Senju Tobirama,"Shocked, it's really shocking."

"Is this something two 10-year-old kids can do? It's totally unbelievable!"

"This technique is so powerful, especially when two people perform it together......."

"Even if I face this technique, I can only use the Flying Thunder God Technique to escape from here."

"Then look for an opportunity to come back and assassinate them"

"These two people are great enemies, and must not be kept, otherwise......"

Senju Hashirama,"Tobirama, what are you talking about?"

"Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke are from our Konoha."

Senju Tobirama,"Hahahaha, sorry, I'm a little used to it."

"That's fine. These two people must be well protected. There can't be any mistakes."

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, you are a mentally ill person. Look at how you have treated them since they were young. If you force these two geniuses away, I will kill you."

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"......"

He might as well just give up. There are many people who want to kill him, and this one won't hurt him!

Orochimaru,"He is indeed a genius."

"Most of us present here, when faced with this move, can only try to find a way to escape."

"I'm afraid that only Hashirama Senju's Wood Release can stop it. Let's defend ourselves."

"As for those who don't have special escape skills, if they encounter this move, there is only one end, their bodies will turn into ashes."

The fourth generation of the Raikage,"If only Uchiha Sasuke performed this ninjutsu, I can deal with him."

"But if Uzumaki Naruto is included, it will definitely not work."

"It is obvious that the lightning escape controlled by Uzumaki Naruto is more powerful and covers a larger area, almost twice that of Uchiha Sasuke."

"Although it was a technique performed by two people together, Uchiha Sasuke was more like a supporting role, while Uzumaki Naruto was the main force."

Ohnoki," It's really shocking"

"With the power of heaven and earth, people are terrified"

"Even across the screen, I can feel the inescapable sense of oppression."

"It is hard to imagine how much pressure Jiraiya, Kakashi and others who were at the scene were under at the moment."

Uzumaki Kushina,"The power that Naruto has now is definitely enough to destroy a small country."

"If he can fully develop the Nine-Tailed Fox, it will be like a humanoid weapon, invincible."

If this Thunder Release is combined with the Flying Thunder God Technique,"

"Thinking about the lethality at that time, it makes people feel terrified."

"He will be the leader of the killing world!"

Jiraiya,"I'm suddenly very glad that Uzumaki Naruto's mind is mature enough."

"I didn't become a killing machine because of those indifferent villagers."

"Otherwise, Konoha would have been destroyed by now."

【The most frightened people at this moment are the villagers of Konoha.】

【Yesterday, the threat posed by Uzumaki Naruto to them was still fresh in their minds.】

【The noise made by Uzumaki Naruto always tugs at their nerves.】

【Fearing that if they were not careful, Uzumaki Naruto would be unhappy and send down thunder to destroy Konoha.】

【These ignorant villagers gathered together spontaneously to discuss countermeasures.】

【"It must be because Danzo's apology made Uzumaki Naruto dissatisfied, so he did this to remind us"】

【"That's right, that's definitely the reason. That bastard Danzo provoked someone himself, so let us take the blame for him.】

【Bah! What a bad thing!"】

【"Danzo, you bastard, you must die a horrible death. You must die a horrible death."】


【The ignorant villagers gathered together and began to curse Danzo】

【At the Root Base, Danzo was hiding in the dark, sitting in a chair in front of his desk, thinking about something.】

【Although, after the night of the genocide, Sarutobi Hiruzen had already ordered the disbandment of the Root】

【But in fact, those people in the Root have already been cursed by Danzo, and they will be his people for the rest of their lives.】

【Danzo's power still exists, but it is gone in name only.】

【"All this is only temporary, Sarutobi Hiruzen, your place will be mine one day."】

【"Next, I just need to slowly get close to Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke and others, and slowly gain their support......."】

【"At some point in time, if I provoke them, these two people may help me realize my dream of becoming Hokage."】

【"Hahahaha, Sarutobi Hiruzen, your death is not far away"】

【Danzo was imagining the future here, when suddenly he felt a powerful energy approaching.】

【"Someone actually dared to attack the roots, are they trying to kill themselves?"】

【"Look, the law and order in Konoha has become so bad now that that old thief Sarutobi Hiruzen is in power......."】

【This powerful energy bombarded Danzo, making him dare not stay in this Root Training Base any longer. He immediately fled outside.】

【A loud rumbling sound was heard, and the root base was destroyed by powerful thunder the next moment.】

