Uzumaki Naruto,"I enjoyed watching this scene so much."

"Look at the expression on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face. Oh my, it makes me feel happy from the bottom of my heart."

"It would be nice if I could see my performance in the parallel world sooner."

"I am not like me in this world. I am already over 10 years old and still in a childish ninja school, wasting time and not studying hard every day."

"Nothing has been accomplished, it's such a failure."

Uchiha Sasuke,"Yes, I feel that the main purpose of the existence of the ninja school is to instill the will of fire in us."

"The speed of improvement is indeed too slow."

"Let Uzumaki Naruto blow up the school."

Orochimaru,"You finally realized that the existence of ninja schools has changed its meaning."

"After the third generation Sarutobi Hiruzen came to power, the ninja school was to brainwash you.-"

"Burn you young ones, protect these old ones"

"If you really want to improve your skills, you still have to rely on your own unremitting efforts and hard practice with famous teachers."

"Uchiha Sasuke, come to me after the movie, I will help you improve your strength."Uchiha Fugaku

,"Orochimaru, shut up and don't try to seduce our Sasuke"

【Fortunately, there are ninjas in this world who can use earth escape, and the Hokage Building was rebuilt not long after.】

【The Hokage's senior advisor Mito Kado En couldn't stand Naruto's repeated behavior.】

【"Hokage, we need to teach Uzumaki Naruto a lesson, let him know his mistakes, and don't let him be so arrogant anymore."】

【"He is only 10 years old now, and he dares to do this. If he grows up, won’t he destroy Konoha?"】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen suppressed his anger and said】

【"Now Uzumaki Naruto has accumulated so much anger that he needs an outlet. He won't stay like this forever."】

【"Besides, Uzumaki Naruto also needs me to get angry, then he will have a better reason to destroy"】

【"But I already understand that for someone like Uzumaki Naruto, I can only use warmth to influence him."】

【"After all, he is in a rebellious period now."】

【Mitomon En was very confused.】

【"But this......As the authority of Hokage, how can he be trampled on at will?"】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen throws a question to Mito Kado En】

【"Then let me ask you, who do you think is more suitable to teach Uzumaki Naruto a lesson now, you or someone else?"】

【"Let's let those people from the Anbu go. Who among those people can defeat the current Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke?"】

【"Even if he could defeat the other party, Uzumaki Naruto had already said when he destroyed the Hokage Building for the first time, don't force him to defect."】

【"With his abilities, he should be able to escape no matter what, right?"】

【"When that day comes, you and I will never be able to sleep peacefully again."】

【"Uzumaki Naruto is a very patient person. He will definitely become stronger and come back for revenge."】

【Mitomon En became extremely regretful because of a few words from the Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. He lowered his head and had nothing to say. It was indeed the truth.】

【"Are we really destined to be bullied by each other?"】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen waved his hand and said】

【"When he finds out that he is angry, he won't be like this anymore."】

【"For his venting behavior, we should not only not be angry, but also give him more love."】

【"I have prepared all the inheritance left by Minato Namikaze, go and give it to him."】

【Mitomon En stopped talking nonsense and followed Sarutobi Hiruzen's instructions.】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen let out a long breath to vent his frustration.】

【The legacy prepared for Uzumaki Naruto also made him feel very painful.】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen not only returned the part that was originally left by Minato Namikaze, but also added some more to him, making this legacy seem very rich.】

【After all, Uzumaki Naruto is not a easy person to deal with. Who knows if he will think that he has embezzled the inheritance and get angry?】

【Give more, and you will have more, money, material possessions】

【For Sarutobi Hiruzen, the most important thing is to be able to hold Uzumaki Naruto tightly.】

【"The Book of Seals is also gone. It must have been taken away by Uzumaki Naruto."】

【"His father's most famous Flying Thunder God Technique, Uzumaki Naruto definitely wants to learn it"】

【"I hope that soon there will be another golden flash in Konoha."】

Uzumaki Kushina,"That's more like it."

"The old thief Sarutobi Hiruzen's IQ finally came online for a moment."Sarutobi

Hiruzen,"I really hate you for not being able to make good use of your talents. In the parallel world, I should gather all my strength now to kill Uzumaki Naruto."

"Now he still wants to control the other party. In the end, he will only end up raising a tiger to harm himself and die miserably."

