki Naruto shouldn't hesitate at this time."

Ohnoki,"Haha, so you became a traitor to Konoha, and I don't know where you are living."

"Uzumaki Naruto can also improve his strength and find more like-minded people"

"It won't take long for him to realize his dream of establishing a country. This is the difference between you two."


I have nothing to say to you...

Uchiha Madara,"I really admire Uzumaki Naruto's character more and more. He is like an eagle playing with his prey."

"Behind his childish eyes lies a man of great wisdom and foresight." (To read the most exciting novels, visit Faloo Novel Network!)

"I feel very emotional, Naruto has grown step by step to what he is today."

Senju Hashirama,"Sarutobi Hiruzen made a really bad move."

"If he could stop playing so many tricks and treat Uzumaki Naruto sincerely"

"In the future, Konoha will become extremely powerful, and it may even annex other ninja villages and dominate for a while."

Senju Tobirama,"Brother, I am responsible for not choosing a good person. I am sorry."

"The village you worked so hard to build was destroyed."

【The confrontation between Uzumaki Naruto and Sarutobi Hiruzen made the other villagers and ninjas standing nearby realize that the situation here is definitely not simple.】

【They started talking quietly again.】

【"It seems that the super powerful forbidden technique that destroyed the Hokage Building was performed by Uzumaki Naruto."】

【"I really didn't expect that he has grown to what he is today."】

【"It was as if the scene of him walking alone on the street and being despised by others happened just yesterday."】

【"Don't talk nonsense. We have never isolated Uzumaki Naruto and have always been friendly to him......."】

【"That's right, the Hokage once gave an order not to call Uzumaki Naruto a demon fox, but we always listened to him and never shouted......"】


【Listening to these voices, Uchiha Sasuke despised】

【"Sure enough, what Naruto said was right. The moment you have power, everyone will change their attitude towards you. There is no problem in winning people over with virtue!"】

【"I should become stronger"】

【"The real reason for the death of my Uchiha clan was not because of the coup, but because of our weakness."】

【"If we were stronger and moved to a more tolerant country, there would be no reason for such a tragedy to happen."】

【"Konoha is a really annoying place."】

【"No wonder Naruto despises the coveted position of Hokage."】

【"It really doesn't make any sense......."】

【Shiranui Genma, Yamashiro Aoba, Ebisu and others stared with their eyes wide open, totally unable to believe that this was the masterpiece of Uzumaki Naruto】

【In the face of such a huge force, even the jealousy of these ninjas could not arise.】

【The gap between the two sides was too big, and they only felt fear and admiration.

Uzumaki Naruto clenched his fists,"The me in the parallel world can attract attention, and the me in this world can also do it."

"It turns out that what I said in that world is the truth"

"Those villagers were like fence-sitters. When they saw how powerful I was, they immediately denied what they had said and done.......Hypocrisy?......"

"I really didn't realize before that these villagers of Konoha were so disgusting."

"Father, the village that you and mother sacrificed your lives to protect doesn't seem to be very satisfying."

"It even makes people feel disappointed."

Uzumaki Kushina said distressedly,"Naruto, don't let yourself fall into darkness because of the existence of those rubbish people."

"These people are not worth your downfall."

"I hope that after you see all this darkness, you can still look to the light."

Uzumaki Naruto,"Don't worry, Mom, I won't degrade myself like that."

"Now I have a new goal, I also want to have great power."

Sarutobi Hiruzen simply stopped struggling.

He understood.

After the movie was over, he was doomed.

Surrounded by wolves, tigers and leopards, all wanted to kill him.

"If it doesn't work, wait until the movie is over and run away immediately......."

【Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly sighed and said helplessly】

【"Since it wasn't due to an enemy attack, let's forget about this matter today."】

【"Ming��, considering that you are still young and don't know how to control your own power, I won't blame you today."】

【"Just be careful when you are sparring in the future, otherwise, it will be bad if you hurt your sparring partner."】

【"Ninja school, you still have to go back to school, you can't just improve your strength"】

【"Your mind also needs to be armed with books"】

【"Only in this way can you have good analytical skills when facing the enemy in the future, so that you can have the upper hand in the battle."】

【Needless to say, Sarutobi no Zan wants to use his will of fire to continue to corrupt Uzumaki Naruto.】

【Moreover, he had secretly made up his mind that he would find a better teacher to change Uzumaki Naruto's mind.......】

【Uzumaki Naruto, the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, is a very important weapon for Sarutobi Hiruzen......】

【But it was obvious that Sarutobi Hiruzen was overthinking again.】

【Uzumaki Naruto said,"Third generation, I think today is a good opportunity"】

【"A good opportunity to tell the villagers of Konoha my true identity"】

【"Lest there be some ignorant and bored people who think that I have killed their loved ones and caused them harm."】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen's face became stiff. His expression was unnatural.】

【"you......I already know it."】

【"Well, now that you've mentioned this, I can see that you must be blaming me for deliberately hiding something."】

【"Actually, I had no choice but to do this. I was doing this for your own good."】

【"If I don't hide your identity, you will be in even greater danger."】

【"You know, your father once killed many people on the battlefield. Now that he is gone, if you are alone, many people will come to seek revenge on you."】

【"And I have a lot of things to deal with, and I can't be by your side all the time, so I have to choose this strategy......."】

【At this moment, the people surrounding them were all confused and had no idea what the two people were talking about.】

【Could it be that this fox demon has a special identity? It sounds very powerful?】

【Uchiha Sasuke and the others felt extremely disgusted by Sarutobi Hiruzen's words.】

【"Do you think we are children? Do you think we are stupid?"】

【"Another reason to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen"】

【Now that we have come to this, it is time to show our cards.】

【Uzumaki Naruto asked with a sneer.】

【"Then explain to me why my true identity is hidden."】

【"But I couldn't hide my identity as the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki."】

【"I just want to ask, do you feel conflicted? What is your intention?"】

【"Do you know how I got through those years of my childhood?"】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen was obviously a little panicked by this face-to-face attack.】

【He knew that today's matter had to be handled properly, otherwise, Uzumaki Naruto would become completely alienated from him, which would be very bad for him!】

【The sweat on Sarutobi Hiruzen's forehead was flowing down as he thought about how to answer this question.......Down】.

Say goodbye: AnubisAurora

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