【The earth-shaking sound made Danzo feel terrified.】

【"Luckily I escaped quickly, if I had escaped later, I would be dead now."】

【Danzo's left hand couldn't help but touch his right arm, and he seemed to feel a little bit of security.】

【"What happened? Yesterday it was Uzumaki Naruto's Wind Style Ninjutsu Rasenshuriken, and today there was Lightning Style Ninjutsu that destroyed my place?"】

【"Could it be that those two little devils did it?"】

【After all, Danzo also knew that Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke had been practicing for so many years and needed to find a breakthrough.���Venting】

【Danzo looked up at the sky and found that there were dark clouds and lightning flashing in the sky not far away.】

【The power of heaven and earth frightened Danzo instantly.】

【"Could it be that a powerful enemy is attacking Konoha?"】

【But the next moment, Danzo knew that this was not the reason.】

【Look at the location corresponding to the black cloud. It is the place where Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke usually train.】

【Danzo was shocked,"These two brats actually developed such a terrifying technique!"】

【Although Danzo has a bad heart, his vision is not bad.】

【It can be seen that the difficulty of operating such a ninjutsu that guides thunder is definitely S-level.】

【And this kind of ninjutsu can bring even more disastrous consequences.】

【The destruction of his root base proved this result.】

【Danzo suddenly felt panic in his heart, refuting his previous thoughts】

【"These two little ghosts are so powerful, will they be difficult to control?"】

【"What if, after I planned and had them kill Sarutobi Hiruzen and help me seize power, they didn't listen to me?"】

【Danzo suddenly began to worry about this.......】

【A sinister smile suddenly appeared on Danzo's face.】

【"I'm not afraid of that. I have that thing. They will definitely listen to me......."】

【"Grow up. The more surprising the growth of these two little ghosts is, the better."】

【"Uchiha Sasuke, I hope you can grow faster, stop being a loser, and become my capable subordinate."】

【"Otherwise, dig your eyes out"】

【Danzo smiled sinisterly, turned around and left the destroyed Root base, and returned to his home. 】

Uzumaki Kushina,"This Danzo is really disgusting."

"Why is he only thinking about beautiful things? Does he live in fantasy all day?"

"It really looks so funny."

Senju Hashirama,"With Danzo's IQ, he still wants to win back Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke. It's really wishful thinking."

"Tobirama, did you give him the courage to think this way?"

Senju Tobirama,"Brother, don't say that. I don't have such subordinates. Don't use this to attack me again. It's too embarrassing......."

Uchiha Madara,"With such a stupid person leading Konoha, it is hard not to go to extinction." (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Until now he still hasn't figured out who is the dominant one, so why is he still daydreaming?"

"If others knew Danzo's thoughts, they would burst out laughing."

The Fourth Raikage,"I suddenly feel ashamed to see that the top leaders of Konoha are all of this level of intelligence."

"With such a level, we were not able to annex Konoha back then. I am really impressed."

Ohnoki,"In fact, other villages don't even need to go to war with Konoha."

"If they continue to lead like this, Konoha will be destroyed."

Tsunade,"So, what secret is hidden in Danzo's right hand?"

"He always hides his right hand, but when danger comes, he reaches for his right hand with his left hand."

"Obviously, there is something on it that can change the situation of the war."

"Orochimaru, come out and tell us, was it your scientific research that changed Danzo's right hand?"

"I see, did you transplant the Sharingan of the extinct Uchiha clan onto his right hand?"

Jiraiya,"That makes sense."

Kakashi,"That's really disgusting."

"In order to become stronger, do we really have to use any means necessary?"

"Sharingan can be transplanted on the arm, which is really unbelievable."

Tsunade,"Normal medical human skills can only transplant Sharingan into the eye socket, but Orochimaru is a transformation technique."

"Orochimaru, don't play dead and keep silent. Come out and say something."

Orochimaru,"Hahaha, you will know when you read on. It's meaningless for me to say it."

Uzumaki Kushina,"If this is really the case, then Naruto and the others must be extremely careful when facing Danzo."

"After all, I don't know what special abilities his transplanted Sharingan has."

Namikaze Minato,"Yes, sometimes there is a gap in strength between ninjas, but the weaker one can win."

"The reason is that the fights between ninjas are often actually fights for intelligence."

"But Kushina, we don't have to worry. Naruto in the parallel world is very cautious. Believe in his extraordinary intelligence."