"I also feel like I am just shit, I don't know what's in my head"

"You've been a Hokage for your whole life, how come you can't even see this?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen cursed himself in the live broadcast room.

His disappointed look made everyone laugh.

Senju Hashirama,"Maybe in the next life, I'll be a good person in the next life"

"Just be an ordinary ninja, don't be a Hokage anymore, it's not for you."

Uchiha Sasuke,"This world and the parallel world are all about stealing the seal book."

"Sarutobi Hiruzen's emotions are also quite helpless"

"In this world, Sarutobi Hiruzen was helpless because Uzumaki Naruto's strength was growing too slowly. He designed him to steal the Book of Seals."

"In a parallel world, Sarutobi Hiruzen was helpless because Uzumaki Naruto stole the Book of Seals......."

Uzumaki Naruto,"......"

"Sasuke, what do you want to say? Just say it directly, don't beat around the bush!"

Yamanaka Ino,"Uzumaki Naruto, don't misunderstand me, it's nothing, I guess Sasuke just suddenly felt inspired and said��"

"I shouldn't have said that your ability is too weak."

【Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke used the Thunder Release Kirin to destroy Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen's house. This matter just passed by so easily.】

【It also made Uchiha Sasuke realize once again that as long as you have the strength, you can uphold justice.】

【You can get back everything you lost.】

【Uchiha Sasuke once again asked Uzumaki Naruto for help, hoping that he could find a way to improve the power of his Sharingan.】

【Regarding this, Uzumaki Naruto had no idea for a while.】

【He just knew that in order to improve the Sharingan, he needed strong mental stimulation.】

【At least in those days, it was for this reason that Uchiha Sasuke opened the Sharingan on the night of the genocide.】

【After thinking about it, Uzumaki Naruto proposed a plan to Uchiha Sasuke】

【"At present, the only source of information about your people and the Sharingan that we can get is probably from Danzo."】

【"When he arrived last night, we both sensed a strange odor from him."】

【Uchiha Sasuke recalled again, and his hatred for Danzo was also increasing.】

【"Danzo must have collected the bodies of my people, or I suspect that Danzo was carrying the dug-out Sharingan."】

【"Or rather, the eye that was covered had already been replaced with a Sharingan in secret."】

【"Naruto, help me, I think if we continue investigating this line, we will definitely find something shocking."】

【Uzumaki Naruto said that this was naturally no problem, as a deep bond had already been formed between the two of them.】

【Afterwards, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke went to find Kakashi and asked him about this matter.】

【On the night of the genocide, Kakashi, as an Anbu member, was present and should have participated in the removal of the bodies.】

【Kakashi clarified some information. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【"As the Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen would naturally not be affected by these causes and effects."】

【"The Dark Danzo of Naruto, led by the Root, was responsible for dealing with the corpses"】

【"Your suspicion is very reasonable. Danzo must have the Sharingan."】

【"Moreover, I guess something must have changed in Danzo. Not long after the night of the genocide, his aura became increasingly cold and cruel."】

【"His arms have changed."】

【Uzumaki Naruto frowned, and then asked the knowledgeable Jiraiya】

【Jilai also gave some useful information】

【"Your suspicion is reasonable. Perhaps Orochimaru conducted some terrible experiment on Danzo......."】

【This was not the first time that Uzumaki Naruto had heard of Orochimaru. He had read about him in a book before. He was an extremely dangerous traitor.】

【Jiraiya said with memories on his face.】

【"The reason why Orochimaru defected from the village was related to human experiments."】

【"As far as I know, Danzo and he have cooperation"】

【"The approximate distribution is like this: Danzo is responsible for providing funds and research materials to Orochimaru, and Orochimaru is in charge of the research."】

【"Once upon a time, they actually researched something, integrating the cells of the first Hokage, Hashirama, into a child, allowing him to successfully use Wood Release."】

【Jiraiya's words immediately let Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke know that Orochimaru's achievements in scientific research】

【Uzumaki Naruto even proposed a bold idea】

【"Teacher Jiraiya, do you think it is possible to transplant the Sharingan onto Danzo's hidden arm?"】

【Regarding this question, Jiraiya thought about it for a while and then replied】

【"It sounds incredible, but if it is linked to Orochimaru, it is very likely to become a reality."】

【"After all, Orochimaru was able to use Hashirama's cells to cultivate a Wood Release Ninja."】

【"Senju Hashirama is known as the God of Ninja World. His cells have infinite activity."】

0Request flowers0

【Uchiha Sasuke was moved. If reality was really as Uzumaki Naruto said, then he would understand.】

【Why, when he saw Danzo, he was so disgusted, and even his Sharingan was a little agitated?】

【The other person is likely to be carrying the Uchiha clan's Sharingan. 】

Jiraiya,"I knew that the Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world has such a clear mind."

"I'll definitely think of this line."

"I wonder if Uchiha Sasuke in the parallel world will be stimulated to open his Mangekyō Sharingan when he finds out the truth."

Kakashi,"Is the truth really as Uzumaki Naruto and the others guessed?""

"If so. This is disgusting."

Ohnoki,"People like Danzo would do anything to increase their strength."

"He is disgusting enough, and he is not afraid of being more disgusting."

The Fourth Raikage,"I think their speculation is reasonable."

"It is understandable that Danzo made some sacrifices in order to become Hokage."

Namikaze Minato," Actually, at this point, we can basically infer what Danzo's mysterious right arm is."

"It should be Orochimaru who transplanted Hashirama Senju's cells into Danzo's body."

"Then the Uchiha clan's Sharingan was transplanted on it."

"After all, Hashirama's cells are very active, so this is completely possible."

"I also suspect that the eye he hides is actually a Sharingan."

Uchiha Sasuke,"If you speculate about him like this, then this Danzo is really a hidden big shot."

"He is doing these things in secret to be the mastermind behind the scenes."

Hinata Hyuga,"It feels like the more you talk, the more terrifying it is. I finally understand why Naruto-kun and the others are so cautious."

"You never know how strong the enemy you are facing is."

"Before launching the final attack, you must reach the limit of what you can achieve to be safe."

"Otherwise, you will put yourself in a passive position and learn"

【Based on this judgment, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke paid more attention to Danzo.】

【"If it is true that Danzo has many Sharingans as we speculate, then he is extremely powerful."】

【"However, he was still able to endure it and was not angry at our rude behavior. He is really an amazing person."】

【Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke found that the more they knew, the more they felt that their strength was still not strong enough.】

【Including Sarutobi Hiruzen, Uzumaki Naruto also asked, and the information given by Jiraiya was that the other party had the strength to fight one-on-one with anyone.】

【In this way, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke knew that they still needed to become stronger.】

【In their minds, the revenge of the two should be bloodless, with only the enemy dying. They don't want to cause tragedy again after fighting for so many years.】

【Uzumaki Naruto continues to comprehend the Flying Thunder God Technique】

【Time passed like this, and Uzumaki Naruto also achieved some results in the Flying Thunder God Technique.】

【After forming the seal, his body quickly appeared dozens of meters away, as if it had flashed.】

【Uzumaki Naruto has already mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique of Tobirama Senju.】

【But he also found a problem, that is, he was still far from the golden flash.】

【The most powerful aspect of this Flying Thunder God Technique is that it can be activated instantly and disappear and reappear in an instant.】

【Uzumaki Naruto is still studying how to use the technique instantly. 】

Namikaze Minato,"I feel relieved to see Naruto following the path I was thinking at that time."

"It makes people sigh, Naruto is already 10 years old, time flies by so fast."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Yes, Naruto is growing up very fast too."

"I'm afraid that by the time he is 23 or 24 years old at most, he will be able to surpass the level of Kage, establish a country, and unify the world."

"The dream of a world of peace may come true soon, and it is something we are really looking forward to."

【That evening, the shadow clone sent to monitor Danzo returned to report.】

【Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke immediately took advantage of the night and ran out of the village.】

【They followed Danzo to see what the other party was going to do.】

【"This old guy's usual route is always very fixed, and he always stays in the village."】

【"Today, a member of his base came back to report, and then he left the village in the evening. It must be because of an important event."】

【Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke followed Danzo all the way, over mountains and across rivers, and came to another place.】

【At a seemingly gloomy meeting place, the person who was meeting Danzo this time appeared.】

【The pupils of Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke shrank slightly】

【"It's Orochimaru"】

【"The two of them have been in contact secretly."】

【"Our guess is probably correct......."seven】.

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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