Uchiha Sasuke,"That's right, even if Danzo is so powerful, what can he do?"

"In the face of forbidden techniques, his final fate is only death."

"If one bolt of lightning doesn't kill him, then 10, 100, he will die one day."

"All conspiracies are nothing in the face of absolute strength."

【The destruction of the Root base just now made Uchiha Sasuke very excited.】

【However, the pressure of this technique was too great, and Uchiha Sasuke was a little out of breath.】

【"Naruto, it's almost time."】

【The Chidori in Uzumaki Naruto's hand gathered again】

【He laughed and said,"It's still a long way off."】

【"Sasuke, did you give this move a name?"】

【"Not yet. You come up with a name. After all, it's you who will perfect it."】

【"Okay, then we'll call him Wind Escape Kirin."】

【This S-level ninjutsu has a name, which makes Sasuke very excited】

【"It's a good name"】

【"In the future, he will surely shine in the ninja world and become a ninja that people fear."】

【Uzumaki Naruto raised his hand and waved it. Using the Chidori in his hand, he controlled the thunder in the sky and continued to bombard a certain place in the village.】

【At this time, Danzo jumped a few times and rushed back to his home.】

【I was thinking about taking a good rest, but the next moment, I felt a surge of thunder energy attacking me.】

【Danzo's body immediately retreated backwards subconsciously, his pupils contracted】

【There was a loud rumbling sound, and Danzo's mansion was destroyed. It turned into a pile of rubble.】

【A huge sense of fear once again rose in Danzo's heart.】

【Danzo knew very well that if he had taken one more step forward and failed to dodge in time, the lightning would have destroyed his body.】

【After being shocked for a long time, Danzo suddenly started to curse.】

【"Will these two annoying brats ever stop?"】

【"You are such an ungrateful person. I just apologized to you last night, now you are so shameless."】

【"Don't give me a chance, or I'll kill you......."】

Yamanaka Ino,"Hahaha, well done, but why didn't you kill Danzo too?"

"This dog has a good life."

"I really want to see what life-saving trick is on his right arm?"

Hyuga Hinata,"Don't worry, no matter what the life-saving trick is. Hit him a few more times and it will be useless."

"In my opinion, Naruto and the others are a bit cautious. In fact, using the Rasenshuriken and the Thunder Release Kirin should be enough for revenge."

Uchiha Sasuke,"When facing a huge enemy, it is never too cautious."

"Those old guys probably have a few trump cards in their hands."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Hahahaha, Naruto did a great job. Blow up Danzo's doghouse."

"This old guy has become a lost dog!"

"Next, I'll blow up Sarutobi Hiruzen's doghouse as well, leaving him no peace."

【Danzo felt as if he had eaten shit, but he was reluctant to kill these two powerful pillars of Konoha.】

【After all, in the future, after he becomes the Hokage, he will need help.】

【Danzo can only sulk......】

【He summoned the Root's men and asked them to go and see Uzumaki Naruto.】

【On the other side, Sarutobi Hiruzen heard what happened here】

【He laughed at first, and felt sorry for what happened to Danzo.】

【Immediately, his eyes became cautious.】

【As a ninjutsu doctor, he can perform five elements escape techniques, and his strength is indeed very strong.】

【Even a man as powerful as him had to admit that he would be extremely embarrassed under the bombardment of the thunder like a unicorn.】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking, but the next moment, he found that the unicorn-like thunder he was thinking about was getting closer and closer to him.......】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen,"???"】

【"This little brat is not done yet, is he? He wants to blow up my Hokage Building again? I just built it yesterday!"】

【Amidst the cursing, Sarutobi Hiruzen flashed out of the Hokage Building and saw once again with his own eyes that the building had collapsed!】

【This was not enough, and a bolt of lightning followed, throwing it towards the direction of Sarutobi Hiruzen's house.】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen watched helplessly as his own home was bombed!】

【The corners of his mouth twitched. Now, he really wanted to kill someone.......】

【feel���My mentality has collapsed!】

【The laughter that mocked Danzo before turned into a slap on his face, and his face turned red! 】

Uzumaki Kushina laughed the most happily

"Hahahaha, Naruto is indeed on the same page as me, I knew he would do this!"

"It feels great, really great!"

"Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen, two bastards, don't laugh at each other, give you the same treatment."

Yamanaka Ino,"I'm glad to hear it!".

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